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Future of RifE

Sorry to hear RifE is dead :sad:. HOWEVER... E'iten sounds awesome :goodjob: Good luck on your new project :D
As promised, though slightly delayed, here's a screenshot of one major feature mostly implemented (code-wise, at least, if not xml):

I just assigned a few tags that fit initially, and then Ale because I wanted to test an array (Ale is simply the first resource in the resource file). Also made it simple to test, could just add the Brewery to my capital. ;)

There are over 30 different ways to gain points for a trait in the xml, and python is able to cover anything else we'd want; The bulleted list is also displayed on the trait page in the pedia, so it's easy to find out what you need to do for a trait. Traits you start the game with get a large boost in points, primarily because once you reach a maximum amount of traits, new traits replace your lowest current trait. To do so, they must have (oldtraitpoints + 1000) points. Levelable traits can NEVER be lost.

Leader Status, however, has been completely removed; In E'iten, all leaders will have one unique, levelable trait (core trait), and be able to acquire up to three additional traits (minor traits). We all liked the minor and emergent mechanics, and felt the Major leaders were missing out; This is a better system IMO, even if it has less variety.
Is there a risk of an Agnostic finding God or would this be an example of a levelable trait?
Also, the trait screen (interface) is mostly my work :D

( i had to highlight that one, since i do so few things it might get overlooked :p )
Also, the trait screen (interface) is mostly my work :D

( i had to highlight that one, since i do so few things it might get overlooked :p )

I posted that on the other forum, must have forgotten here. Sorry :p

Yeah, I did the DLL work and then hooked it all up to anw's display. The next thing that will be highlighted is also anw's work, with me doing the code to let his display work right ;)
The next thing that will be highlighted is also anw's work, with me doing the code to let his display work right ;)

i'm actually very curious how that one will turn up ...
and it might be better to make some dummy <items> to demonstrate it, because it doesn't look really good as it is right now ( with the <item's> modifications i've done )
At the least I'll make the x/y values fit. But yeah, some dummy items would be good. That'll be sometime this weekend (today I've finished putting together my bedroom, fixed a flat tire, got food with friends, am about to go on a journey to find a vodka bong, and will be drinking tonight, so most likely tomorrow ;)).

And then I start the next major project, but I'll need to do some prototyping first.
Firstly, let me just state that the journey to find the vodka bong was a success. If you don't know what those, it's simple: Vodka, in a bottle shaped like a bong. Yes, I bought it primarily so I'll be able to show off the empty bottle on a shelf. :lol:

Moving on to more relevant subjects, the next set of screenshots is ready, this time for the tech tree. Keep in mind, I will not be discussing actual implementation here; What we plan to use this mechanic for, what techs will be used for, is still hush-hush. That said, here are a few pics; Should be easier to show than tell, here. ;)

Spoiler :

The reason this one is being previewed so quickly after DynTraits is simple; It's an exceedingly simple mechanic, from our side. It was a few hours work (while actually at work... :D) on my end adding a new basicinfos file (TechClasses) which does nothing other than... exist, much like unitcombat. Then some hard work on anw's part to get the display up and running, and then a few days (okay, week and a half, was busy with dyntraits :p) for me to merge it. It is dead simple; No, you cannot research one tech per screen, or anything more complex like that, this is a purely visual change.

How you see things can be quite important, some times. Simply being able to present the same exact content in a new package can allow us to actually do new things with that content. E'iten won't have your standard Civilization tech tree design, to say the least. ;)

And that's all I'll say for now. We'll have small, independent tech trees, and will be using them in new ways. Feel free to speculate on the rest, but it won't get an answer until much more is developed. ;)

My next project will take quite a bit of code, so I'm not sure how long it will take. In the meantime, the latest dev revision contains both DynTraits and the new techscreen, though neither is really hooked up; The only trait you can gain for now is Aggressive, and only RifE techs are researchable.

Also, for those people who think they've caught a slip in those screenshots: It's just something anw threw in, though it is partially true. ;)
i hope that I along with my work will be remembered when you will be thinking whom to mention as members of your Eiten team :D :p
Ah, darn! Well, I'm sad to hear that 1.4 won't be out (at least not for a long while with only one [?] modder working on it), but this new project sounds exciting and I'll be looking forward to it! It is good that you will not be bounded by creative limits!

Shame I don't know much about coding or else I would offer to lend a helping hand. Though I can always help play-test alpha versions :).
Gotta say that I've enjoyed my time with Rife immensely and don't expect I'll be done with it for a good long time. FFH2 and then Rife renewed my interest in strategy games to the point that I've been able to improve my gameplay in a large way for a ton of other games.

Even in an uncompleted mod (at least for the full featureset you seemed to want to include) Rife goes above and beyond. I'll certainly be following you guys over to the new mod.

EDIT: out of curiosity, has the "final" code base been released?
The source can be grabbed at all times from our SVN.

It is, however, being steadily transitioned to E'iten rather than RifE. One of the reasons everything is being previewed as soon as it's done (at least the mechanical side of it); It's freely accessible once the mechanic is in place.

The next mechanic to be added (which I'll be working on tonight, and may even be done with tonight) will not just be able to see, but be played with, in RifE.
Dang, I can't for the life of me figure out how to update from the SVN. Guess I'll just continue to play from 1.3.195 with the hotfix. It's not that broken just really interesting dealing with the constant barb spam.
Dang, I can't for the life of me figure out how to update from the SVN. Guess I'll just continue to play from 1.3.195 with the hotfix. It's not that broken just really interesting dealing with the constant barb spam.

Seriously.. YOU CAN DO IT.

I did it and i'm a moron.

Alll you need to do is:

1. Google TurtleSVN, download and install.
2. Panic that you have just compromised the security of your PC.
3. Move on from step 2 with the rational of "Meh, What the worst that could happen?".
4. Make a copy of your Rife folder
5. Type paths for your rife copy directory & the SVN repository into the turtle thingy and press go.
Seriously.. YOU CAN DO IT.

I did it and i'm a moron.

Alll you need to do is:

1. Google TurtleSVN, download and install.
2. Panic that you have just compromised the security of your PC.
3. Move on from step 2 with the rational of "Meh, What the worst that could happen?".
4. Make a copy of your Rife folder
5. Type paths for your rife copy directory & the SVN repository into the turtle thingy and press go.

Too complicated. Don't make me do stuff.

Kind of a minor thing, but just to tie up one loose end: are you getting rid of Healers as a type of Great Person in 1.4? I presume that at this point you and the team aren't going to bother coming up with names, quotes, and images for the Healers, right? So probably easiest to just get rid of them, I would think.

As I said, not a major issue, just trying to tie up a loose end.
Well, there is no 1.4. But they won't be in E'iten. Their point was to allow agnostics to have healers, and we won't have agnostics (does not mesh with our religion design is all I'll say).

Maybe I misunderstood, but I though you'd said that there would be one more release of RifE, incorporating the changes that had been made in the SVN (whether you're calling it 1.4 or not). If not, then okay, no big deal.

Will definitely be curious to see what you do with E'iten.
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