Featured Games


Jan 4, 2002
Venice, California
Featured Games

What are "Featured Games"?
Featured Games are a friendly single-player competition. A starting save file is posted, and players download and play it. They post write-ups describing how their games progressed, the strategies they used, what they learned and what they felt they did well. This is a great way for new players to ask questions and learn strategies to improve their games.

How do I join?
To join, all you need is:

* A copy of Civ5 patched to the latest version.
* The Vanilla Enhanced and CivWillard mods installed.
* A Civilization Fanatics Center membership (login) account.

Once the competition is up-and-running, save files will be posted on or around the first of each month. Download it, play it, and be sure to submit it before the end of the month.

What are the rules?
The rules are fairly simple: Play fairly.

This means that you play within the spirit of the competition. As it is a friendly competition, we like to believe that there is no real incentive to cheat - but unfortunately, people do. Any persons found to be cheating will have their games removed, and there is a strong possibility that they will be banned from participating in the future.

Cheating includes (and is not limited to):

1. Playing the game multiple times and submitting the best effort (or even playing to get knowledge of the map, the replaying then starting the game again).
2. Using any sort of programs to edit the game or save files.
3. Altering the XML or using other mods that give you an unfair advantage.
4. Reloading an earlier save-file and replaying turns in a different way. The only time you may reload a save file is to start a new play session, and you must use the save file from the end of your previous session.

Please note that some people believe that reloading (in particular) isn't serious cheating. We, however, consider it to be and have zero tolerance on it. Please also be aware that if you do it, we can detect it, and we will act on it.

Also, if in doubt, ask. If you think you have found a new loop-hole or exploit, then we strongly suggest that you ask as to its legallity before you use it. The aim of the competition is not to see who can exploit the rules, and as such, we reserve the right to disqualify submissions based on exploits that are discovered later.

So - how is it run?
The actual format will vary over time as we get feedback from the players. But the basic format is as follows:

1. Pre-game Discussion Thread: A few days before the end of the month, the starting screenshot is posted, along with the map script details, difficulty etc. This allows people to discuss strategies based on the initial information.
2. Game release: On or around the first of the month, the game is released. At this point, people are allowed to download and play it, but once they've started playing it, they should not post any info on it anywhere except the Spoiler Threads ....
3. Spoiler Threads: A number of spoiler threads are normally opened in which people discuss what happened in their games - strategies, other civs, resources, game play and the like. The spoilers are spread to cover different periods of the game. The reason for this is so that people can contribute throughout the month - people who have completed the early part of the game can still contribute without having to worry that in reading the thread they'll see where the modern-age resources are (for example). The first spoiler is normally opened on or around the 5th of the month.
4. Results: We aim to have the results posted within 7-10 days following the completion of the game (the end of the month).

What are we playing for?
Generally, you are playing for your own enjoyment, and perhaps to improve your game. With Featured Games we offer recognition for first, second and third place; awards for the fastest finish in each particular victory type, as well as recognition for the lowest scores in each victory type (and a couple of consolation awards for the highest & lowest scoring defeats).

So what do I do now?

Go to the Strategy subforum for pre-game discussion and the current start file!
Sounds like fun!

For my own part, I haven't bought any of the additional content, so if it's included I'll have to be out.
A VEM Game of the Month is coming - soon!

Based on earlier conversations, we can figure on each month’s game being based on the latest non-beta version of VEM, played on standard speed on a standard-sized map, with all Victory Conditions available.

The first game will be on King difficulty, played on a continents map. We could change both for subsequent games.

Before we upload a starting save, let’s have some feedback on the following:

• what do we do about the new Wonders?
• should any or all DLC be excluded?
• what civ do we choose?
• should we hand-pick some or all of the AI competition?
• go with a random starting point, or pick a brutal or legendary one?

Obviously feel free to raise any other points, and let’s get going!

I don't have any DLC or wonders so I would prefer they not be included.

