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Explosion In London

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Lockesdonkey said:
I'm an Arab-American and I am thankful that the economy is doing reasonably well. If there were a depression, I'd be shaking in my boots for fear of being mobbed.

There is something that angers me profoundly about the people who probably executed the attack. They claim to be Muslims, even though the killing of innocent civilians is strictly forbidden by Islamic law (if you actually read it right) and they hinder the progress that millions of Muslims are trying to make in building bridges to other people. These few, a hundred thousand at the most, are giving a billion people, fully one-sixth of the global population, a really bad name, and putting a substantial number of them in a truly nasty situation, with the threat of hate crimes constantly looming.

Moderator Action: Language removed. Eyrei.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889As mentioned earlier there's been a bias in reporting to emphasise the muslim Brits who have witnessed these events, and it's a good thing too.

These people should be treated like common criminals when they are caught.
SeleucusNicator said:
Looks like al-Qaeda strikes again.

A while back, they found an AQ document basically laying out that organization's grand strategy. It was, in short, to attack American allies in the hope that once they realized sticking with America would result in attacks, they would abandon America.

It worked in Spain, now it looks like they're trying Great Britain.

Great Britain will not fall to petty terrorist attacks... :mad:
Yet more senseless violence, and it is always the innocents who pay the price. I am saddened and shocked by this atrocity. My sincere condolences to the people of London and the rest of the UK.
A sad day. My heart goes out to all fellow Londoners, and all those affected by this morning's events.

I for one, am extremely impressed by the way in which the situation was handled, and the professionalism and sense of calm that was demonstrated, not only by the authorities, but also by members of the public. I often find it hard to find a reason for being proud to be British, but today certainly gave me one.
JoeM said:
What I say isn't gospel, but unless he goes to work in the city there is nothing to worry about. Even if he does the odds of him being one hurt are very small. IIRC a million or more commute into London everyday and only a few hundred have been directly involved in these events.

He works and lives in London...idk im going to try and call him again but i seriously doubt anythings happened and to all of my countrymen and woman i hope that everything gets better soon in London, and dont let these attacks make you afraid, be proud that you are a free country
privatehudson said:
Looks like doesn't mean it was. I'll wait for some evidence before jumping to conclusions about the guilty party myself.

Well, there's a lot of reasons that somebody might want to attack Great Britain. It's a close US ally, it just got the Olympics, it has the EU leadership (and is trying to move the EU away from the French/German vision), etc.

Or it could just be home-grown anarchists. Heck, it could even be the Irish.

But this does fit into al-Qaeda's grand strategy and methods of operation, that's all I'm saying.
I dont know if it was Al-queda or not. Theres several possibilities for groups big enough and with enough reason to do it. IRA extremists such as those that attacked in the 70's and 80's, could be a group from iraq. Hell, it may even be a extremist group simply protesting the G8 summit (you cant get within 10 miles of the place, so it would be logical to attack somewhere else, but still get the messege across.)
Sad day indeed :(
SeleucusNicator said:
But this does fit into al-Qaeda's grand strategy and methods of operation, that's all I'm saying.

As it could for the motivations of many a group also.
chunkymonkey said:
A sad day. My heart goes out to all fellow Londoners, and all those affected by this morning's events.

I for one, am extremely impressed by the way in which the situation was handled, and the professionalism and sense of calm that was demonstrated, not only by the authorities, but also by members of the public. I often find it hard to find a reason for being proud to be British, but today certainly gave me one.

Be proud that you are british mate :) Great Britain has had a long and very influencing history on planet earth. Remember the saying in 1897 "The sun never set's on the British Empire" British Empire
looks like it never did either :)
The PM referred to Islamic terrorists after the emergency cabinet meeting, which implies he had evidence put before him in that meeting. He wouldn't have used that language if it wasn't strong evidence.

Kudos to the British Muslims association for utterly condemning the violence, and the PM for mentioning them and reminding everyone that Islam is not the problem.

@Eyrie: Apologies, my temper is starting to fray.
There was a specialist on BBC-24, who said there was a report from just before the bus
exploded, that a bus 'driver' was asking people what street he was on...That struck me as sinister.

More info will come about what plans these attackers used...

I think this is directly related to Iraq. I fail to see what else it could be.
The IRA isn't a viable terrorist group anymore; not since they're decommissioning.

However, on thing I'm seeing makes me proud to be British, is the sense of solidarity.

Just to express my solidarity to all British people and the victims in particular.
Politics aside, this is just obscene. There is nothing that can justify this kind of action. Not only because its barbaric, but also because its plain stupid. If those savages have any objectives ( wich im franckly starting to doubt ) they will never achieve them through this. It will only increase our anger in the west and our resolve to hunt them till the last one. And if they keep on coming we will keep on hunting them down. Its a vicious cycle, and one that can only stop when senseless violence stops.

P.S. Ive read parts of the Corao. One needs to be a true psycopat to find something there that defends this kind of action.
nonconformist said:
I think this is directly related to Iraq. I fail to see what else it could be.

So why did Al-Qaeda attack NY? ...It wasn't Iraq was it?

Ignore what they publish and see their values for what they are. Doing what is right for the peoples of the world is part of our British values. However it may seem to others I believe that to be true.
nonconformist said:
I think this is directly related to Iraq. I fail to see what else it could be.
The IRA isn't a viable terrorist group anymore; not since they're decommissioning.

However, on thing I'm seeing makes me proud to be British, is the sense of solidarity.

arnt you french?
Emu, I'm half English, half French, born and bred in England, but I still love my countries.

Joe, I dunno why it happened in NY, and I'm not gonna go into it, but Iraq hasn't gianed us any favours, and it's made us a figure of hatred.
AQ attacked america because of its foreign policies (which have got 10 times worse since then) and the capitalist society which AQ felt was wrong or something along those lines. If some islamic group has attacked london, it'll be because of iraq.
The Real IRA terrorist organisation is still around, although they havent been active for a while, there is enough resentment to the UK for enough people to have a motive for a bombing.
farting bob said:
The Real IRA terrorist organisation is still around, although they havent been active for a while, there is enough resentment to the UK for enough people to have a motive for a bombing.

The IRA wouldn't attack, because they're not stupid, they're decomissioning, and becauas,e quite frankly, they don't use those methods any more.
The IRA were very quick to deny any involvement.

They stand to lose too much from restarting hostilities...

This kind of attack would be the end of them, and they know it.

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