Fox08 - The Bad Joke Continues

I :whipped: you or not :whipped:'ing the Granary. We should always do the hammer overflow to a wonder, esp when we have the production bonus.
I stared at the whip button for a while.... But I decided not to do it for a little hammer overflow. And, also, I thought it would be worse whipping it and losing working a 5 hammer tile until the city grew again. Can you, please, explain this to me, Mr. Fox? I'm too stupid to realize it! :lol:
The bad joke:

Spoiler :
An angel stands in front of the "children generator". He pushes a button, and with every push a baby comes out of the rear of the machine. To distribute everything in a fair manner he always murmurs to himself: "Boy, girl, idiot, boy, girl, idiot...". Suddenly he gets called to an important meeting. He calls his angel-apprentice and says to him: "You continue with this, you do as I did: Just push the buttons, boy, girl, idiot, boy girl, idiot...". As the angel returns from the meeting after 2 hours he hears from afar: "Idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot,..." He runs to his apprentice and yells: "Are you mad ? You're ruining everything !" The apprentice answers: "No no, everything's okay. We just got a big order for the US of America..."

Not much of importance happened during my 20. A bunch of AIs wanted OB, but I turned 'em down.





We got a very annoying random event. I heeded GreyFox's advice to some extent and whipped for the overflow. But I didn't whip a useless worker but a Library. I let the city grow to size 7, whipped the Lib for 2 pop, and let the 'mids finish at size 6. That was the plan. However...


There goes our shiny new Library :cry: . I'd rather had killed 1 pop, but couldn't choose so.

Still, as my legacy as Legendary Builder demanded, I got this:


I switched to Representation immediately and put the city into growth mode again.


You'll notice I'm building a Barracks. This has a reason as I foresee we'll need more troops soon. Charlemagne has settled right at our borders, and this will spark tensions soon. Also the power ratios are changing fast. We definitely need more troops. I also changed the city name to the true capital of Germany :D . The worker has mined the plains hill (and chopped the forest into the 'mids) and is building a cottage on the floodplains right now.


P.S.: No log this time as I forgot to enable it...

P.P.S.: Tokugawa has Alphabet already ! :eek:
·Imhotep·;6059455 said:
The apprentice answers: "No no, everything's okay. We just got a big order for the US of America..."
Hey! I resemble that remark . . . er . . . resent it! Just b/c we elect a dry-drunk, easily-led, mindless droob, with delusions of grandeur, a messianic complex, and a coke habit, that doesn't mean . . . no, wait ~ it might mean that . . .

;) :)

edit: oh, nice goig on the pyramids too :lol:
@Feedback: you will whip when the granary will complete in 1 turn, giving max overflow ... say 30 hammers. These 30 hammers became 90 hammers if the stones is connected ... 100% for industrious, 100% for resources. That is well worth losing a pop working at a mine for 5 hammers.

@Imhotep: Too bad abt the library ... :p But one more worker is not useless ... we will need a couple to chop faster. The main reason I suggest worker is because we have +50% (did BtS nerf this?) bonus, so a whip will become 45 hammers instead of 30.

On the other note, yes a barracks may be needed. We need more archers as well. Let's go back to the same at least 1 military build per turnset rule-of-thumb as in Fox07.

r_rolo1 is UP
@Feedback: you will whip when the granary will complete in 1 turn, giving max overflow ... say 30 hammers. These 30 hammers became 90 hammers if the stones is connected ... 100% for industrious, 100% for resources. That is well worth losing a pop working at a mine for 5 hammers.

Now I got it! I thought you meant whipping at the start.... I completely forgot about this strategy!!!! :crazyeye:
It won't happen again!
@ rolo ~ at the risk of thread-jacking, the guy who won in '04 (kerry) would've been a bit better, and the guy who won in '00 (gore) would STILL make a good prez. I mean, when you're starting w/the worst in US history (even worse than Hoover, who presided over the Great Depression), you can't go anywhere but UP! I'm an Obama-mama (well, not mama, but . . .).

My joke
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A GreyFox impersonation:
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Why are we making cottages, for the Gods sake?? We're in Rep, so farms all the way. Even more, we're in a OCC, so no space for those things. :whipped: to previous player :p

P.S Not had time to do the nice mosaics that the original Mr Fox does :(

The turnset

Turn 2 - Spain is having barb problems...
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Turn 4 – IBT JC wants OB... No way
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We got a Gspy.
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I decided to settle it

Turn 6 – MC is in research set on Myst ( to prepare the way to Literature )
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Turn 8 – JC gets Hindu...