I'm tempted to suggest a random Civ. I do like the Persian golden ages though. :)

As for picking AIs, if it's random then that encourages people to be a little more conservative building units up front if that's what we want.

I'm say take a random starting point for the first one and see how it works.
The first two responses are what I expected: DLC would be out.

But what about the new Wonders? From what I've read, they work like Steam updates - once they're in the system, there's no getting them out.
Yes, there is no way to remove the DLC for those who have it. And if the computers would be random AIs, we would have to keep re-rolling until we get no DLC civs (except Mongolia), which would be a total pain.

I suggest letting everybody play with all random (or w/e they want), whatever speed you want (though longer speeds tend to hurt AIs militarily), but with a handcrafted map. This isnt a competition right?

From my point of view, the game should be played however you want to play it. The only problem is, sometimes we can't do the settings we like ourselves due to limitations. A GotM would be there to allow us to do game settings we couldn't (or wouldn't think of) normally. Usually this involves maps as far as I can tell, so it seems to me the only settings that should be set are the map/script. Players can restrict themselves to any settings if they want, but that isn't special. Unless this is a competition, in which case disregard everything I've said. There is no way to fairly do a competition. Everybody has a different game.
Yes, there is no way to remove the DLC for those who have it. And if the computers would be random AIs, we would have to keep re-rolling until we get no DLC civs (except Mongolia), which would be a total pain.

This is easily solved by making the AI not random, but thematic in some way - which is one of the appeals of a well-designed GOTM.

I suggest letting everybody play with all random (or w/e they want), whatever speed you want (though longer speeds tend to hurt AIs militarily), but with a handcrafted map. This isnt a competition right?

From my point of view, the game should be played however you want to play it. The only problem is, sometimes we can't do the settings we like ourselves due to limitations. A GotM would be there to allow us to do game settings we couldn't (or wouldn't think of) normally. Usually this involves maps as far as I can tell, so it seems to me the only settings that should be set are the map/script. Players can restrict themselves to any settings if they want, but that isn't special. Unless this is a competition, in which case disregard everything I've said. There is no way to fairly do a competition. Everybody has a different game.

I don't think you can get a saved-game without all the settings already being selected.
Yes, but it does nothing the players cannot do for themselves. If you put it WITH a handcrafted map, I would agree with you. Themes are good :)

You can do it as just a map, without loading the scenario. In fact, I think you may even be able to do it with loading the scenario...not sure.
Yes, but it does nothing the players cannot do for themselves. If you put it WITH a handcrafted map, I would agree with you. Themes are good :)

You can do it as just a map, without loading the scenario. In fact, I think you may even be able to do it with loading the scenario...not sure.

I don't know what else to say...

I don't think you can get a saved-game without all the settings already being selected.
Yes, but it does nothing the players cannot do for themselves. If you put it WITH a handcrafted map, I would agree with you. Themes are good :)

You can do it as just a map, without loading the scenario. In fact, I think you may even be able to do it with loading the scenario...not sure.

I don't think you realize what a GotM *is* historically. A GotM map is, by definition, a single, turn 0 saved game downloaded and played by multiple players. There's no room for custom settings, players, or speeds because....then it wouldn't be possible to compare results.

It's the Hall of Fame games where certain parameters are set and the players can choose all the rest.
Yes, there is no way to remove the DLC for those who have it. And if the computers would be random AIs, we would have to keep re-rolling until we get no DLC civs (except Mongolia), which would be a total pain.

Would it work if you guys made sure that the first player (aka the only that starts the game and makes the first save file) has no DLCs, so that Spain/Babylon/etc. has 0% chance of ever appearing? Would other players with DLC be able to load the file?
@Txurce you might want to explain how GOTM works.

Yes. I will do so in a few minutes by revising the OP.

The question that still needs answering is how to get around the fact that some of us downloaded the Wonders DLC and some of us didn't... but the answer may be to just not use them.
Yes. I will do so in a few minutes by revising the OP.

