• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Guess the New Civs

I apologize as well if I sounded rude.

It is true they never had a large impact, but considering this is an expansion (and one that adds more civs than any other expansion in the Civ series has, IIRC) it will already add "non-essential" civs, and considering Brazil is growing significantly economically, possibly making it more of a marketing sense to have it (both due to Brazilian buyers and due to increased interest in the country), I think it has some kind of shot even if slim, specially considering almost all of the traditional civilizations have been added through DLC or confirmed to be in the expansion and that they added Cristo Redentor to the base game, showing some sort of increased interest in the country. Although, the fact that Portugal won't be in the expansion makes it rather doubtful that Brazil would be in - as it would be rather strange if they chose to add Brazil but not Portugal, specially since the latter can represent the first in some form, and had a much more significant impact on world history.

If I had to bet, I'd say the Hittites, Sumerians and Zulu would be in.
I apologize as well if I sounded rude.

It is true they never had a large impact, but considering this is an expansion (and one that adds more civs than any other expansion in the Civ series has, IIRC) it will already add "non-essential" civs, and considering Brazil is growing significantly economically, possibly making it more of a marketing sense to have it (both due to Brazilian buyers and due to increased interest in the country), I think it has some kind of shot even if slim, specially considering almost all of the traditional civilizations have been added through DLC or confirmed to be in the expansion and that they added Cristo Redentor to the base game, showing some sort of increased interest in the country. Although, the fact that Portugal won't be in the expansion makes it rather doubtful that Brazil would be in - as it would be rather strange if they chose to add Brazil but not Portugal, specially since the latter can represent the first in some form, and had a much more significant impact on world history.

If I had to bet, I'd say the Hittites, Sumerians and Zulu would be in.

Good guesses.
I normally don't like Sumeria being in at the same time as Babylon.
Same reason I don't like the Holy Roman Empire being in at the same time as Germany.
Hittites would be awesome though. There are some great suggestions for them at the link in my signature for suggesting new civs.
I still say it would be a good move to add later a DLC with both Portugal and Brazil. Maybe even with a small scenario centering on both of them.
The other 4, I think

1. Austria (Austria-Hungary) - One more European civ, and it's the only other major European empire that hasn't been represented

2. Sumeria - Oldest civ, would be weird not to include them

3. Ethiopia - Another really old, influential civilization

4. Moors - Another Arabian civilization
Yep I admit I am a fan of Native American Civs, but the one Native American Civ I do not want to see is the Sioux. They have been in too frequently especially considering there are other great choices.

In the U.S. alone you could go the Navajo, Apache, Illinois, Pueblo/Anasazi (A personal Favorite), Cherokee, Creek, or another Personal Favorite the Comache.

1 Maya (another science turtle?)
2 Celt (religion playstyle)
3 Byzantine (religion playstyle)
4 Dutch (probably economic playstyle)
5 Carthage (probably economic playstyle)


6 Ethiopia. It's in an African civ, which is under-represented. It could have a religious playstyle
7 Navaho/Hopi/Nez Perce. possible NA representation
8 Poland. Another religious playstyle
9 Argentina/Gran Colombia. SA representation

I think Portugal/Brazil and Zulu will be withheld in order to sell DLC.

There is a possibility that they could include a broad group that vaguely falls under a unified culture category and assign it a well-known leader. Like Native Americans from IV or Polynesians from V. They might also include some of the empires that existed in India prior to encountering Europeans.

Here's one from my wishlist. I don't realistically expect it to make it.
Saxons under Alfred the Great
Why there isnt a feature in the game where you can customize your own civ, and i mean really customize it, not just changing names, is beyond my understanding. Oh i think i know why....DLC profits....yeah, that must be it.
You know what I would do if I was Firaxis? I'd have a DLC come out around the same time with the excitement riding home from GK. So we may see more civs come out shortly thereafter, which is nice. As it stands, I really think they need some Geographic Balance. At least one African, but two would be even better.

Carthage, Egypt and Songhai really leave Eastern and South African underrepresented. So maybe Ethiopia and Zulu? Then for the other two one North America (I'd prefer Mississippi but I think Sioux is most likely) and one asian. Central Asia could benefit from the Huns or Khazars. Khazars would be the more deserving based on their achievements and the stable, large empire they had but I recognize the Huns have more of a legacy in popular culture.

So looking at it:


Are my final answers. I think they will eventually release a double civ DLC with Portugal and Kongo and they would finish off Western Europe and Africa in one fell swoop.
Why there isnt a feature in the game where you can customize your own civ, and i mean really customize it, not just changing names, is beyond my understanding. Oh i think i know why....DLC profits....yeah, that must be it.

