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Explosion In London

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Well I don't live near London, but I do use an underground Railway twice a day when I travel to and from work in Liverpool. I was going to use a ferry to cross the Mersey this evening, and then I thought that's just giving these scum what they want, us to change our way of life out of fear of them, so I took the train.

Condolences to Londoners, I spoke to a few today (My job entails taking vacancies to be placed in jobcentres so I get calls from all across the UK) and the general feeling seemed to be that if these swine think this is going to adversely affect Londoners they're in for a shock.
JoeM said:
I'm back home now - the river service was commandeered to give free transport home (I left a tip anyway) Thanks Lads!

Oddly quiet the commuters were, but the tour guide of the boat gave some jokes and tales to cheer us up. It was a tourist boat, so he continued his stories of London's history. It go me to thinking about all the things this city has faced, and put these events into perspective...

Strange to hear when I got that there were only four explosions, three on tube trains, one on a bus after all the other information earlier.
Glad to hear it Joe! Thanks for reporting back! A lot of info will no doubt be very different in a week's time.

(well done on that tour guide :thumbsup: )
I feel awfully pitty-
for all the Christians and Muslims and Jewish and Buddists
British and not British
Communists, Social-Democrats, Conservatives
White, Brown, Red or Yellow
Huge- small, Old - young, slim - fat
human beings which where killed, injured, scared to death.
- [today, where ever, by whom ever - and tomorrow]
My condolences to the people of London and all of the UK. I have a feeling these attacks will have the exact opposite effect of what the terrorists intended. Just remember not to start pointing fingers until you have all the facts.

I recall seeing the building (a bank I believe) in downtown London that had been destroyed by an IRA bombing when I was studying there. It was only a month or so after the blast, and rebuilding was already well under way. I am sure that this will not affect your way of life, and that is the most effective reaction you can have against terrorism.
eyrei said:
I have a feeling these attacks will have the exact opposite effect of what the terrorists intended.
Many seem to have forgotten that this is the same thing as what happens when westerners hit nation "harbouring terrorists".

If you think you can scare them to stop, you are wrong.

Terror creates terror.

I'm pretty sure who are the "losers" and real casualties in this war.

Moderator Action: If you want to discuss the root causes of terrorism, do it in another thread. Eyrei.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
Just remember not to start pointing fingers until you have all the facts.

The Liverpool* Echo's evening edition has already jumped ahead of you on this one. It's 3rd page screams the headline "al-Qaida did it" or words to that affect and has already made up it's mind. Considering it's my local paper I'm seriously considering writing a letter of complaint.

*For those who don't know, Liverpool is in the NW of England, think The Beatles.
sorry but theres no doubt that this is a terrorist attack, but by whom its not really clear because if it was the Al-queda wouldnt you think M16 would have gotten wind of the operaton?
Oh my ****ing god. Today i went with college to a special business conference in london. We were actually on the tube and we got off the train and were told that we were being evacuated. Not knowing what the hell went on one of my friends got a call from her parents who were panicing like crazy and explained that on the news they were talking about a terrorist bomb attack on london.
Anyway, got home about an hour ago and wow. i dont know what to say.
Last account i heard was 33 dead, and 40+ in a critical condition, and a unknown number of dead on the bus that got bombed.
Shocked is all i have to say, especially since i was in london at the time.
Good to see you made it Bob, and all the others who made it :)

sorry but theres no doubt that this is a terrorist attack, but by whom its not really clear because if it was the Al-queda wouldnt you think M16 would have gotten wind of the operaton?

Well of course there's no doubt as to the nature of the attack, I just have problems with the press pre-judging who they think did it before the evidence has been looked at :rolleyes:
Sickman said:
Many seem to have forgotten that this is the same thing as what happens when westerners hit nation "harbouring terrorists".

If you think you can scare them to stop, you are wrong.

Terror creates terror.

I'm pretty sure who are the "losers" and real casualties in this war.

As a favourite band of mine said about terrorists:

"There's no democracy in the church of blood..."

My condolences to Londoners and all people that have been affected by this attack.
Prayers for the people of London.
Acknowledged, Eyrei.
Should have known better.

I'm very sorry if somebody was offended, especially someone directly or indirectly affected by this cruelsome terrorist act.

My heart is with the victims.
My grandfather lives in London and i havent heard from him :sad:
i really dont know i have lived over here in the states all my life i only see him when i go over to birmingham and he comes to visit, but besides that i havent heard anything from him all day, and my mom is upset. i might just have to fly over and see whats going on
I'm an Arab-American and I am thankful that the economy is doing reasonably well. If there were a depression, I'd be shaking in my boots for fear of being mobbed.

There is something that angers me profoundly about the people who probably executed the attack. They claim to be Muslims, even though the killing of innocent civilians is strictly forbidden by Islamic law (if you actually read it right) and they hinder the progress that millions of Muslims are trying to make in building bridges to other people. These few, a hundred thousand at the most, are giving a billion people, fully one-sixth of the global population, a really bad name, and putting a substantial number of them in a truly nasty situation, with the threat of hate crimes constantly looming.
Looks like al-Qaeda strikes again.

A while back, they found an AQ document basically laying out that organization's grand strategy. It was, in short, to attack American allies in the hope that once they realized sticking with America would result in attacks, they would abandon America.

It worked in Spain, now it looks like they're trying Great Britain.
-=King=- said:
i really dont know i have lived over here in the states all my life i only see him when i go over to birmingham and he comes to visit, but besides that i havent heard anything from him all day, and my mom is upset. i might just have to fly over and see whats going on

What I say isn't gospel, but unless he goes to work in the city there is nothing to worry about. Even if he does the odds of him being one hurt are very small. IIRC a million or more commute into London everyday and only a few hundred have been directly involved in these events.
Looks like al-Qaeda strikes again.

Looks like doesn't mean it was. I'll wait for some evidence before jumping to conclusions about the guilty party myself.
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