The question that still needs answering is how to get around the fact that some of us downloaded the Wonders DLC and some of us didn't... but the answer may be to just not use them.

I checked out the GotM forum and it seems we simply need to get someone without any DLC to provide us with a starting savegame.
If people would rather have random civs as opposed to chosen ones, then we can certainly go that way.

You could still do that - only you and the fellow who provides the save have to know! Perhaps you could ask tlaurila or Zaldron once the settings have been decided on, since they've expressed interest and confirmed that they don't have any DLC.
You could still do that - only you and the fellow who provides the save have to know! Perhaps you could ask tlaurila or Zaldron once the settings have been decided on, since they've expressed interest and confirmed that they don't have any DLC.

Yes, that's true. What I meant is that if we're going with chosen civs, then I could do it myself. What I couldn't do is have no new Wonders available for some people - you'd need to ignore the three new ones.

But I'm fine with having someone else decide on an appropriate starting location, etc.
Yes, that's true. What I meant is that if we're going with chosen civs, then I could do it myself. What I couldn't do is have no new Wonders available for some people - you'd need to ignore the three new ones.

But I'm fine with having someone else decide on an appropriate starting location, etc.

Well, it's not clear whether your save (with the wonders) will even be loadable by those without. Maybe you could up one here and have somebody test it? (Or I could I suppose.)

As to start location, I'm not sure it matters so much - whether decent or punishing, the competitive and cooperative aspects should make it interesting no matter what. At least, as long as you don't only choose civs with a high peaceweight!
Well, it's not clear whether your save (with the wonders) will even be loadable by those without. Maybe you could up one here and have somebody test it? (Or I could I suppose.)

As to start location, I'm not sure it matters so much - whether decent or punishing, the competitive and cooperative aspects should make it interesting no matter what. At least, as long as you don't only choose civs with a high peaceweight!

Go ahead and try the test yourself, as my PC screen is down right now.

Start location doesn't really matter, particularly in Civ 5. In theory it could be good, bad, or in between, isolated or not, etc. The civs could also be tilted toward a high or low peace weight. All this helps to create a theme. But as you noted, this is the sort of icing on the cake that's not at all necessary - especially at the start of the GOTM process, where any situation will be inherently interesting, just because it's being shared.
I don't think you realize what a GotM *is* historically. A GotM map is, by definition, a single, turn 0 saved game downloaded and played by multiple players. There's no room for custom settings, players, or speeds because....then it wouldn't be possible to compare results.

It's the Hall of Fame games where certain parameters are set and the players can choose all the rest.

I understand now, thank you. Then I will amend my post:

I do not like GotM. I will probably not play it, so don't give my opinion much weight, and instead give weight to those who do want to play it. However, I would like to take this opportunity to suggest making something else, something not like GotM, which is instead a set of settings that regular players are unable to do, and which would require moderate expertise. I think the objective of such a project should be to give new ways to play to the players, and I find restricting them to a certain playstyle, when they could do it themselves, to be a waste.

As I said in my previous post (but was completely ignored...), if you want this to be a competitive thing (which you do) then disregard my previous post entirely. Sorry that I took up so much space on the thread, having people respond to my idiotic post. Have fun with your GotM! :)
...something not like GotM, which is instead a set of settings that regular players are unable to do, and which would require moderate expertise. I think the objective of such a project should be to give new ways to play to the players, and I find restricting them to a certain playstyle, when they could do it themselves, to be a waste.

Your first sentence is essentially what the GOTM is. I don't know how it restricts you to a certain playstyle, or what is a waste.

As I said in my previous post (but was completely ignored...), if you want this to be a competitive thing (which you do) then disregard my previous post entirely

It can be competitive in that it's comparative. Because it's SP, you can be as uncompetitive as you like. It still leaves you with an opportunity to learn from others and widen your understanding of the game, or at least to share in the collegiality of this forum, which I believe is a significant reason why many of us post here.
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