• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Happy birthday Eran of Arcadia!

Happy birthday to my favorite Mormon (with Matt of course)!! :goodjob:

Eran-san otanjyoubi omedetou gozaimasu. [party]
(English: Happy Birthday to you Mr. Eran :bday: )

Is your birthday the 23rd or 22nd?

Anyways, happy birthday fellow Arlingtonian. [party]
Happy Birthday!
Find a pretty lady who looks like a :queen:
and will treat you like a :king:
don't do anything naughty :nono:
at least, not anything you'll regret in the morning :shifty:
have a great day:yup:
and remember: you're a winner! :trophy:

One last Civ wish: may your spearmen always defeat life's tanks
Happy birthday Eran! :bday: [party] :dance: :banana: :sheep:
Mazel tov! May you have a year of happiness and may we be in Jerusalem this time next year. Oh wait, you Mormon. OK, may you be in Salt Lake this time next year. ;)
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!
Gratulerer med dagen!
(Lit. 'congratulations with the day')
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Hermano ;) (This is the first birthday shoutout I am doing since it's the first one from someone I care about - as much as I can over the internet anyway.) Best of luck to you in the next year here is two hoping you double your wisdom, wealth, and attention from the ladys ....If it's anyomre than double I'll be asking you for some advice. ;) :D Buena Suerta,Salu y Fihams en Dios.*

*Yes I know I proably spelled everyone of thse words in spanish wrong ...here's to hoping I can improve my spelling and grammer in english and spanish by the time you are a year older. :goodjob: :D ;) :king:
Have a good one my fellow hispanophile!

Stay strong.
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