
Part One:
List of Emperor's of Tephen
Beginning-501 A.F

A Brief Look Into the Emperors of Tephen

Firstly it must be known that not always has there been one ruler of Tephen. In the past it was a three family monarchy. Ruled by yes three kings. But after several generations using this method two of the families failed to produce children due to sterile sons. And thus the only child born that generation was the sole ruler via vote from all three families.

Emperor Joseph I: The first emperor of the new Imperial Tephen was a great man by all accords. He was the man who fought with his troops against the barbarians in the first incursions of the first century A.F. His campaigns against the barbarians hordes who punched into our lands where magnificent. His victories doubled the size of Tephen in a few years. But after his first victories he retired from the saddle and lived the rest of his life as a stay at palace Emperor. In his later years he began the building of the Echodorium in Teet, it was not finished for many more years due to lack of supplies and other problems occurring. On his death bed in 92 A.F he proclaimed his son Joseph II emperor.

Emperor Joseph II: He turned out to be a lesser of a man than his father in as soon as he had power he killed off his brother and blamed it on a thief and even pointed out a random man in the market district in Teet and had him executed in town center. After this he only ruled four more years as he began trying to change things and his own nephew had him killed off to great relief to the people of Tephen.

Emperor Michael I: Is the nephew of Joseph II, he killed him off and took the throne in 97 A.F. He is a lesser known emperor as he did relatively nothing. He ordered a couple of battles against barbarians and began expansion into the mountains west of Teet. His death in 112 A.F went unknown to the public for three months until the new Emperor his son Joseph III took command and told the peoples.

Emperor Joseph III “The Magnificent“: Joseph III was one of the greatest and longest living emperors. He finished building the Echodorium that his grandfather had started long ago. He began the building of great fortifications and new cities bringing Tephen into the greatest age it has ever known. Crowned as the Magnificent by his peoples after the success of many of his projects. He is now celebrated every March 15th by huge festivals. He died in 164 A.F at the ripe old age of 70. His son Victor of Tephen took the throne form him four years previous when he abdicated fearing his own death was coming and wanted to mold his son into a great ruler before his death. Before his death he and his son began building a huge statue in Teet called the Knights of the Past. This statue of three soldiers, one on horse back is to remember the past battles with barbarians and the rise of Tephen as the greatest Empire of the present and the future.

Emperor Victor I “The Converter”: Took the throne in 164 A.F when his father abdicated due to old age. He went on to build the great monument to the Knights. He increased relations with Terra Trifluentia. And even as in later life his title suggest. Converted the entire or nearly the entire population to Veneratio Atavorum. After he himself saw a great vision in his sleep. This also ties in with the relations with Terra Trifluentia. He died in 219 A.F at the age of 82. He however did not abdicate his throne before his death and for some time the future monarch was no known as he had two sons. Twins. Gabriel and Jules. It was later decided that Gabriel would be the heir as he was the older only by a few minutes twin and also better of the two in governing duties. Jules became High General of the Armed Forces and Head of the Royal Order of the Knights of Imperial Tephen.

Emperor Gabriel I: Lesser known. He was as we call in our timeline a sufferer of Asperger Syndrome. He was very quite during his rule of twenty years. Doing very little his father before him didn’t do himself. He did commission the construction of several road improvements. He abdicated the throne at the request of the Royal Order of the Knights of Imperial Tephen in 239 A.F due to his increasing medical issues. His eldest son Eric takes the throne.

Emperor Eric I: A ruler who took the throne from his ill father in 239 A.F, served as ruling monarch until his death in 265 A.F. During his rule very little took place, several broder wars with the barbarians to the North and the completion of the Hall of Emperors tops the list. He had twelve children. Of which nine were girls. And as the eldest two were indeed female the first Empress ascended to the throne upon his death.

Empress Josephine I: Named after here fore fathers with the popular Joseph name, she became the first female monarch of Tephen in 265 A.F at the age of 19. Her rule was long and magnificent. She encouraged expansion to the north and fought many wars with barbarians. Conquering and claiming as much land as she could. She gained the hearts of the people and they, in good humor called her “Bloody Josephine” which she found humorous. She lived a long life, and a very religious one. As Veneratio Atavorum continued to spread throughout all the conquered lands. Symbols were placed all around the Empire. And even at her death in 330 A.F at a very old age, she continued to make Pilgrimages to Terra Trifluentia and encouraged many of the people to do the same for religious purposes. She had several children like her father. Of course the oldest was in fact a male. She also continued the inbreeding tradition of the royal family by marrying her oldest brother. Who took the title Prince of Earndt.

