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Feud III

arya has come to the thread!!!!!! RUN! HIDE! GO! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:run: :run: :run: :run: :run: :ar15: :ar15: :ar15: :run: :run: :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :trouble: :trouble: :faint: :faint:

Good. At least somebody knows to run. :D

@arya, where do you live?

Right I knew I had forgotten something. Hmmm. Berlin I think

@Ilduce: Could you answer my question please? One of my sons still needs a trait and I need to know If I have to take the parents traits into account, thanks

That can be answered by reading the rules you know.
Haus Geldschmidt claims 12a.
Johan Herrn: As is my right as Cheif, I give Haus Meerhändler the plots of land with Obsidian and Salt..

Burchard Meerhändler I: I gladly accept the plots of land given to my house by our respectable chief Johan Herrn. I pledge that my house will use these plots to bring wealth and prosperity to Seamiirfs. To start of with this I would like our chief to allocate our workforce to Obsidianhills and build a mine there.

In light of these new lands the House of Meerhändler has seen fit to change there Coat of Arms:
Spoiler :

Haus Geldschmidt claims 12a.

that was assigned to the House of Meerhändler ;)
Johan Herrn: As is my right as Cheif, I give Haus Meerhändler the plots of land with Obsidian and Salt..

That can be answered by reading the rules you know.

I'll answer this by quoting SK
I seriously need to learn some basic reading skills
Burchard sat at his deck. His house had prospered the last few years. He had been on several tradingmissions to the Japanese and accumulated even more wealth. His family had grown also. When he came back 5 years ago from a tradingvoyage his first son had been born and on top of that his wife had also adopted a girl. Since then he had fathered two more children, a second son and a daughter.
Thinking back to his arrival 5 years age his mind filled with joy. He had instantly liked the sharp mind of the girl. The girl had a real grasp on things and he and his wife had been able to discuss more than just the basics of villagepolitics. Now she was the apprentice of the Shaman. “Yes, Brunhilde had acted wisely by adopting Veleda” Burchard thought. His oldest son was just like his father, a real tradesman and a instinct for making money. He was just 5 years old and he was always busy with another businessidea. He would build a marketstall and set up shop somewhere in the village selling items for both children and adults alike. He even went with him on his last two journeys to the Japanese. "He would be the perfect candidate to take over the business when I retire" Burchard thought. Two years after the birth of Burchard II his wife birthed him another son, Heiner. From the start he had conquered the hearts of every woman in the village and it was his charm that kept him and his babysister, Brunhilde, out of trouble. Brunhilde was the troublemaker of the two, always a sceme up her sleeve. The two had done a lot of devilment over there short years and protective as Heiner was of his sister he always got her out of trouble.

His mind shot back to the present. The business with the Japanese was still profitable but he started to notice the consequences of their incursions into German territory. He had heard that the Shaman of Berling had commissioned a diplomat. That wasn’t the thing that bugged him. “Why the hell did she commissioned a man with no understanding of the Japanese culture what so ever” Burchard thought. Maybe he needed to offer his services. He had a good knowledge of the japanese culture and had contacts there, he just might be able to succeed where is predecessor had failed. He needed to make a decision on this matter, maybe his wife had a good idea on this matter. With deciding to talk to Brunhilde his thoughts went to the new plots of land his haus had received from Chief Herrn. Two plots of land with a lot of potential his haus had received. In the hill to the south there was a profitable Obsidianmine and to the north there were large Saltreserves. He made a note to himself to ask Chief Herrn to get the workforce of Seamiirfs setting up a quarry on that plot.

New situation of Haus Meerhändler

Haus Meerhändler
Location: Seamiirfs
Leader: Burchard I (Male, 24, Financial, Sea Fairing)
Wife: Brunhilde (Female, 22, Deceiver, Charismatic)
Children: Veleda [Shaman's apprentice] (Female, 10, Spiritual, Deceiver)
Burchard II [Heir](Male, 5, Financial, Industrious)
Heiner (Male, 3, Protective, Charismatic)
Brunhilde (Female, 2, Deceiver, Organized)

OOC: have we already researched Masonry?
House Ritter
Leader:Stahl Ritter(M,24,Industrial,Imperialist)
Wife: Licht Ritter (F,23,Financial,Scientific)
Child:Feuer Ritter (M,6,Creative,Expansive) (Heir)
Child:Wasser Ritter(M,4,Agressive,Deceiver)

History:Stahl Ritter was a strong warrior dedicated to the creation of a German Empire. Stahl Ritter succeeded in sending many a man to their deaths. Stahl Ritter was also very low on values to trade so he left the Army at the age of 20 to prepare a Fortune of Valuables. Then for her valuables. he secretly married Licht Ritter and had 2 children. He now livers in Berlin.

Sorry for the Bad history. Didn't have a lot of time.
The Gracion House humbly asks the chief of Seamiirfs to grant their house the forests in the hills of 6a, where rich minerals may be found.
Aah there is a mine, wasn't sure.

Well that will be an easy change :D
OK, I don't get 12a?

In that case, Haus Geldschmindt would like 14a then. Or 24a. Or both :D
Haus Meerhändler is looking for a suitable husband for Veleda, Shaman's apprentice of Seamiirfs.
Haus Meerhändler does notify any interested houses that members of Haus Meerhändler won't marry into an other haus rather the groom would marry into theirs.

OOC: Am I really getting crazy caus I can't seem to find the Techtree
OOC: You mean the one 4 posts up? :)
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