Feud!: From Nomads to the Stars

When will we update?
I'll read into it. Since it isn't like a normal IOT and there were classes and all this other stuff, I'm not quite sure what to do there but we should discuss this in PMs.
Be a sub, I can't defend the seafloor by myself...

2 XP into Building Bow
1 XP into Making Arrows
2 XP into Hunting with Bow + Arrow

Anyone want to date Chuck?
I think my mum is single.
"Now, wait just a minute, Real. I wrote the Messiah, including the Hallelujah Chorus. Without my music, the world would be much different. You take back your snarl!"

The Tribe is in shock that the musician spoke back like so.

"The world? You're just a lazy man who sits around all days doing nothing and eating. Look at Aiken the Hunter! Look at Fas! That kid is a hunter. Even Gandhissimo is doing something productive. You? You just sing.

And what the hell are you talking about 'writing'? What's 'writing'?" (OOC: Writing hasn't been discovered yet.) :p

When will we update?

Given that all players have posted something. Tonight.

Be a sub, I can't defend the seafloor by myself...

2 XP into Building Bow
1 XP into Making Arrows
2 XP into Hunting with Bow + Arrow

"Kid, are you alright?"

(Working on Update now. Still checking thread and PMs just in case someone wishes to update their work)
*Scratch that update. Just noticed that I'm missing someone's orders. So update won't be until tomorrow or until I get that (whatever comes first).
Actually on further review I would like to change to:
4 XP into researching Archery
1 XP into Hunting Deer

Also have we migrated to Japan yet?

We're not migrating to Japan. :p

Number of PMs asking about Ignore List: 6
Was I the first one?
Update 1​

The day seems routine. Gandhissimo jSuilit impressed people right before the day's routine begun by weaving a basket that drew attention from the other NPC gatherers who have never seen such a useful basket of its size. Later on, he would be the one to gather the most berries AND those berries were the Tribe's favorite.

The Tribe's musician, George Handel, also picked a lot of berries despite not having a basket. Not as many as jSuilit and not the Tribe's favorite but they were good regardless.

Aiken Drumn killed four deer and skinned the deer in public, teaching some of the others in the Tribe how to skin the deer. Chuck Norris skinned Drumn's other deer because his pray, while wounded in the trap he set, escaped him. That night, Aiken tried to make some kind of fur suit and it seemed while it looked good at first, he lost steam on the project and couldn't quite correct it.

Always a public figure, he flirted with a lady in public. The woman blushed, said "Thank you anyway" and walked off but not without a wink before turning.

After dinner, Aiken gathered a few NPCs and practiced fighting with them. This attracted more men and soon, there was a large group of sparring men. These men are impressed by Aiken's leadership and fighting skill. While they were doing that, George Handel made up a new song that, while beautiful to the ears, is hard to memorize. He tries to find a way to record the song but to no avail.

"What's that kid doing?" asked a grown male of the Tribe. He pointed to Fas Baker.

"I don't know," said Chief Real. "And I don't mind either. Kid brought back two deer. Some grown men don't bring in that much." His eyes shifted to Handel who was teaching some people at the campfire how the latest song goes.

Fas Baker, despite being a young kid, was easily gifted for his age. However, some things were beyond his capabilities. He threw what he was working on to the ground and swore at the unworking prototype bow.

Then Mr. Red entered camp smiling. "I need fourteen men to help me carrying back my kills."

"Fourteen!?" exclaimed Real. "Seven deer?"


Real shouted orders and soon, the seven deer were carried into camp. The Hunters patted Red on the back but some people eyed him suspiciously. Finally, Ytrini Mpele returned to camp. He didn't find gazelles but did manage to catch a wounded deer and he had found seeds in the forest….

(OOC: If players want to work together on a task, they can but saying "Do ______ with X and Y" or something like that.

Chief Real orders to continue with the stay in this part of the island since its summer and still warm. When winter starts coming around is when the Tribe will move south.
Do our actions affect our stats?
Do our actions affect our stats?

Yes. For instance, Hunters get a bonus hunting. For instance, say that the base line of successful hunting was 50 out of a 100, Hunters got that reduced to 40. Other skills, like skinning and whatnot, have a higher "success threshold" that decreases gradually overtime.
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