Fall 2016 patch for Mac

Nelson Minar

Nov 9, 2001
The Fall 2016 patch is out for Civilization 6. But only on Windows, the Mac patch isn't out yet. I looked pretty hard and have found no mention of a Mac patch yet. Nothing from Aspyr on their twitter account, website, nor Steam forums. Hopefully it's coming soon, I just wish Firaxis, 2K, or Aspyr were better at communicating.
I fooled around with it a bit on bootcamp this morning. Didn't notice a huge difference in game play but some of the UI fixes were nice. Hopefully soon for us.
From Aspyr on Twitter:

Hey y'all. Won't be getting CivVIpatch out today, but cross-platform&new patch will be all in one in the near future. Thanks 4being awesome!
This tweet sounds like the fall patch won't be available on mac until the 60 day patch they talked about having crossplatform multiplayer on.
I hope that's not the case I'd really rather have the gameplay patch sooner.
What UI changes are there?

From the UI section of the patch notes:
• Added the number of specialists working a tile.
• Added some additional icons for espionage, promotions, etc.
• Added additional Civilopedia shortcuts, including right clicking a unit portrait.
• Added the signature to the diplomacy action view/deal view so that we can differentiate between duplicate players. Also added multiplayer screenname in diplomacy.
• Added Trade Route yields to the Reports screen.
• Added City Center to the City Breakdown panel.
• Added rewards and consequences to mission completed popups.
• Updated the leader-chooser when beginning a new game.
• Updated the end game Victory screen.
• Updated the multiplayer staging room.
• Updated city banners.
• Updated Espionage mission chooser flow.
• Updated to display what cities are getting amenities from each resource.
• Changed resource icon backings to reflect the type of resource it is.
• Auto-scroll to the first Great Person that can be claimed.
• Improved search functionality in the Civilopedia.
• Removed Barbarian data from player replay graphs.
• ESC now closes the Tech, Civic, and Eureka popups.
• When loading a game, the era blurb will be the current era of the saved game, rather than the starting era of the game.

You will find full Windows patch notes here: http://steamcommunity.com/games/289070/announcements/detail/646658987742411203
The Mac version being out as soon as it was I thought was a nice surprise.
That the patch takes longer, I guess is no big deal.
What I will be watching for is to see if the App Store version gets updated in a timely fashion.
It would be totally unacceptable for them to release it a month later for mac users. I understand releasing the full game a later date because of porting process.
I tweeted to Aspyr 10 minutes ago:

Any new news on this?

They responded:

Nothing new yet.
Earth to Aspyr!!!! seriously? its like, they go the game out right after launch. Now Firaxis is like, don't waste your time mac users now. You can just do that sh*t whenever you get a chance. What a cop out. Pretty disappointed.
It would be totally unacceptable for them to release it a month later for mac users.
It would be totally consistent with the pattern from III, IV, and V. Getting the 1.0 VI version as early as we did was really quite unusual.
It would be totally consistent with the pattern from III, IV, and V. Getting the 1.0 VI version as early as we did was really quite unusual.

That's fine. They can consistently abide by bad policy then. Civ 5 was such a pile of junk I stopped playing it got over a year until all the new expansions came out. I suppose I never noticed the lag time for patches.
Civ 5 was such a pile of junk I stopped playing it got over a year until all the new expansions came out.
I waited a year before buying V because I learned my lesson from IV.
Looks like I will be waiting on VI as well. At least the reviews for VI seem pretty positive. The early reviews for V were quite telling. But the Mac specific discrimination is all too familiar.
Considering the Fall Patch had issues on release that needed to be hot patched, and some issues still remain, I'm happy we don't get to play that yet ;) Let the issues be fixed.
I played the Mac version and was bored and frustrated. Nothing of consequence happened until suddenly the AI won. Am now playing the PC, patched version and like it a lot.
I played the Mac version and was bored and frustrated. Nothing of consequence happened until suddenly the AI won. Am now playing the PC, patched version and like it a lot.

good to hear.

Happy Thanksgiving Mac players. Enjoy your time off playing an unpatched game. Such BS.
well, as far as I can tell reading the forums, the modded AI+ is still superior to the patched AI... I'd like to have the patch, but it doesn't seem to be essential.
Heh, yeah, I play on a Mac, and I'd definitely like to get the patch — but it's mods that make Civ VI playable and enjoyable. I use these:
  • Divine Yuri's CityPanel
  • Unit Report Screen
  • Better Trade Screen
  • 8 Ages of Pace
  • Mads Tech Tree
And I'm telling you, together they make the game about a million times better than it was on release.
thanks for the list, qadams. I'll check that combination out. I've used Mads Tech Tree and 8 Ages of Pace. Haven't tried the other ones, but will do in my next game. I also like the theming bonus mod, that allows wonders to be themed.
Heh, yeah, I play on a Mac, and I'd definitely like to get the patch — but it's mods that make Civ VI playable and enjoyable. I use these:
  • Divine Yuri's CityPanel
  • Unit Report Screen
  • Better Trade Screen
  • 8 Ages of Pace
  • Mads Tech Tree
And I'm telling you, together they make the game about a million times better than it was on release.

Hi Qadams, do you mind sharing brief explanations of this mods and why you lik using them? I'm always curious what other Mac gamers are using and why. I just wish mods that only affect UI and playability without buffing or affecting difficulty didn't disable achievements.
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