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Explosion In London

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Rik Meleet said:
Denmark, Netherlands and Italy is what I've been hearing.

"try to put it off sooner or later" ? They've got an impressive success-rate. I don't recall ever hearing of a large scale AQ attack being discovered just in time.
Well Im not sure if it was pros like AQ, but the Brits did stop Muslim terrorists in the planning process before.
The appearance of Middle Eastern style suicide bombers in the West is a disturbing development. This could be the start of a new escalated phase of attacks against the West.
Azadre, you for sure aren't helping to avoid the dangers that you state.

if you have "alla akbar"


"Say: He, Allah, is One. Allah is He on Whom all depend. He begets not, nor is He begotten. And none is like Him" - Holy Qur'an 112:1-4
Ashhadu Alla Ilaha Illa Allah Wa Ashhadu Anna Muhammadun rasulu'Llah"

in your signature you should be very gentle in your post that is about a terrorist attack that accured today. Like "my condolence to friends and familiy.", and show that muslims are very helpful and compassioned.
You should NOT post your personal concerns about what impact this might have on muslims, thoes post can be made the rest of the year.
Well, all I can say is: it could have been much worse. 90 dead/injured is nothing to snuff at but what if they had attacked Big Ben or the Tower Bridge? As people have been saying the police's attention was focused directly on the G8 summit, they could very well have slipped in. Fortunately, this event will probably bring an increase in funding and personnel in London's police force so that there will not be a next time.

The terrorists will never win against Britannia.
Theres no doubt that theres going to be a next time, theres no way you can prevent a person from blowing himself up on a bus or train, or anywhere else. The Israelis are no slouches and they havent been able to manage it, and are now building a giant wall to protect themselves.
Rik Meleet said:
However, I will not change my life on any detail at all. If you let fear of terrorists (or a desire for retaliation for that matter) come into your life; the terrorists have won. And I won't change anything in my life if AQ does strike my country, or even my city; even if people I love are amongst the victims. I love life too much to have it taken away from me.

Good post, all thoughts go out to those affected by these attacks but we cannot let them intimidate us. I am sure Britain and Londoners in general will not, this is not the first time we have been bombed.
I live just off Edgware road and people around the local market (church street market) still don’t know what is going on, its weird to think that so many people all over the world know about it and yet just down the road nobody has the faintest idea that anything is out of the ordinary.....
I don't feel it is right to discuss this topic now, I only want to offer my heartfelt condolences and sympathies to those related to the victims of these terrible acts.
I also want to offer my condolences.

I also hopes this strengthens the west's resolve. It may take years but the war on terrorism will be won.
fe3333au said:
Jeez LoughlinNR ... that must be very surreal for you

it feels as it didnt really happen, im just happy my sister didnt get that train (she was running late) and hopefully the effected families will get all the help and support they need
Damn this is terrible. A sad day indeed for London, and just after they won the bid for the Olympics too. :sad:

Condolences for all those affected. :(
My sympathy and support to all who lost loved ones and have been affected by this terrorist act.
Soft targets, alot of suffering for nothing that will simply convince more people in this country that we must be doing something right if these vile people are annoyed with us. If terrorists think this flea-bite of an attack will achieve anything, they are much mistaken.

My sympathies to the victims and their families and relief not more have died.
Latest report from the police, live on BBC 6 o'clock news, 1 minute ago:

Casualties: 700ish

Confirmed deaths: 37
kittenOFchaos said:
If terrorists think this flea-bite of an attack will achieve anything, they are much mistaken.

We seldom agree, KoC - But on this I can say you have it 150% correct.


And I want to say that up here in Scotland, everyone I have spoken to feels outrage at the events today.

Scots and English may have been at loggerheads in the past, but we fight wars side by side and have an understanding:

Attack this island, and you have all the nations in the UK to answer to!

I'm back home now - the river service was commandeered to give free transport home (I left a tip anyway) Thanks Lads!

Oddly quiet the commuters were, but the tour guide of the boat gave some jokes and tales to cheer us up. It was a tourist boat, so he continued his stories of London's history. It go me to thinking about all the things this city has faced, and put these events into perspective...

Strange to hear when I got that there were only four explosions, three on tube trains, one on a bus after all the other information earlier.
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