GOTM 53 - Final Spoiler. End of game


Mac addict, php monkey
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GOTM Staff
Jan 9, 2003

GOTM 53 Final Spoiler

To qualify for this spoiler, you must have completed and submitted your game.
What was a spacerace attempt, turned out to be a UN victory, due to and Iroquois attack shortly before i built the UN.

IA was a quiet affair, with a lot of infra and rails going up. I also resettled the cleared land on the major continent. I killed the last Egyptian city, which had spices. I then got to the ME, which led to trouble.

ME started with me checking if i had Aluminium, learning Rocketry first. I did, so the plan could work. I then learnt Fission to know if i had Uranium. I did! I could get a space victory! Then came the cavalry and knights from the Iroquois. I was surprised just how many a Regent AI could get! I signed Babylon immideately to distract the Iroquois while i got some tanks to the continent. My rage led my tanks on a Razing Rampage, razing 2 towns with the 4 tanks i got on the continent before i built the UN. I decided i'd hold the vote, and conveniantly, i won.

Software Version: PtW 1.27f for Windows
Entry class: Open
Game status: Diplomatic Victory for Celts
Game date: 1880 AD
Firaxis score: 2134
Jason score: 3953
Time played: 09:18:57
PTW Open, 20K.

Nothing much to tell here.
Enter IA circa 1400AD.
Gift Babs, they get Medicine and we can get SP in 12.

Luckily we have Coal in the small corner around Furs which we carved for ourselves. Entremont builds Univ. Suffrage, ToE, Intelligence Agency and Wall street, finishing around 1750AD, and then just sits there waiting for the end, which comes at:


The 1st 20K which I finished before going Modern.:rolleyes:
The Ancient Age
I had a strong QSC, reaching Mapping in 1250bc, but everything got a bit mixed up at that point. Instead of nailing Republic as soon as possible, I stayed in despotism, doing full steam research. It wasn't until I hit the medieval in 510bc that I stopped off to research the government tech. The new republic was established in 10ad, and I was finally ready to attack Rome - I wanted to use gallics, but didn't want to trigger a despotic golden age.

The Medieval - Rome
I attacked the Romans, easily grabbing their towns north of Rome. The capital fell in 150ad, and I took three more towns for peace. A couple of turns later my gallics had healed, and I restarted the war. The Romans were gone in 290ad, and I took the opportunity to sell my tech lead to the other civs for over 100gpt. I didn't get a leader against the Romans, so I abandoned Entremont to jump the palace to Rome. The FP had already been built in a town at RCP2 fom Entremont.

The Medieval - Egypt
From Rome, my armies sailed east to attack Egypt. This war started in 400ad, and again I used gallics to mop up their paper-thin spearman defenses. Thebes was the last mainland town to fall, in 530ad, and I got my only leader in that battle. If only I had hand-built the FP in Rome, I could have jumped the palace over to Thebes :( ... well there's no point crying over spilt milk. Instead, I built an army which sailed south to kill the last Egyptians, who cowered on the tundra island. They were gone in 630ad, and again I sold some of my tech lead off, netting over 400gpt.

The Industrial
Research continues at a steady pace, bringing me into the industrial in 780ad. As in the medieval, I don't gift Ham forward. This is for cash-flow reasons; he is paying me huge gpt, and I hope to be able to catch him at the end of the 20 turns, but before he realigns his economy to do his own research, and sell him more late medieval techs. Of course, it is a bit of a vain hope; in 1030ad, I sell him Physics for 18gpt, but that is all he can afford. I then gift him into the industrial, hoping he will get Medicine for me, but he gets Steam, which I already researched.

Research to Max
There really isn't much to say about the rest of the industrial. I just research all the required techs as fast as I can. Mostly this is 4 turns per tech, as I have both Copernicus and Newton in Rome. Rome is one of only two towns which I plan to run with a hospital. The other is first-ringer Rutupiae, which can build Ironworks; very handy. Of course, I don't really want to take time out to research Sanitation, but the AI doesn't seem to be helping much, so I do it after Steel - the other techs I have available are too expensive for me to do in 4 turns, but after Sanitation, and with Rome and Rutupiae suddenly up to size 20, 4 turn research is back on the agenda again.

Modern Age
So I research my way through to reach the Modern Age in 1410ad. I have set up a couple of prebuilds for this moment; the first thing I do on the interturn is gift Ham up alongside me. He gets Ecology for free. Then I switch a prebuild over to Darwin, and earn myself Computers. Ham gives up Ecology in exchange for Computers and Sanitation, so I am free to take Miniaturization as my second Evolutionary tech. Research then goes to Rocketry, which I can do in 4 turns! Rutupiae's Internet prebuild comes through in 1425ad, and Rome finishes SETI in 1445ad to complete its science-wonder set.

