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For those of you who like TOM GREEN!


I. hate. hippies.
Oct 11, 2001
Well, this friend of mine is a big fan and has made a new website for Tom Green with a forum and all. It's aiming to be what Tom Green fans have wanted: A really good site with a forum dedicated to him, instead of a bunch of crappy ones. He told me to recommend it on this forum, so here goes:

If you like Tom Green, or just would like to check out the new cool page and make suggestions, then come on over! It's gonna be essential for all Tom Green fans, so please come over:


Currently, it's just the forum, but more will come as he said, and especially if as many as possible come over and make suggestions and spread the word. So if you like Tom Green, please do sign up and help it get started. You gotta start somewhere. So even though it might not look all that great NOW, it will soon.
Ack! Advertising alert...

Interesting fact, though: in the state of Utah, there is a man named Tom Green that is currently serving a prison sentence, but what makes Tom Green unusual...

He has five wives and thirty children. One of his wives had her first child at 13. Apparently the Sudan has a significant cultural influence on Utah.
If you think so, sign up for the forum and help the Tom Green online community grow.
Originally posted by rmsharpe
He has five wives and thirty children. One of his wives had her first child at 13. Apparently the Sudan has a significant cultural influence on Utah.

I'm not going to thread-jack, but I just really have t ask you this: What are you talking about?
nonono, I mean about Sudan, what does The Sudan have to do with the Mormon church?
I'm not going to thread-jack, but I just really have t ask you this: What are you talking about?

There's a guy named Tom Green who lives in the deserts of Central Utah near a town called Nephi. He's religiously married to five seperate women who all live with him on his little "ranch." He has thirty children (and probably one or two more on the way) ranging from infants to teens.

A few years ago he went on the Oprah Winfrey show to tell America about his religious views and his polygamist lifestyle. It drew a lot of attention from the Nation, the modern Mormon church, and local law enforcement. See, polygamy was outlawed by the mormon church and the state government back in 1896 (when Utah became a state), so the District Attorney for the county down there came under a lot of pressure to punish Tom Green for having five wives simultaneously.

Unfortuneatly for the DA, Tom Green isn't legally married to them. He was only married to one at a time and when the next one came along he'd get a legal divorce and legally marry the next one. So then the DA tried to get him on welfare fraud, but once again Tom Green was well within the limits of the law. So finally, they realized that Tom Green had married all of his wives underage. When he was in his thirties he was marrying thirteen year olds. :vomit: BUT!!! Because that only constitutes statuetory rape, the statute of limitations had already expired and so Tom Green couldn't be convicted of that either.

I lost track of exactly what happened, but I'm pretty sure that although the District Attorney couldn't pin any crimes to him, he eventually went into a plea bargain to keep him and his family away from the media and the aggressive prosecution.

Some people hear this kind of story and think all of Utah is like that. I can tell you, there are only a very few families that practice this sort of thing, and they're all spread out livin' in some trailer in the middle of nowhere hated deathly by both the people who live in Utah, and the church they claim to be following. And no wonder...its disgusting. Every six months the Sheriff's office has to put another thirteen year old girl into protective custody so that her father won't make her marry her fifty year old uncle. Just last November a little preteen girl ran off and was picked up by the Sheriff because her father was going to pull her out of school against her will and force her to become a baby factory for his cousin.

It's sick and twisted sh!t.
Originally posted by BlueMonday

There's a guy named Tom Green who lives in the deserts of Central Utah near a town called Nephi. He's religiously married to five seperate women who all live with him on his little "ranch." He has thirty children (and probably one or two more on the way) ranging from infants to teens.

A few years ago he went on the Oprah Winfrey show to tell America about his religious views and his polygamist lifestyle. It drew a lot of attention from the Nation, the modern Mormon church, and local law enforcement. See, polygamy was outlawed by the mormon church and the state government back in 1896 (when Utah became a state), so the District Attorney for the county down there came under a lot of pressure to punish Tom Green for having five wives simultaneously.

Unfortuneatly for the DA, Tom Green isn't legally married to them. He was only married to one at a time and when the next one came along he'd get a legal divorce and legally marry the next one. So then the DA tried to get him on welfare fraud, but once again Tom Green was well within the limits of the law. So finally, they realized that Tom Green had married all of his wives underage. When he was in his thirties he was marrying thirteen year olds. :vomit: BUT!!! Because that only constitutes statuetory rape, the statute of limitations had already expired and so Tom Green couldn't be convicted of that either.

I lost track of exactly what happened, but I'm pretty sure that although the District Attorney couldn't pin any crimes to him, he eventually went into a plea bargain to keep him and his family away from the media and the aggressive prosecution.

Some people hear this kind of story and think all of Utah is like that. I can tell you, there are only a very few families that practice this sort of thing, and they're all spread out livin' in some trailer in the middle of nowhere hated deathly by both the people who live in Utah, and the church they claim to be following. And no wonder...its disgusting. Every six months the Sheriff's office has to put another thirteen year old girl into protective custody so that her father won't make her marry her fifty year old uncle. Just last November a little preteen girl ran off and was picked up by the Sheriff because her father was going to pull her out of school against her will and force her to become a baby factory for his cousin.

It's sick and twisted sh!t.
no no no and NO
its about a canadian comedian!
not about that polygameer its about a canadian comedian!
check out the site!
not the men from utah
the man from canada!
Well, all I have to say about Tom Green is that he is a loser. How do I know this? He gave up Drew Barrymore!!! What a loser!!

Ok, I don't hate him for that...but I can't understand the man!! Some of his stuff was funny, but he got annoying really fast and the movie, Freddie Got Fingered, what a complete waste of my freakin time!
Originally posted by philippe

no no no and NO
its about a canadian comedian!
not about that polygameer its about a canadian comedian!
check out the site!
not the men from utah
the man from canada!

Damn, G. Slow up. I know who you're talking about, I was just trying to answer the question.
Keep coming guys, just check out the site and make your suggestions in the forum!
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