Going to close the "Latest News Headlines" forum soon

We've already got World History... so how about World Geography? :yeah: It would only contain the most insightful geographical threads, such as 'Where the heck is Kamchatka?'
Why not a NON POSTCOUNT area where people can be userspecific..

I mean themselves starting threads, not being userspecific about others.
Atleast get rid of postcount in all the non-civ related forums, that seems most obvious to me.

But OT is the most visited, and the most posted in and active subforum on CFC; heck, half of us don't even play civ anymore, and a load of us never did anyways.
I really don't understand the animosity towards PC. You guys honestly think it would cut down on spam? Have you seen the forum games subforum?

All things considered the best thing is just closing that subforum.

Unmodded OT or "Mature" OT are both terrible ideas. Media subforum is somewhat decent but really not substantial enough to warrent its own forum.
No, I don't think it will cut down on spam.

I'd just as soon not see it. How many posts I have here is not some kind of badge of honor...it's just a number. One that I'd rather not see.
I really don't understand the animosity towards PC. You guys honestly think it would cut down on spam? Have you seen the forum games subforum?
Not really. But it will sure annoy lots of people. :D
But OT is the most visited, and the most posted in and active subforum on CFC; heck, half of us don't even play civ anymore, and a load of us never did anyways.

Just because you it's your favourite forum doesn't mean it's the most visited. :p

This is from the front forum page:
Civ4 - Creation & Customization (106 Viewing)
Off-Topic (64 Viewing)
^ Hey Yoda, maybe you'll be glad to see this:

Civ4 - Creation & Customization (95 viewing)
Civ3 - Creation & Customization (92 viewing)
Off-Topic (58 viewing)

Beaten us by 3 members people! :p Yet the OT was beaten by 37.
Just trash the subforum.

It would be pointless to try to divide up OT.
Just terminate Cfc-Bot. As for the sub-forum either make a poll on what to do with it (I think a proper debate forum would be a very nice idea, or maybe an art forum where people post artworks etc) or don't have any sub-forum at all.

Oh, and keep the post count.
CFCBot does provide a service that y'all can't see. So while he may disappear, he won't be gone!

Posting all our reports about bad posts in the mods forum I guess, right? :)
Aw. That's not as fun as what I thought... that if the mods have had a tough day and need to take it out on someone, they can ban CFC Bot instead.

But I would find that rather creepy; a robot would be acting as catharsis. :scared:
To be fair, it wouldn't surprise me if the vast majority of people on this forum were in fact robots.
To be fair, it wouldn't surprise me if the vast majority of people on this forum were in fact robots.

Are you fair it would not surprise him or her if the vast majority of people on this forum were in fact robots ?
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