A Minor Distraction
Ham and Watha have continued to provide some meagre support for my research, but Ragnar has had no spare cash for centuries. Well, if he isn't contributing, we don't need him on the team... I dow on the Vikings in 1500ad. My military is made up of gallics and conscript mechs. I must say that militaristic conscripts are great fun - a guaranteed promotion on their first win! Anyway, I have already co-opted much of Ragnar's land with my temple building and town cramming, so the Vikings are wide open for conquest. 9 towns fall on the first turn, 6 more on the second.

By the late medieval, the AI think they have the Alpha continent settled...

You don't need to go to war to grab land! Where are the AI's culture buildings?!?!

Finishing Up
By 1520, the Vikings are gone, and I take the opportunity to bankrupt the other two civs with tech deals... on a higher level, I would expect them to dow on me to prevent their empires from disintegrating, but these guys just sit there and take the pain. Anyway, the cash is irrelevant, as I already have the infrastructure to finish the game at 4 turns per tech. The spaceship is built by just three cities; capital Rome, Ironworks town Rutupiae, and Forbidden City Lugdunum. The launch date is of course the same turn that I get Robotics, 1615ad. A Firaxis score of 3835 makes for 7908 Jason points.

Research was steady from the medieval onwards, but the AI was no help at all

As usual, I end the game teetering on the domination limit. I got a shock in 1510ad; I hadn't really been checking CivAssistII very assiduously, and suddenly it popped up a warning - I was 2 tiles away from dom!
Nice write-up, PaperBeetle~!

i got my boring 20k victory at 1858, several turns later than Nata. :p
Thank you muchly. I'm relieved you guys both made it through to 20k... I was worried someone might drop out of the culture game and challenge for the space ship.

Azzaman, you also gave me a fright in the second spoiler when you said you got Egypt productive with a Roman FP, so I'm glad you flipped over to diplo :goodjob:. Even after I had sweated out some courthouses over in Egypt, I couldn't get more than one worthwhile town running. I think this is becasue I built too many extra towns in Rome to support my hopelessly ineffiicient no-hospitals plan.

I have a dotmap of my city plan, colour coded by corruption rank...

I had hoped this would clearly show the effect of the rank corruption bug, i.e. many very uncorrupt towns around the FP due to a loose placement around the palace, but actually it looks a lot like what one would expect from a twin-core setup if that bug didn't exist. So yes, I think an FP in Rome and palace in Entremont would have worked much better: many of the towns south and east of Rome would get relatively low ranks (i.e. all of Egypt), just having to contend with the few towns northwest of Rome.
I do love trying to work with this bug, but it does my head in! :crazyeyes:
PaperBeetle said:
Azzaman, you also gave me a fright in the second spoiler when you said you got Egypt productive with a Roman FP, so I'm glad you flipped over to diplo . Even after I had sweated out some courthouses over in Egypt, I couldn't get more than one worthwhile town running. I think this is becasue I built too many extra towns in Rome to support my hopelessly ineffiicient no-hospitals plan.

I was no challenge though, since i was only learning space flight i the 1800's. And the only reason i decided to change to diplo was because i coulnd be bothered fighting the iroquois.
PaperBeetle said:
Thank you muchly. I'm relieved you guys both made it through to 20k... I was worried someone might drop out of the culture game and challenge for the space ship.

Azzaman, you also gave me a fright in the second spoiler when you said you got Egypt productive with a Roman FP, so I'm glad you flipped over to diplo :goodjob:. Even after I had sweated out some courthouses over in Egypt, I couldn't get more than one worthwhile town running. I think this is becasue I built too many extra towns in Rome to support my hopelessly ineffiicient no-hospitals plan.

I have a dotmap of my city plan, colour coded by corruption rank...

I had hoped this would clearly show the effect of the rank corruption bug, i.e. many very uncorrupt towns around the FP due to a loose placement around the palace, but actually it looks a lot like what one would expect from a twin-core setup if that bug didn't exist. So yes, I think an FP in Rome and palace in Entremont would have worked much better: many of the towns south and east of Rome would get relatively low ranks (i.e. all of Egypt), just having to contend with the few towns northwest of Rome.
I do love trying to work with this bug, but it does my head in! :crazyeyes:

paperbeetle have you a old verson of civzation????:confused:
Gotm 53 Celts
Open 20k

I founded on the spot and placed three towns at RCP 4 and one at the most north tile. Two of those I razed later for optimized usage for Entremont and the other two towns. I handbuilt FP in the center of Viking land (although in the desert) in 540 AD and placed my second core in RCP 3, 7.

After realizing I couldn't build any more GW after the research of Feudalism :blush: :wallbash: I built ~100 horses and beelined to MT. Chivalry I just got in the Modern Times because I was sick of connecting and disconnecting Iron sources especially during railroading period. I guess this was my first game I did not build a single knight...

