Explosion In London

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CoolioVonHoolio said:
FRENCH random nutcases! they're mad they didnt get the olympics.

Thats not exactly a funny connection to make...

The BBC website worked on the second attempt for me so it looks like it is being hit with high demand.
Rambuchan said:
The police have now publicly blamed this on Al Q
I think AQ would have done this yesterday, to maximize casualties. But who knows at this point.
CoolioVonHoolio said:
i bet its some angry french guys, their mad they're didnt get the olympics.
I do hope you were not trying to be funny ... if so it was in bad taste ... :thumbdown

Anyway good news for me ... my friend who left for UK is safe and sound :banana:

Oh and Blaire will be addressing the nation very soon ...
Bartleby said:
I agree that we should not leap to conclusions, but bombs in rush-hour transportation seems like going for maximum casualtie to me.
Well, precisely.
It's rush-hour time, and still it doesn't seems to have a lot of deaths, and it seems that most wounded were able to walk. Like if the charges have been planted precisely to explode in a way that cause minimal deaths.

So it's maybe a sort of "warning", like "you see, we can bomb you right into the rush hour, we've been nice this time, but imagine what it could become if we go for maximum casualties".
You have to remember that Al Qaeda is not a single organisation, but an umbrella group. So it could well be them because they don't necessarily have a single purpose. It's more likely it's them than anti-globalisation anarchists, but I wouldn't be ruling anything out at the moment.

I do doubt it's the IRA, though. They're more involved in political settlements now. But IRA attacks in the past may have prepared Londoners quite well in responding to these attacks.
Akka said:
So it's maybe a sort of "warning", like "you see, we can bomb you right into the rush hour, we've been nice this time, but imagine what it could become if we go for maximum casualties".
Which is what makes me think AQ might not be responsible. AQ doesnt give 'nice' warnings.


  • Mainstreaming Terrorists pg 11.jpg
    Mainstreaming Terrorists pg 11.jpg
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It's chaos here.

Clearly the authorities are not giving the full details to avoid panics.

6 buses have exploded, blasts on the underground, tube and buses closed completely. Major disruptions to other rail services, roads are packed, some terrible injuries and fatalities increasing with every update.

Almost certainly Al-Qaeda but we'll have to wait for confirmation.
fe3333au said:
I do hope you were not trying to be funny ... if so it was in bad taste ...
everyone thinks im trying to be funny! im not, did you see the videos of the french when they heard their not getting the olympics? what if some guys wernt right in the head? and they decided to go blow stuff up in london? it could happen nowadays. when they find out who did it; if its not the french i will apologize.
Here is the second page of the article, which doesn't appear on the thread cos my pic host is bust.


  • Mainstreaming Terrorists pg 22.jpg
    Mainstreaming Terrorists pg 22.jpg
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JoeM said:
No one get upset about jokes - we're here in Central London, and we're joking about it.
It's a natural stress response.
And I'm not anywhere near in Central London and I'm joking.
I don't stress either.
First thought of mine was "Marla..."

But really, we shouldn't be joking about this.
There are victims.
They have families.
:sad: :(
Whoever done it = bastards. Probably AQ but theres a few other candidates- anti globisation anarchists etc. To early to tell.
There's a report of an unexploded bomb in Brighton now.
Bozo Erectus said:
Which is what makes me think AQ might not be responsible. AQ doesnt give 'nice' warnings.

This does meet their modus operandi, though. A coordinated attack at rush hour on transportation. It seems like a squib compared to 9/11, but they don't have the capability or opportunity at the moment to pull off another 9/11. Look at the Madrid bombings. That was AQ, but a comparitivly small toll when compared to New York.
JoeM said:

I've been listening to the Met Chief and heard no such.
BBC News 24. All I am posting is what I am hearing and watching on BBC news 24. Sky is back up intermittently now, so I am getting some info out of that also.
FRENCH random nutcases! they're mad they didnt get the olympics.

Well we new zealanders know that the french have no problem using terrorism to get there way. But no time for jokes, im sure the casulites will be large, and no one deared make jokes about 9/11 the same day or week. I hope everyone from civ fanatics is ok, and everyones familiys it sucks so much.
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