• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Favorite Shows/Books

Everything I read is either an historical commentary or some sort of journal.
With the exception of:
The complete works of Sherlock Holmes: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Mapping Time: E.G. Richards
Anything by James Herriott
Anything by Jules Verne

TV Shows:
The Amazing Race
The Black Book by Orhan Pamuk (the best books I've ever read)
The Master and Margerita by Michail Bulgakov
The Tin Drum by Gunter Grass
Steppenwolf by Herman Hesse

Total Recall (great comedy)
The Big Lebowsky (another great comedy, this one intentional)
others which I fail to remember

TV Shows
Boston Legal
Arrested development
Lost - Best writing I've ever seen on TV, period.
Mystery Science Theater 3000 - I'm a B-movie fan, and MST3K makes any stinker fun
The Office - The American version is ten times better than the bore-fest British version.
The Twilight Zone - Very creative. Awesome early scifi.

Anything by...
C.S. Lewis - Enlightening and entertaining both in fiction and non-fiction
King Solomon - Ecclesiastes is an amazing read for anyone interested in philosophy
Douglas Adams - No book made me laugh out loud more than Hitchhiker's Guide
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