I had an early golden age (190 AD) when I attacked the Vikings to farm some leaders. At least it helped me speed up building the lighthouse. I failed to get the Great Library and Pyramides along with the minor wonders Great Wall and Sun Tzu. But except for Hoover I got all the rest in my 20k-town - yet it maybe took too much time waiting for leaders. Capital was building horses most of the time between rushing wonders.

Leader farming with cavs was quite successful. I had 16 in this game. One formed an army and the rest was shipped to Entremont to rush wonders. However I had to build several by hand with just 20 spt.

In Modern Times I was running out of opponents. So the last wonders had to be built by hand.

The result:
Cultural 20K Victory for Celts
Game date: 1848 AD
Firaxis score: 3636
Jason score: 6262
Time played: 46:37:09

This was my build order in Entremont:

BC 4000 Palace
BC 3450 temple
BC 1225 Colossus
BC 430 Oracle
BC 290 library
AD 230 Great Lighthouse
AD 470 Hanging gardens (rushed with GL)
AD 530 cathedral
AD 590 colosseum
AD 780 Sistine (GL)
AD 930 Leonardo (GL)
AD 1050 university
AD 1160 Heroic Epic (GL)
AD 1290 Bach (GL)
AD 1315 Shakespeare (GL)
AD 1320 Copernicus (GL)
AD 1325 Mil Academy
AD 1380 Newton (GL)
AD 1415 Smith (GL)
AD 1450 Universal Suffrage (GL)
AD 1500 Magellan (GL)
AD 1505 Theory of Evolution (GL)
AD 1570 Wallstreet
AD 1630 Pentagon
AD 1710 United Nations
AD 1725 Manhattan (GL)
AD 1730 research lab
AD 1740 SETI (GL)
AD 1754 Internet (GL)
AD 1780 Apollo
AD 1810 Longevity
AD 1838 Cure for Cancer

It was a fun game although 20k takes too much of my rare gaming time. So I played sloppy sometimes and made lots of small mistakes in war tactics, wasting too many chances to get leaders.
Looking back I should have played Predator to give the rivals more units as most I faced where spears anyway. On top of this upgrading spears would have been more expensive - that would have been another advantage.

Of course I read the first spoiler entries by Nata and was already trembling if I could beat him. I had thought I could because I got more of those wonders - but I guess I was way too slow building them finishing 6 turns later though getting those Modern Times jewels :(
And beating ionimplant even kills my run for the shield :cry:


  • Gotm53 20k Entremont city screen.JPG
    Gotm53 20k Entremont city screen.JPG
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  • Gotm53 20k Entremont view.JPG
    Gotm53 20k Entremont view.JPG
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Paul#42 said:
And beating ionimplant even kills my run for the shield :cry:
it'll be quite embarassing for me to get the shield for 20k for two consecutive games:blush: so i hope someone out there is also trying for 20k and just hasn't got time to report his/her game.
Paul#42 said:
And beating ionimplant even kills my run for the shield :cry:

Is that a fact?
For obtaining the shield you don't need to have the slowest date, you need to have the lowest Jason ;)
Another humiliating defeat...

I am not trying for any more f*@£!~g scientific victories.

Is it possible to play a peaceful game and get a scientific victory!?

Entry class: Open
Game status: Histographic Loss to Iroquois
Game date: 2050 AD
Firaxis score: 1970
Jason score: 2523
Redbad said:
Is that a fact?
For obtaining the shield you don't need to have the slowest date, you need to have the lowest Jason ;)

You are right. So Nata might also have a shot for this. If I read correctly, he did not manage to get many holdings outside our starting island while I was surfing around domination limit most part of the game and tried to milk for a decent score for the global ranking... :rolleyes:

16 leaders - yes. One formed an army. It was quite tough to not kill the last defender of a town and the AI did a bad job taking back towns I conquered by mistake... :(
But as you can see, "fishing" for leaders (and bee-lining to MT) is not good for your 20k-finishing date :cry:

At the replay I also found out that I started every single GA of my opponents (except for the Vikings'). That also gave me some nice victims for promotion tours. :sniper:
Hi fellow GOTMers! I had my internet connection down, so i wasn't able to submit in time. Now it's working again (for the moment), but i see the submission time has just expired!!! :mad: It's a 20k victory, 1802AD. I'm emailing the final save to, just in case the staff would like to consider it valid anyway. If not, no problem.

EDIT: the address seems to be - is it the right one?
As a special dispensation, tR1cKy, I've included your entry as you mailed it within minutes of the deadline ... just this once!

For general information to all, please do not push your luck with the submission deadlines. This does NOT represent any kind of precedent, and future attempts to exploit my good nature may well be rejected.
Well, I have to say that I am disappointed that I launched a Predator Challenge, and then could not play the game to compete in it. I got as far as conquering Rome back in the BC's and never got back to the game.
I will be reading the write ups though...
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