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Gaddafi is history! Tripoli is free!

It ain't over 'til the cross-dressing dictator sings.
Mubarak did indeed order his army out to repress the people but the army refused.

Which is the key thing to note, Gadaffi's army (of mercenaries) didn't refuse, and actively went out to hunt down protesters.

The whole idea that picking sides in a conflict equals some sort of imperialism is pretty funny as well.

Everything is imperialism today :lol:
CNN is doing a great live coverage, lol the rebels are hauling out expensive cars and stealing stuff.
The whole idea that picking sides in a conflict equals some sort of imperialism is pretty funny as well.

Well, it is if you have no business doing that. Interfering in other countries' politics is kind of in the imperialism game book.
Here's hoping Iran can keep its sticky fingers off Libya.
Eh, if you interview some Americans you may not get a pretty picture either.

Oh I'm not so sure.

I've heard Obama been called a socialist or some other. I've heard Bush been called a tool of the elite, moron, social authoritarian, etc. Overall, it sounds more like we disapprove of our President, rather than saying he should be overthrown.

By contrast, all the Libyans I've seen give interviews paint Libya as a place filled with fear, corruption, etc.

Our government is incompetent for the most part, not really something to live in fear of. Theirs? Sounds like the opposite.

If a kleptocratic regime does replace this one, it's not likely to get better for the Libyans. It may even get worse. It's certainly not a given that the economic situation will improve for the majority of the people.

It ultimately does depend. But getting rid of a dictator generally is a good idea if it's possible.

I trust that the Libyans will have the sense to establish a good government after Gadhafi.
I trust that the Libyans will have the sense to establish a good government after Gadhafi.

Don't be too optimistic. Look at Afghanistan. They get rid of the Communist tyrants, embrace eachother for a few minutes...

...and then as they hug, stab eachother in the back.

The enemy of one's enemy is indeed your friend... so long as the mutual enemy lives. See the USSR and the Western Allies. Once the enemy is finished, however, old rivalries re-surface. See the Cold War.
Don't be too optimistic. Look at Afghanistan. They get rid of the Communist tyrants, embrace eachother for a few minutes...

...and then as they hug, stab eachother in the back.

The enemy of one's enemy is indeed your friend... so long as the mutual enemy lives. See the USSR and the Western Allies. Once the enemy is finished, however, old rivalries re-surface. See the Cold War.

Afghanistan was an extremely different situation though.
Oh I'm not so sure.

I've heard Obama been called a socialist or some other. I've heard Bush been called a tool of the elite, moron, social authoritarian, etc. Overall, it sounds more like we disapprove of our President, rather than saying he should be overthrown.

By contrast, all the Libyans I've seen give interviews paint Libya as a place filled with fear, corruption, etc.

Our government is incompetent for the most part, not really something to live in fear of. Theirs? Sounds like the opposite.

Eh, how did the subject of economic conditions become about complaining about the government?


I trust that the Libyans will have the sense to establish a good government after Gadhafi.

Which Libyans?
Don't be too optimistic. Look at Afghanistan. They get rid of the Communist tyrants, embrace eachother for a few minutes...

...and then as they hug, stab eachother in the back.

The enemy of one's enemy is indeed your friend... so long as the mutual enemy lives. See the USSR and the Western Allies. Once the enemy is finished, however, old rivalries re-surface. See the Cold War.

But do the Libyans have any blood feuds to avenge once he's gone? Libya already declared independence back in 1951, and they did okay for the 18 years before Gadhafi came along.
But do the Libyans have any blood feuds to avenge once he's gone? Libya already declared independence back in 1951, and they did okay for the 18 years before Gadhafi came along.

There were always tribal politics going on. Gaddafi's rise was no different.
Afghanistan was an extremely different situation though.

Oh, every situation is different, of course.

However, where there are rifts, there's an opportunity for carnage. I doubt the Libyans are 100% homogenous. With a massive void being formed, someone's going to fill it... and someone's not going to be happy about who fills it.

More often than not, these things don't end peacefully. Maybe we'll get lucky but... luck is rare. That's why it's luck.

Eh, how did the subject of economic conditions become about complaining about the government?

I don't get what you mean, but my point was that Americans may not paint a rosy picture of Obama or Bush or whoever's in office, but we rarely call them a dictator who has us living on constant fear, always looking over our shoulder.

In our society and indeed, most first world society, the police exist to protect the People. In countless other socities, the police exist to oppress them.
I don't get what you mean, but my point was that Americans may not paint a rosy picture of Obama or Bush or whoever's in office, but we rarely call them a dictator who has us living on constant fear, always looking over our shoulder.

In our society and indeed, most first world society, the police exist to protect the People. In countless other socities, the police exist to oppress them.

We were talking about economic conditions.
We were talking about economic conditions.

Oh. Well on that, I'm going to give a pretty good guess that "bad" for an American would be "good" for a Libyan, relatively. We don't realise how spoiled we are financially or politically.

In general, I'd think Libya could only benefit from more foreign investment.
Don't be too optimistic. Look at Afghanistan. They get rid of the Communist tyrants, embrace eachother for a few minutes...

...and then as they hug, stab eachother in the back.

The enemy of one's enemy is indeed your friend... so long as the mutual enemy lives. See the USSR and the Western Allies. Once the enemy is finished, however, old rivalries re-surface. See the Cold War.
Well, you people were bankrolling the hardest of the diehard nutjobs and they were 'freedom fighters' as long as thy blew up Soviet tanks.
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