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Extra Traits for C2C

Thanks for the apology. Sorry if I've been reacting a bit hot under the collar myself.

The starting trait on a developing trait line should definitely not be the same as the non-developing leader trait. These tags aren't the only ones subject to this kind of era coloring on how valuable they are. They only highlight the issue because they are so very obviously era coloring. But when you take a close appraisal, there's numerous tags like this alread... just not to the same extreme.

For example, what good are trade routes when you have only one city? Would you say that in the beginning, when the game opens and you start your first city, that the value of +3 :hammers: would be drastically different to the value of +3 :hammers: when the game is more progressed and you have buildings giving +10 at once?

Truth is, anything that is non-scaling, such as % modifiers for example, are going to have variable impact depending on the needs of the era.

Therefore, development of the base 0 traits are very tough because you have to be able to somehow try to get a game balance established between them that encompasses the whole game front to back.

Surely, too, those traits, being as they are the only ones the player will get in a non-developing leaderheads game, should be quite a bit stronger in effect than the ones that you first achieve in the Prehistoric era on a Developing Leaderheads game shouldn't they? In that game, you're going to have a lot more coming so they shouldn't be as strong and the impact should be poignant to the beginning of the game rather than be setting up a balance with the whole game in mind.

DL gives us a development platform on which we can introduce effects that wouldn't otherwise be appropriate but lets also consider that not all effects on the 0 level traits are equally appropriate for the 1st lvl traits on DL.

Besides, there's nothing wrong with aiming to please a crowd with a new system. If we all wanted vanilla play we wouldn't be downloading a mod in the first place.
I apoligize for putting words into your mouth. The thing is, even if you are 'tempting' them into that it still doesn't make sense to me. Unless you (or slick) change things to decouple the core traits from the leveling ones

Of course noob :lol:
Thats why I pointed out the difference b/w iLinePriorities>0 & iLinePriorities>1
No idea why I was inclined to do that, since your traits have more features, are more balanced and diverse.. I need every advantage I can get ;)
Of course noob :lol:
Thats why I pointed out the difference b/w iLinePriorities>0 & iLinePriorities>1
No idea why I was inclined to do that, since your traits have more features, are more balanced and diverse.. I need every advantage I can get ;)

Yes, but they aren't different right now, even if the can be. And I haven't seen a major update to the Core traits since January.
I don't want to update the svn with my developing leader traits until they're done, otherwise it'd be a mess.
I don't want to update the svn with my developing leader traits until they're done, otherwise it'd be a mess.

OK, makes sense. I'll have my set up by sometime this week, which will show what I see as the ideal* complete implementation of Developing Leaderheads.

*Except for a couple things I'm not doing for now, I'll explain that when I commit the update.
I felt I explained it in specific terms in the SVN thread. Did you have any further questions on that matter?
* OOS repair on Developing Leaders

* Developing Leader design adjustment: Negative Trait selections may now remove a positive trait instead.

* Developing Leader design adjustment: The mechanism was also upgraded for additional tier considerations on negative traits, which was not initially considered to be an intended design feature.

* Developing Leader design adjustment: Negative trait selections now come every other level after the 2nd rather than every 3rd.
The 'mechanism update' was just an adaptation to the ai and a new function to assist in enabling negative trait tiers which I'd not initially planned for - a debug for a situation that would've emerged once negative trait tiers were in place.
Haven't had the time to finish the developing leader traits off yet. Hopefully i'll find the time soon. Sorry.

Too busy playing AND is more like it! :p :mischief:

JosEPh :yup:

Too busy playing AND is more like it! :p :mischief:

JosEPh :yup:

Blasphemy i say, just plain Blasphemy!!:p

I got my infraction for almost the same thing you just said and on Christmas DAY:sad:
could you add option for "pure positive traits" (to have positive traits pure and negative traits impure)? because negative traits are only fun when they are impure, and I may prefer some positive traits to be pure because of high drawback. I'm goin to play developing leaderheads, and selecting pure traits doesn't actually do exactly what i want.

also how to see full list of traits? (civilopedia is not an option sadly)
could you add option for "pure positive traits" (to have positive traits pure and negative traits impure)? because negative traits are only fun when they are impure, and I may prefer some positive traits to be pure because of high drawback. I'm goin to play developing leaderheads, and selecting pure traits doesn't actually do exactly what i want.

also how to see full list of traits? (civilopedia is not an option sadly)

What's wrong with the civilopedia?

