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Fall Further - The Original Thread

It would be great and easy, but only if Vehem asks nicely. ;)

Also, does this one need to be stickied or locked? Should something about FF stay here as to redirect people to the other forum?
It would be great and easy, but only if Vehem asks nicely. ;)

Pretty please with sugar? :D

Also, does this one need to be stickied or locked? Should something about FF stay here as to redirect people to the other forum?

I suspect it'll be ok to just move this one - most people who are looking for it already will find it in the new location and those who haven't looked for it yet won't know the difference.
2 things i noticed...

Seems Kahd's intolerant trait has problems after loading saved game as it stop working and start using religions and building holy cities and holy things.

Somnium game works but I can't see any aptitude changing after using "bet my pride" option and winning.

Patch L -- Archos. Found a Python exception with Summon Frostling.
Spoiler :
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "CvSpellInterface", line 21, in canCast

  File "<string>", line 0, in ?

  File "CvSpellInterface", line 4122, in reqSummonFrostling

NameError: global name 'pCaster' is not defined
ERR: Python function canCast failed, module CvSpellInterface
Playing Decius as Malakim. As other people have mentioned, I don't seem to be able to build any Doviello units like Javelin throwers after capturing their cities.

Secondly, are you supposed to be able to build a captured Civ's Palace? I did just to see what would happened and my Malakim palace disappeared and I had to rebuild it, especially since I didn't see any benefit (might have been there, didn't see it) of having the Doviello palace.

Haven't seen this in FF yet, but recently in FfH I played the Amurites and was running around training people to cast skeletons and it seemed everyone could learn it and everyone could create skeletons; it was like having a poor man's fireball on every unit. I could create them w/o Death Mana too. Doesn't seem right.

For a bit, I activated the SITREP function and couldn't go back to looking at my units. Then later in the game, this feature came back w/o me doing anything. :confused:

Might it be possible to have the pop-up announcing a Civ has agreed/been force to become a vassal to another be more forceful, perhaps having it's own sound? I keep missing it.

Plus, I have a lot of Citadel's of Light and during the in-between turn, I hear spell sounds going off, but I never see if anything is happening. I think I'm hearing an enemy frigate or pirate getting hit by a fireball, but nothing tells me this like a "Your fireball died attacking the Amurite Frigate"

some feedback for the devs :) :

Absolute Fantastic Modmod !!!

now, the critics:

1. round 692, this is as far as we (2 player) could get , several oos which we'd overcome by reload, or desktop->reload, but now, I the Elohim player get a CCD every time i load any savegame of this game. tried back to 530 (which had worked). i reinstalled FF (we're running patch J) but no effect.

the other player has no problems with loading though (but i CCD on connect), maybe someone can checkout ? link: http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0625331/AutoSave_AD-0692.CivBeyondSwordSave

2. any way to increase uplink bandwith. we have 100kb up but Civ only uses ~ 4 kb ... very annoying concerning buggy 1.2MB saves :)
Patch L -- Archos. Found a Python exception with Summon Frostling.
Spoiler :
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "CvSpellInterface", line 21, in canCast

  File "<string>", line 0, in ?

  File "CvSpellInterface", line 4122, in reqSummonFrostling

NameError: global name 'pCaster' is not defined
ERR: Python function canCast failed, module CvSpellInterface

Thanks - already fixed (Tarq reported it earlier on the bug thread). Will be in the next patch.

Playing Decius as Malakim. As other people have mentioned, I don't seem to be able to build any Doviello units like Javelin throwers after capturing their cities.

Secondly, are you supposed to be able to build a captured Civ's Palace? I did just to see what would happened and my Malakim palace disappeared and I had to rebuild it, especially since I didn't see any benefit (might have been there, didn't see it) of having the Doviello palace.

Will wait for Xienwolf to comment on that one - I know that he's had a long battle with the Assimilation code (both in FF and base FfH), so he's better placed to make a suggestion.

The Palace thing is also the case in base FfH, but I agree it's a little odd. Will probably block that at some point.

Haven't seen this in FF yet, but recently in FfH I played the Amurites and was running around training people to cast skeletons and it seemed everyone could learn it and everyone could create skeletons; it was like having a poor man's fireball on every unit. I could create them w/o Death Mana too. Doesn't seem right.

It's one of the big things that Govannon is good for - I'd say it's actually even stronger than them having Fireball in certain circumstances. Not something I've looked at altering yet, though I know Magister had some ideas about Govannon's training ability...

For a bit, I activated the SITREP function and couldn't go back to looking at my units. Then later in the game, this feature came back w/o me doing anything. :confused:

Hardly ever use that one myself, but I'll take a look and see if I can get it to act oddly.

Might it be possible to have the pop-up announcing a Civ has agreed/been force to become a vassal to another be more forceful, perhaps having it's own sound? I keep missing it.

Something to bear in mind for a interface tweak.

