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FfH2 0.31 Bug Thread

I just started playing this mod for the first time. I had an issue where units appear as a default civ4 unit until I have them selected. For example I was playing as dwarves and my dwarf warriors looked like humans when I didn't have them selected. I read the known issues and I know this happens for the unit panel, but I'm having it happen for the actual units themselves.

Is this normal? Or is there something I can do?

I just started playing this mod for the first time. I had an issue where units appear as a default civ4 unit until I have them selected. For example I was playing as dwarves and my dwarf warriors looked like humans when I didn't have them selected. I read the known issues and I know this happens for the unit panel, but I'm having it happen for the actual units themselves.

Is this normal? Or is there something I can do?


You most likely have unit animations frozen in your options.
I'm not sure whether this is a bug or just a quirk in the way it works. I just did an undercouncil leader vote with only myself on the council, and I haven't gotten the Nox Noctis yet (trying to get a dang GP out), nor have I gotten anybody else to change over to undercouncil.
I don't know if this applies to all of the divine disciplines, but I know that the "Speaker" unit for the Octopus Overlords says that you may only have three of the unit in the Pedia entry, but then it says that four are allowed under their stats menu.
That should probably go in the cosmetic issues thread instead. The limit on all the national units used to be 3, but it was changed in .31 as some national units were removed (Summoners, Inquisitors. War Elephants are still around but they aren't the same as the national units they once were.)
Not sure if anyone has ran into this problem, I'm playing as the Clan of Embers and I researched the Blasting powder tech, have 4 gunpowder resources. According to the civilopedia, I have both the prerequisites for making the Arquebus unit and Hero unit Teutorix, but I cannot. I can't even see the button to build the unit in the cities (should be there but unselectable if I still have outstanding prerequisites.

So my question is, is the Clan restricted from building Gunpowder units? (The only one I can build is the naval unit, "Man O' War".)
Or, is there a script problem here? Please enlighten this young war chief. :(
First, Teutorix is the Malakim hero, so no other civ will be able to build him. Every civ has one heor that no other civ can build (except the Lanun have 2, and the Grigori don;t have any specific hero but can get limitless Adventurer great people and upgrade each to almost any unit + the hero promotion)

Second, the Clan cannot build Arquebos. Neither can the Svartalfar, the Ljosalfar, the Calabim, the Hippus, the Doviello, the Mercurians, or the Barbarian State.
First, Teutorix is the Malakim hero, so no other civ will be able to build him. Every civ has one heor that no other civ can build (except the Lanun have 2, and the Grigori don;t have any specific hero but can get limitless Adventurer great people and upgrade each to almost any unit + the hero promotion)

Thanks, the civilopedia wasn't too clear about racial requirements -.-

Second, the Clan cannot build Arquebos. Neither can the Svartalfar, the Ljosalfar, the Calabim, the Hippus, the Doviello, the Mercurians, or the Barbarian State.

Now that I think about it...warrens + guns...:nuke::nuke::nuke:

...yea, with game balance in mind, that makes a lot of sense.
Thanks for clarification!
xienwolf's FfH manual shows all of the information, just FYI.

Also, I've got another bug for you guys.

When a summoned unit with a time limit (usually one turn) kills an unit and produces a slave, the slave 'inherits' the time limit and will die in one turn or something. In my case it was using a wraith (which look pretty cool with the reapers scythe) against barbarian units which produced orc slaves, but the slaves ended up with the 'dies in +1 turn' thing that the wraiths have. BTW, the caster is Gibbon Goeta turned into a vampire lich, lol :) While he is not called Gibbon Goeta anymore, he still has the hero status.

I just thought I'd mention this since the dies in +1 turn thing can really put a crimp on your plans if you had a plan for the slaves from combat. I didn't have a need for them, so it wasn't a problem for me. It's still a bug though.
Similar to smjjames' problem; I've seen the AI get warriors with "dies in 3 turns" etc. How is that possible? I've seen this happen with both Calabim and Ljosalfar. It was a Deity game and it was quite early in the game (like turn 70) maybe it's a measure to prevent the AI from getting eliminated so early?
Similar to smjjames' problem; I've seen the AI get warriors with "dies in 3 turns" etc. How is that possible? I've seen this happen with both Calabim and Ljosalfar. It was a Deity game and it was quite early in the game (like turn 70) maybe it's a measure to prevent the AI from getting eliminated so early?