I'm going to say no on this one. I understand the concept and the motivation behind it. But we've already had complaints on how many trait options there are. Not that it would be tough to setup... perhaps I'd be more happy to establish something along those lines once we have a more organized page for game option setups.
what wrong with civilopedia?
nothing for a normal player, but it shows only traits with curent options (pure or not, focused or not etc) and i wanted to have wider view.

anyway i found trait xml files and seems like while barely readable (curse the xml, why firaxis doesn't use json?), they are under hand without reloading game.

are any balancing planned for base set of traits? because spiritual is a killer for multiple religions (-2happy for non-state religion, which i suggest out). on other hand i seem to like the focused traits, but anyway ls612 made his negative trats too pure as for my taste... should i post suggestions for ls612traits/focused traits in his thread? guess yes...

anyway, I wish play developing leaders, and looked into and it seems that traits like philosophical II are planned but not yet implemented - when you suppose to implement them, and how they would look like?
what wrong with civilopedia?
nothing for a normal player, but it shows only traits with curent options (pure or not, focused or not etc) and i wanted to have wider view.

anyway i found trait xml files and seems like while barely readable (curse the xml, why firaxis doesn't use json?), they are under hand without reloading game.

are any balancing planned for base set of traits? because spiritual is a killer for multiple religions (-2happy for non-state religion, which i suggest out). on other hand i seem to like the focused traits, but anyway ls612 made his negative trats too pure as for my taste... should i post suggestions for ls612traits/focused traits in his thread? guess yes...

anyway, I wish play developing leaders, and looked into and it seems that traits like philosophical II are planned but not yet implemented - when you suppose to implement them, and how they would look like?
We initially had allowed all option sets to show in the civopedia as you're asking for but it ended up being overwhelmingly complicated to get any good info that way.

The traits are extremely in flux at this point, undergoing a lot of constant changes and adjustments as we adapt to the Developing Leader mechanism. As the question just before you puts forth, we're looking for the added tiers for traits to come very soon but we're not sure yet when exactly. Slick's workin' on it is all I can say there. In the meantime I continue to work more tags in for traits to work with and once I feel I've got all the tags I want in place, I'll be designing an option set as well. But yes, I'm sure ls612 would appreciate the feedback, as well as SGTSlick for the default traits. The more pointed you can make the feedback the better... what is it that makes one trait structure better than another regarding any given trait? They're listening for apt feedback of this nature, but not many people are talking (yet ;) )
Why do Traits from Developing Leader have to have Bonus and Malus for Distance and Number of cities when Civics already covers this.

It's a laundry list on each trait. What happened to K.I.S.S.. :dunno:

And what is up with the Founding a religion? Is Multiple Religion Option in BUG broken? I get to Tengrii 1st and I do not get the Cut scene (when you found a religion and it then gets placed in a city). In fact I go into the Religion screen and there is No Founding date on Tengrii at all.

I Do Not have the new Religion Disabling Option checked, quite frankly I dislike it very much.

This is svn version 5366.

I think I'm not liking the direction the Mod has taken recently. Think I just might go back to SVN version 5295.

This Whole Trait thing should've been a Modmod.

JosEPh :(

How do levels of traits interact with the iYieldThresholds tag? Does it take the lowest threshold or is there some other wierd effect?
Why do Traits from Developing Leader have to have Bonus and Malus for Distance and Number of cities when Civics already covers this.

Because its one thing to have a civilization make progress by optimizing logistics per technology/civic and another one by attitude (trait) of its leader(s) or representatives in the especially excessive entourages.

It's a laundry list on each trait. What happened to K.I.S.S.. :dunno:

I like the traits very much just (and because) as diversified as they are. Enjoying my recent game with them, in different era the maintenenace really makesthe game shift nicely.

And what is up with the Founding a religion? Is Multiple Religion Option in BUG broken? I get to Tengrii 1st and I do not get the Cut scene (when you found a religion and it then gets placed in a city). In fact I go into the Religion screen and there is No Founding date on Tengrii at all.

I Do Not have the new Religion Disabling Option checked, quite frankly I dislike it very much.

Tengri is broken I think.

I have to agree, 'limited religion' is the option that allows you to start only one religion per game (so the techleader can't get all religions for example). You can spread other religions nevertheless just not have more than 1 holy city (although you can capture others) I used to play it sometimes but now I don't anymore.
Divine prophets, the other option means you reveive a prophet which you use to start a religion. I don't use it anymore either cause AI sometimes researches a religion tech first, then doesn't use the prophet it gets for founding of the religion and you as player don't know if it has been researched already so if you can get free prophet by being first. You still can found a religion you researched and that hasnt been founded by breeding a ghreat prophet.

I think I'm not liking the direction the Mod has taken recently.

Disagree 100% (nothing new for us two, right?)

This Whole Trait thing should've been a Modmod.

No. :p
I like the traits very much just (and because) as diversified as they are. Enjoying my recent game with them, in different era the maintenenace really makesthe game shift nicely.

And I don't like how spread out the traits are, which is why I made my option. So that people can have it either way depending on what they like.
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