Emperor Gabriel II: The son of Empress Josephine I, took the throne upon his mothers death in 330 A.F. Though he wasn’t as wise and carrying as her. His father still lived in the beginning of his reign though a very old man. Gabriel II was found out to be into the occult. Worshipping things other than the de facto religion. His father confronted him and was killed by members of his secret following. The news spread to his brothers and Uncles fast. His youngest living Uncle, Eric II of Earndt, also confronted him. This time with guards. Who took him into a dungeon in the bottom of the large palace. Where he was not killed as killing of other royals was a horrible sin. But instead forced to live his life out in a cold dark prison chamber. As you can guess he attempted suicide. Which after several attempts worked when he broke his hand off wit ha loose brick causing himself to bleed to death. He is a forgotten Emperor. His following was killed off as well. His brother, Joseph took the throne in 333 A.F as the official heir.

Emperor Joseph IV “The Scholar“
: He unlike his brother but like his mother was a very religious man. He also increase expansion and continued to educate his people. Building school type buildings in Teet. Where the philosophers would teach in sermon like seminars. He himself was considered a very intelligent man. Creating new architectural designs which were used in all new cities and even some bridges. He died at the age of 58 of a massive heart attack/ pneumonia in 351 A.F. His family continued on as always. His eldest son took the throne.

Emperor Victor II “The Immortal“
: He enjoyed the success of his ancestors and did little in the way of helping the Empire. He did do one thing. That is live. Perhaps the longest living Emperor in history. To the ripe old age of 98. Something the people seemed to think as divine. He was nicknamed “The Immortal” and is celebrated in the Hall of Emperors by a statue of him holding a seedling to symbolize long life. He only had two children. Both males. When he died in 421 A.F his youngest not oldest son took the throne. Due to the eldest joining the church and traveling afar.

Emperor Joseph V: Did some things his father did not. He traveled the Empire inspecting towns and villages. Building new road networks and continuing the scholar sermons in several other major towns. He started research on new military weaponry and techniques to use in battle. One point during his reign a small rebellion arose in the far reaches of the Empire. It is said when he arrived the rebels were so afraid by his presents they bowed to worship him. But in truth It was his legion of soldiers. He built a large trade route through the mountains to get to the mines easier. As he loved the shiny metals and gems they produced. Including iron, of which he had his scholars attempt to make it useful. Which eventually happened. He abdicated in 469 A.F to travel. His son took the throne.

Emperor Eric II: This is the beginning of the slow decline in active rulers. A more stable government approach and less far fetched expansion. Eric II spent his early life in Teet itself without ever going abroad. He had foreign messengers brought to him. As seems common in this family line long life was given to him. Aged 78 when he passed away in 501 A.F, his only son took his throne.

ooc: this is not the complete list. The rest will be finished at a later date. Hope you enjoy.
A Call to Arms

Kinsman Keep, Hyoln. 175 Liatiguratuguratugli Kilkuaymrurlia (Shining Years)

Queven Mo'no was the oldest council member of the Council of Nine. He was from the Southwest tribe. He had wandered in his days, and seen many things. He did not like all he saw, but he would not give up his experience for anything.

It was the 175th Shining Year, and so Queven knew that this year was special. It had seemed ominous though. There had been a sudden calling from the current Medium, Selah Du'al.

They sat, in a parabola, with Selah at the focus.

"May we know that we are responsible to Glikanhra," he began. It was the traditional opening to a meeting.

"May He guide over us today." The traditional response, murmured by the council members. Business started.

They talked, and soon their words melded together, their sentences jumbled. Queven had the curious feeling of being completely there, yet if asked afterwards what had transpired, he would not have had a clue. He began to look incredibly bored, though, and he looked around at his fellow people. They were all young, and possessed such vitality! He envied them.

"And now, gentleman." Queven didn't know why this sentence snapped his out of his reverie. He would later attribute it to a sense of foreboding, perhaps Glikanhra himself telling him to be careful.

"We all know that Hyoln is a puny, insignificant nation. Our missionaries and our taming of the tribes have all been small change. But now it is time for something new.

"Too long have we stood by, idle, as countries have risen up to our south! They have been imperialistic! They have been rising, and we have been idle. But no more! Glikanhra told me, himself, in a vision. He said that we were to grow strong, so we may be a country to be reckoned with! He said to go north, find lands, and take them for ourselves, before the others do. He did not say whether we would be successful. But we should try.

"War! We shall subjugate the barbarians once and for all! And we shall even save their souls while doing so. Conquer their lands! Establish cities! Connect with the mainland! That is how it shall be done!"

Queven idly noticed that he had stood up in the process of making his speech, and he arched and eyebrow. As if anybody could condone vio-

"Bravo!" It was Clovis Adolp. He was the hotheaded one. Okay, Queven would give it to him, but still...

