EU to endorse splitting Jerusalem?

I I think it's about time Israel engages in some middle-finger diplomacy.

uh ? It's been their policy since the birth of the country. And this includes the pre-diaspora country of a coupla thousands years ago. They've always shown the finger to all their neighbors, and always will.
Quite frankly, I'm tired of hearing about the Middle East. Can we find some other source of fuel already?!?
Palestinians started the 6 Day War?

Israel did, but it was a pre-emptive attack (or however it's spelled).
BTW back then there were no "Palestinians" they were Jordans living in the west bank.
Israel did, but it was a pre-emptive attack (or however it's spelled).
BTW back then there were no "Palestinians" they were Jordans living in the west bank.

And if you go even further back, they were all part of Jordan -until Churchill decided to split it from he rest of it, that is.
Colonel advocates removing all US citizens\troops etc from the middle east. Then level the whole dang place. Should only take between 10 and 15 MIRV ICBMs. Then allow no one into that region for at least 75 - 100 years. Then most problems in the world are solved. Repeat process for any new problems.
You mean that winner claim Palestine as an inalienable part of Czech Republic?:rolleyes:

Hm. I was going for the similarities of supporting policies of ethnic repression, stolen land and the slow destruction of the an ethnic group.
Clarify a bit?
What kind of ethic repression and destruction of an ethic group are you talking about?
And what land is being stolen from the Tibetan?
You know, I can't support something that don't exist.
92.8% population in Tibet is Tibetan, their population has more than doubled since 1950, and is still growing steadly in a much faster rate than the Han Chinese. (Natual growth rate in Tibet is 11.1‰ in 2003, while 6.01‰ in other parts of China. ) Doesn't sounds a good way to "derstruct an ethic group" to me.
Clarify a bit?
What kind of ethic repression and destruction of an ethic group are you talking about?
And what land is being stolen from the Tibetan?
You know, I can't support something that don't exist.
92.8% population in Tibet is Tibetan, their population has more than doubled since 1950, and is still growing steadly in a much faster rate than the Han Chinese. (Natual growth rate in Tibet is 11.1‰ in 2003, while 6.01‰ in other parts of China. ) Doesn't sounds a good way to "derstruct an ethic group" to me.

Han Chinese are in somewhere that did not have any significant Han Chinese population before 1950, and had vast autonomy before China took over. Doesnt mean its a bad thing. Surely China will come to a day when it has to do deal with nationalist sentiment in Xinjiang(East Turkestan) and Tibet and get immensely embarrased by it.
How could Jerusalem be the capital of both an Israeli and Palestinian state if the two will never be able to coexist?
Touché. The whole so-called peace process is a sham. Peace in that particular area will never be achieved with negotiations and even if it is, it will not last. The lands simply isn't big enough for both the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Han Chinese are in somewhere that did not have any significant Han Chinese population before 1950, and had vast autonomy before China took over. Doesnt mean its a bad thing. Surely China will come to a day when it has to do deal with nationalist sentiment in Xinjiang(East Turkestan) and Tibet and get immensely embarrased by it.

Sure, I'm aware of these facts.
But Aronnax's claim that Chinese is stealing Tibeten land and destructing them as an ethic group is just laughable. Chinese control over Tibet is solely for strategic concern, it's not like that we all want to rush to Tibet to acquire some “fertile arable land” or buid some fancy villas. Heck, I won't live in Tibet even if the government promise to pay me 50000 yuan each year for doing it.
Sure, I'm aware of these facts.
But Aronnax's claim that Chinese is stealing Tibeten land and destructing them as an ethic group is just laughable. Chinese control over Tibet is solely for strategic concern, it's not like that we all want to rush to Tibet to acquire some fertile arable land or buid some fancy villas. Heck, I won't live in Tibet even if the government promise to pay me 50000 yuan each year for doing it.

Well, for Tibetan nationalists, that what they see China as. It all depends on how you see it, I guess. I believe that Tibetans themselves are divided into two camps: those who are grateful to the CCP for immensesly improving their lives as well as providing them protection, as well as a seperatist group who hate China for blood drawn during the Cultural Revolution, and who sees Chinese occupation as beneficial, yet paid at the price of national integrity and Tibetan lives.
Well, for Tibetan nationalists, that what they see China as. It all depends on how you see it, I guess. I believe that Tibetans themselves are divided into two camps: those who are grateful to the CCP for immensesly improving their lives as well as providing them protection, as well as a seperatist group who hate China for blood drawn during the Cultural Revolution, and who sees Chinese occupation as beneficial, yet paid at the price of national integrity and Tibetan lives.

That's exactly my perception of the Tibet problem.
Anyway, we'd better not to threadjack anymore:mischief:,
after all, it's aout Jerusalem, not Lhasa.
Well, we could take it. Except were not to popular in Israel at the moment. I say give Jerusalem to Jamaica. They don't have any haters to they?

Have'nt seen any Norwegian-hate recently in my beloved country, we now have an anti-swedish fashion.
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