Plus, I have a lot of Citadel's of Light and during the in-between turn, I hear spell sounds going off, but I never see if anything is happening. I think I'm hearing an enemy frigate or pirate getting hit by a fireball, but nothing tells me this like a "Your fireball died attacking the Amurite Frigate"

The way Citadel of Light works changed in the base mod some time back. It now auto-casts a weak version of "pillar of fire" at an enemy stack rather than creating a fireball. Could probably add a message to the attack - again, a nice idea for an interface tweak.


some feedback for the devs :) :

Absolute Fantastic Modmod !!!

now, the critics:

1. round 692, this is as far as we (2 player) could get , several oos which we'd overcome by reload, or desktop->reload, but now, I the Elohim player get a CCD every time i load any savegame of this game. tried back to 530 (which had worked). i reinstalled FF (we're running patch J) but no effect.

the other player has no problems with loading though (but i CCD on connect), maybe someone can checkout ? link: http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0625331/AutoSave_AD-0692.CivBeyondSwordSave

I'll take a look. There's not too much diagnosis can be done with MP saves however (it locks a lot of the assets to make sure the players can't cheat), but I can check on the crash issue.

2. any way to increase uplink bandwith. we have 100kb up but Civ only uses ~ 4 kb ... very annoying concerning buggy 1.2MB saves :)

Uplink in Civ itself, or uploading to CivFanatics? Neither is really my department - the networking code for Civ is one area we have very little access to codewise unfortunately (wish we did...) and the upload speed for CivFanatics is pretty much upto the hosts and the site owners (it's been a little slow today - but is normally fine).
Uplink in Civ itself, or uploading to CivFanatics? Neither is really my department - the networking code for Civ is one area we have very little access to codewise unfortunately (wish we did...) and the upload speed for CivFanatics is pretty much upto the hosts and the site owners (it's been a little slow today - but is normally fine).

I ment the game, upload is really slow, can't think of a use case to limit it that much for savegame transfers (especially if you can choose "broadband" in the settings)
is there any "original as in unmodded" civ/patch development going on, it might be worth to ask there ?
Will wait for Xienwolf to comment on that one - I know that he's had a long battle with the Assimilation code (both in FF and base FfH), so he's better placed to make a suggestion.

It's already fixed for the next release version. Somewhere along the lines I changed an == to a != in a double check for unit types which made it impossible to build any unit unless it was the same unit for both the base Civ and the City Civ.

Still looking for a nice way to set things up so that you can choose between your own UU/UBs and those of the City Civ when issuing build orders, like how I made the option to use either one when promoting already.
Not sure if this is a FfH problem, supposed to be this way or a FF issue.

I'm playin Decius in a Malakim Civ. I'm not showing as having a World Spell?

Shouldn't Decius at least get the World Spell of the Civ he's in?
Do you have a state religion and have you researched Priesthood? I just tested it and following Fellowship with Priesthood researched I was able to cast the spell (as Decius)

Yes, I founded Order and switched to it that turn. I'm running FF with K patch along with FfH up to it's current level on a Win-XP machine.
And you did research Priesthood already (hasn't been directly answered yet, just stated your game turn)?

Yes, I have Confessors and some Prior's running around.

Oh, I must say, after getting the Hero of Wexham event early in the game, I'm unable to build anything on that square. Is that supposed to be?
Me and Maxastro were playing a game of patch L, turn 137 OOS... that registered on the SECOND OOS value. Never seen that before myself. We tried again, OOS again. Damn.

Save attached. Neither of us seemed to be doing anything that should be provokitve of OOS, but well, theres pleanty of AI to be causing that XD

(Edit subnote: YAY Avatar!)


  • Natane AD-0137OOS.CivBeyondSwordSave
    192 KB · Views: 82

Just adding what a fantastic Modmod this is to FfH II. Have played quite a few civ's now and me and my wife just Love it. We are both looking forward to the new changes, every time we look there seems to be a new patch lately. :) New mana types Yipee -can't wait to try out new spells.

We are having an issue though, not sure if its been mentioned before (sorry if it has though I can't find it in the forums).

Our Problem - Once we are underway around turn 300+, if we select the "Grid" button the game crashes and all saved games fail to load so we have to start again. This has happened once with Lanun at around turn 350 and now with Svartalfar around turn 250, just before we were about to launch an attack and also kill Ars Moriendi. I feel the game is trying to load any save we have with grid associated and for some reason this causes a crash on all saved games. Any help would be appreciated. Don't want to start over yet again :( (but I will anyway if I have to)

We were playing with FfhII 3033 Patch f and FF042 patch I

Keep up the great work



  • Beware.CivBeyondSwordSave
    691.3 KB · Views: 59
Edit : we went to start a new game, saw grid was loaded, turned grid off and BINGO - old saved games worked again. Look out Ars Moriendi; we are after you now!!!
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