What do you mean by really customize it besides just changing the name? Do you mean change the flag/border colors, change the UU, UB, and UA of your civ? Why don't you just mod yourself a civ if you want something customizable. It seems like the option your talking about is already there.
What do you mean by really customize it besides just changing the name? Do you mean change the flag/border colors, change the UU, UB, and UA of your civ? Why don't you just mod yourself a civ if you want something customizable. It seems like the option your talking about is already there.

I will refrain from a sarcastic reply with expressions like "well, duh" or "thank you for pointing out the bleeding obvious":)
Central Asia could benefit from the Huns or Khazars. Khazars would be the more deserving based on their achievements and the stable, large empire they had but I recognize the Huns have more of a legacy in popular culture.

So looking at it:


Are my final answers.

Very pleased to see there are others who support Khazars as well :)

Khazaria Khaganate (448–1048) would definitely be my top favorite new Middle Eastern/Asian Civ. But I have always thought they are too obscure/unknown for the masses so usually I support Israel or, say, Vietnam as a new Civ from that part of the World. I would die for to see them actually in the game. Though as one of the new Religions in G&K is Tengriism and it was the main religion of Khazars, I see a slim chance for having them included. Definitely much better choice than the Huns. Hunnic Empire (370–469) existed for a much shorter time than Khazaria and Huns didn't even have a Capital.

There has been a very good concept idea for the Khazars. Now that we have religion and mercantile city states in the game, their UA should get bonuses to them. As I see Khazars mainly as deeply religious and gifted traders. :)
Leader: Ziebel
Unique Unit: Khagan Bek. Replaces Great General. Upon spawing a Great General, there is even chance that it is a Khagan or a Bek - The Bek gives a larger bonus to nearby troops than the regular GG. The Khagan does not benefit troops at all, however it improves tile yields for friendly cities within the same radius of effect. Note: They get randomly chosen upon spawning, they can't flip from being Khagan to Bek - it's one or the other. It was intended to be chance when it was spawned, and then remained either Khagan or Bek throughout its life.
Unique Unit: Varangian Mercenary. Replaces Pikeman. Cost: 100. Strength: 14, not 10. Movement: 2. Note: Armed with halbred, this mercenary unit does devastation against mounted units, but also has high combat value against melee units.
Unique Ability: Pax Khazarica. Resources from friendly City-States doubled. Receives Military Units from friendly City States double the usual rate when Piety Social Policy is enabled.

I think they will eventually release a double civ DLC with Portugal and Kongo and they would finish off Western Europe and Africa in one fell swoop.

Hoping for that as well! :goodjob:
Kongo and Portugal would be the strongest choice for a double Civ and scenario DLC.
Do I spy a renamed Cherokee suggestion there?

Yes, you do! :goodjob:
If I remember correctly I asked your permission to "lend" your excellent Chiefs concept idea for the Khazars. As I thought back in last (July?), huh who the time flies, they would benefit it more. :)
Very pleased to see there are others who support Khazars as well :)

There has been a very good concept idea for the Khazars. Now that we have religion and mercantile city states in the game, their UA should get bonuses to them. As I see Khazars mainly as deeply religious and gifted traders. :)

Hoping for that as well! :goodjob:
Kongo and Portugal would be the strongest choice for a double Civ and scenario DLC.

And of course the Khazars converted to Judaism, which is also helpful. Seriously, they were a superpower and most history barely mentions them, but the Pax Khazaria and the legacy of the Khazars are still felt today.

Something relating to bonuses from Spiritual and Mercantile City States would be very appropriate, given they were a trade crossroads and relatively tolerant of other religion.

That Kongo/Portugal just makes so much sense, but then I've been waiting for it since the Spain/Inca double civ DLC. Portugal and Kongo would really round out those areas, and bring the total playable civs up to 36.

For some reason, perhaps being a bit obsessive person, I dreamed since CiV release that in the end there would be exactly 50 playable Civs. No more No less :D

If anyone is interested to learn more about Khazars. Here are some links worth to check out:

Khazaria Kingdom
http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=121893 (Khazaria MOD for Civ III)

Please no khazars.....

Why not? Is there some special reason you do not want them included or would you prefer some other Civ from that area? :)
Why not? Is there some special reason you do not want them included or would you prefer some other Civ from that area?

Just what I need another group of barbarian horse archer slavers in the game....
Just what I need another group of barbarian horse archer slavers in the game....

They were a lot more than that! Please check out the links I provided and Wikipedia. Truly interesting Civilization from a region always under presented.
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