Turn 9 – Myst is done, research set on Poly

Turn 11 – Izzy wants OB.... not now, your religious nut....
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Turn 12 – IBT JC discovers Alpha and wants this deal
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I find it cheap and tell him to get lost ( he has Sailing and don’t want to trade it... Glighthouse is coming )

Finished new, shiny and hopefully hurricane proof Library. Hired 1 scientist and start a forge ( +1 happy and + 25 % prod worth well 1 :yuck: IMHO )

Turn 13 – Finished Poly research set on Aesthetics ( 10 turns ATM )

Spain is having barb problems again ( my heart is bleeding... :lol: )
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Turn 15 – Karl has swords... beware.
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Brief State of the world 375 BC

City screen
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After the forge, maybe we should go to the Collossus....
We are near Happy cap. Why does the AI religion never comes in time ? Any idea of how we’re going to cope this.....
I don’t like the garrissons of HRE in south. He’s been whipping archers and that sword may mean trouble. Keep a eye....
About MM: With the forge almost done and with + 1 happy , maybe it is better to change that citizen from the grassland forested hill to the newly farmed FP


GreyFox - On deck, sharpening the tip of his whip
r_rolo1 - Just played, and made a bad impersonation :p
Pholkhero - Up, preparing to dazzle all of us

Now I’ll run away from the whip.... :run: :whipped:
You asked "Why does the AI religion never comes in time ?" ... and yet you rejected all the open borders requests? And actually, I have in fact said cottages is good for now since we are food rich. Just be prepared to convert them to farms once we got Globe. ;)

I would have considered the trade with JC. Alpha will do us more good than harm ... but maybe later.

I would remove the pop working on the forest to work on the floodplains for an immediate growth. Thereafter, growing continues until size 10 when we would stagnant (happy cap). That's when we would add another scientists.

Get a workboat out when next player have time, it brings one more commerce than a farmed floodplains.

PS> Yellow card to Pholky for thread-jacking ;)
The Alpha trade is still open.... The pop working the forested hill was there only to put some steam in the forge building, and should be removed ( as I stated above . And the yellow card should be on me :p
Fair enough on the forest pop, I just think growing sooner is more important than getting the forge out sooner.

And the yellow card should be on me :p

But I love thread-jacking (so no yellow card for you). It brings lives to a SG thread. However, we also love dishing out yellow cards to Pholky.
well, i'll compromise and work that other FP farm for a bit of turns to grow us a bit faster.

i've got it, and finally have my civ problems sorted out, but i won't be able to play until tomorrow at the earliest (i'm up in one before this . . . and maybe one after, but that's neither here nor there).

and i accept my yellow card w/great humility, O Greyt Fox! I shall gladly take it in the stead of any who imitates you so well! :lol:
I'd grow to the happy max as soon as possible, even if it forgoes a little production. Scientists are more important than production at this point. Also, when are we going to tech drama and CoL?
Don't forget that we have gold and that with forges gold = 2 :) ..... We are near hap cap and IMHO the possibility of having a extra citizen doing something useful is better than growing faster to :mad:
Don't forget that we have gold and that with forges gold = 2 :) ..... We are near hap cap and IMHO the possibility of having a extra citizen doing something useful is better than growing faster to :mad:
Just for the sake of argument: True, but doesn't applies here. Gold gives +1 (which we already have). So forge only adds another +1. We are currently at size 8, capping at 9. There is no way we can out-grow 9 before forge is in. Even if we do, precisely because forge will add +1 :), it is better to grow to 1 redshirt and whip it away.
^^True enough, but the situation was not like that when I started it... If I continued to work the FP farm we would have reached :) cap before the completion of the forge. And I hate odd :mad: .... makes whipping less effective

Poor show. If GreyFox rants he usually is right, much to the difference of you ;) . Anyway, I was building the Cottage as working a 3-0-2 tile (which will improve quickly) is better than working a 3-0-1 tile. I agree on Specialists galore once we have Globe and Caste System, but we're still a good deal away from that...

:lol: Rolo, you're trying too much to get like Mr. Fox too fast... I think you have a long way ahead! :lol:

Things look good. Now that the great lighthouse is out, maybe JC will trade sailing and alpha for MC, won't he? It's a better deal than the one he proposed.

Are we going wonder happy again this time?
@ ·Imhotep· and FB

Read my roster :p ..... "bad impersonation" says something to you? ;)

And FB spoted why I didn't want to trade Alpha for MC in that moment ( a thing that I was too sleepy yesterday to explain ): I wanted to see if I could pull Sailng + Alpha from MC after the "must not trade tech that enables wonder that I'm building" thing faded away
Ah, the question is: is sailing worth getting for the WFYABTA limit? It might turn out to be better to get only alphabet.

Going Wonder happy is our only hope of winning this game. However, this would be more difficult than before. Priority will be given to Great Library, Parthenon, and maybe the anarchy-removing wonder. We need to pay more attention to power ratings this time as well. I have a feeling HRE is going to declare on us soon.

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