I beleive they may be from the brotherhood of wardens guild...
Similar to smjjames' problem; I've seen the AI get warriors with "dies in 3 turns" etc. How is that possible? I've seen this happen with both Calabim and Ljosalfar. It was a Deity game and it was quite early in the game (like turn 70) maybe it's a measure to prevent the AI from getting eliminated so early?

Are you sure the AI didn't have that guild that provides free 3 turn defenders to your cities randomly while enemies are near?
xienwolf's FfH manual shows all of the information, just FYI.

Also, I've got another bug for you guys.

When a summoned unit with a time limit (usually one turn) kills an unit and produces a slave, the slave 'inherits' the time limit and will die in one turn or something. In my case it was using a wraith (which look pretty cool with the reapers scythe) against barbarian units which produced orc slaves, but the slaves ended up with the 'dies in +1 turn' thing that the wraiths have. BTW, the caster is Gibbon Goeta turned into a vampire lich, lol :) While he is not called Gibbon Goeta anymore, he still has the hero status.

I just thought I'd mention this since the dies in +1 turn thing can really put a crimp on your plans if you had a plan for the slaves from combat. I didn't have a need for them, so it wasn't a problem for me. It's still a bug though.

This one would also explain the disappearing equipment bug when the items had been captured by Alazkan's Shadow.
Are you sure the AI didn't have that guild that provides free 3 turn defenders to your cities randomly while enemies are near?

I'm not sure whether it also had the guild, I was also seeing 3 turn Lizardman rangers constantly bieng sent off from the barbarian city. I'll check in WB in a min.

I know it was in response to someone else, but I was seeing the same kind of thing, so I'll check it out.

Also, I don't know whether this has been around for a while or is relatively new, but I just noticed it yesterday since I kept getting these useless 'commit suicide the next turn' (the dies in +1 turn thing) slaves who would have been little more than bait for Aeron (sp?) the dragon in that state.

edit: I just remembered something. You know that thing reported a few pages back about human slaves or workers 'inheriting' the elven racial promotion. I wonder if that problem and the one I reported are related because in both cases the slave 'inherited' something from the defending unit. Just a note though, workers or slaves produced by my Gibbon Goeta turned vampire lich were normal.

edit2: Just checked and yea the barb city has the brotherhood of wardens, but this is in the later game, year 440. This is a custom game though where I turned off time, cultural, and religious victory.
I'm not sure whether this is a bug or just a quirk in the way it works. I just did an undercouncil leader vote with only myself on the council, and I haven't gotten the Nox Noctis yet (trying to get a dang GP out), nor have I gotten anybody else to change over to undercouncil.

since noone else has answered. as i understand it, the requirement for the esus holy city before the undercouncil can vote was removed(same with overcouncil), instead the requirement was a minimum number of votes. now since certain units grant a free vote(there are 3 heroes, one is i think malakim, not sure on other two), it should be possible for a single person to have sufficient votes to trigger the council.
did it credit you with having 2+ votes?
Playing as the Sheaim last night, sometimes my summons wouldn't remove fog of war - they could move to the fogged tiles, pillage, attack and defend, but not see. Also, it only affected some summons and not others, but I think the ones affected had all existed for more than one turn.

When a summoned unit with a time limit (usually one turn) kills an unit and produces a slave, the slave 'inherits' the time limit and will die in one turn or something.
So THATS where all my slaves went. I thought they were running away! Actually, I had a slave dragging Sylvan's Perfect Lyre back to my capitol and he disappeared, but the Lyre remained.
Sometimes when Loki take city I get this python exception:

File "CvEventInterface", line 23, in onEvent
File "CvEventManager", line 194, in handleEvent
File "CvEventManager", line 1968, in onCityDoTurn
This one would also explain the disappearing equipment bug when the items had been captured by Alazkan's Shadow.

I still thin that the disappearing equipment is mostly due to the Marksman promotion; if there is any other unit in the tile, a marksman will attack the weakest, capturable unit but be unable to move to the tile to capture it, so it will instead be destroyed. In my last game (due to a bug in Broader Alignments, there was a lot more equipment than usual), it seemed like any unit with marksman would destroy all the equipment on a tile, even if the only other untis were also equipment.

Marksman really needs to be make so that is till not target equipment. It might be good to make it so that it won't target any str 0 unit, or maybe just any unit that can be captured.
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