"Most excellent idea!"

"I agree wholeheartedly!"

Queven looked with horror as his council members stood up and applauded.


"But nothing, Queven, can you not see? We are going to be great. I can see it now..."

He protested then, but nobody paid any heed. Their eight votes overrode his single one.

He protested at the official announcement of "The Plan", but the fanfare was so loud, and the other members made such stirring speeches, that his was overlooked and looked down upon for being pessimistic.

He protested as the first soldiers went off to war, all young men, far too young, tramping off in their boots in step, singing "Forever Hyoln," a song that Selah himself had written to focus everybody on Hyoln's greatness.

He protested every chance he got, and he was hauled off to jail, an embarrassment. He protested when a surrogate council member was elected, and he protested when he was hauled off to trial for subversive actions.

He protested during the trial, where nobody paid any heed to his words. There he was. A non jingoist! How could he? A maverick for peace? Did he want to hold Hyoln back? A traitor!

He was led to the executioner's block, and the ax was wielded by Selah himself.

"For Holy justice," he said, and he swung the ax down.

A voice was silenced, and soon news of the first victory was spread around town. The execution was promptly forgotten, a thing of the past, just a crazy old man and his silly words.

Older men declare war, but its the youth who must fight and die. Yeah, right.


OOC: I'm so sorry I couldn't think of a better conclusion to my story ;-;
Second part of the BT should be up tomorrow

Nice Stories everyone. Will use them for the next part and I should cover the missing parts from orders in this update.
Yes, I shall have something to read as I play the Not Study Game! :D

Luckymoose: Wasn't it obvious? Well, perhaps to me, it was, since I am the author.

Basically there's this old fart who doesn't think that God would condone being imperialistic, but he's drowned out by the bloodthirsty young generation. That's it. :p
You know, maybe you should stop posting ETA's for your updates, Farow. Or better still, maybe you should update in time for your own "deadlines".
I said that I was not going to post an ETA in the while we wait thread. I said I would try to get up Sunday but it did not happen. Things come up that are unexpected and is hard for me this time of year as I got 3 more classes this semester. I am working on it but I will not say when it is done. I am not going to let this die. BTs are difficult and take some time but please be patient. I am working on it the best I can.

This will not take weeks however. I apologize for being late but I have been as timely as I can. Mostly done but I during the week I have little motivation to work on it after doing a couple hours of homework. I like to relax a little and watch TV. I have been working a little each day trying to finish it.
Is this dead? I'm also quitting, temporarily. (Due to life)

"I'll be back!" ;)

Still alive but due to real life and me missing up a lot of stuff it is on temporary hold.

I am almost finished with the BT. It will be up this weekend at the latest. Is there still interest in this?
Of course there is!
Of course! I'm anxious to really begin being militaristic. :D
Update on the update.

I have the map outlined on how I want the world to look. Will begin filling it in and we can begin playing. Going to use a bit more simple rules then I was planning until this summer when I will have more time. I will plan for the change in advance so I do not have to stop this NES.

So I here is a final ETA. If I fail to meet this one you can pelt me with various objects lying around. The ETA will be Monday. I have Monday off so I am going to work on it a little Saturday, Sunday and finish Monday hopefully midday.
To help generate some buzz and get me to the top of the next page here are titles of the events of the updates so far. I may add a few more depending on the time I have.

Ilion-Terenese War

A Silver Lining??

Defeat of New Tereden

The state of Radion

Militaristic Hyoln

Ilionese Empire

Bhatoist Empire Reborn

Corenwal Revival

Dilhava Empire

T’lur Pa Colonial Empire

Challenge to Ilionese Supremacy

The Iron Age

The Other Cradle
Oh geez... fighting Ilion... not good. That society is designed for warfare.

Well, not that it matters, but I didn't order an invasion of you in my BT orders (that I remember). So. Um. Don't blame me :p I will say that the fact that there are subsequent sections titled "Ilionese Empire" and "Challenge to Ilionese Supremacy" probably indicates things didn't go so well for you.

Also, not that its that big a deal, but I would prefer Ilioi, Iliai, Iliad, or Ilioni to Ilionese.
The Farow said:
Militaristic Hyoln

Yes! :D Hopefully it means that my silly military plights were successful 8).

Or, it could be that my militaristic society folded in on itself. Yay, buzz :D
"The Iron Age" better refer to me, given my orders for most of the NES, and my insistence on controlling metal deposits...
@LB- I didn't order a war either. Most of this update doesn't sound that great for me either. Well, there are two more in this BT for me to recover.
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