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HarlNESIII - The Decline of France

Harl, what happened to my additional military orders eh!!!!! :cry:
From: Qing China
To: Russian Empire

We'd Rather Not have a superpower bordering Russia's Heartland, hence why we feel threatened by the expansions.

Strange; the archives indicate that your heartland is much further than that, near a frozen western sea. The present expansion has only extended our border with the Kazakh lands (which we do recognise to be a Russian province, but not a heartland).

We would have preferred those territories as buffer, but we are willing to make the subduing of those lands our priority once our other commitments have been dealt with.

Then do so or, if you are trully busy, find some other ruler that would be able to restore law and order in the region, and support him, or allow the Emperor to support him. The Emperor wants to bring law and order there, whether it be Russian, Chinese or native.

Russia is willing to Sign a trade agreement with China so that our trade is Secured and Regulated between our nations.

Such an agreement is already in place, according to the Court of Colonial Affairs.
From: Qing China
To: Russian Empire

Strange; the archives indicate that your heartland is much further than that, near a frozen western sea. The present expansion has only extended our border with the Kazakh lands (which we do recognise to be a Russian province, but not a heartland).

We were referring to where the Chinese border would be if it expanded further into Central Asia, it could have potentially expanded up to near the Urals and while industrially speaking the Urals are not really the Heart of Russia, they are at least the blood of Russia as the resources gathered there supply our key industries.

Then do so or, if you are trully busy, find some other ruler that would be able to restore law and order in the region, and support him, or allow the Emperor to support him. The Emperor wants to bring law and order there, whether it be Russian, Chinese or native.

We shall do it in due time.

Such an agreement is already in place, according to the Court of Colonial Affairs.

A slight case of Miscommunication, the Tsar merely meant to assure The Emperor that Russia will do his part in securing the Trade routes.
To: Argentine
From: Spain

If Peru pays tribute of 2 ep this turn we can overlook the indignity of your movement against us. And withdraw from Peruvian lands.
are nation stats updated?
Not quite what I hoped but I was a little ambitious.

To: China
From: Kingdom of Portugal

We shall not leave. Our colonization of these lands will not only help the Chinese market but also help spread European technology and living standards throughout your world. Aggression on the part of Siam has given us a reason to doubt their ability to control such strategic lands with any kind of competence.

To: Great Britain
From: Portugal

We fully support your claims on Australia and also hope you can aid us in this diplomatic situation with China.
To: The Russian Bear and the Chinese Dragon
From: Prince Mohammad Taraghay bin Alimirza

I offer to solve your diplomatic crisis. I, , am confident in my abilities to unify the Turkmen and the Ozbeks into one unified nation. My anscestry, I am a descendant of Timur the Lame, and more importantly my education* allow me to be the effective ruler you seek. I hope you will accept my humble offering and support me in my quick and decisive unification of the lands of Timuristan.

*Educated in Istanbul and traveled throughout Europe, serving in some Hussar corps for pay.
From the Russian Empire
To Mohammad Taraghay

We might be willing to accept if Timuristan will become a Russian protectorate.
To: Russia
From: Mohammad Taraghay

If that is what you and the Chinese agree upon then so be it. But I was under the distinct impression that these Nomads, whom only i can unify and who have resisted your incursions for decades, where to be unified and nationalized to create a buffer state between you and China. WOuldn't me being a protectorate of you be unfair to the Qing?
From Russia
To Mohammad Taraghay
Quite the opposite, you being a Russian Protectorate would de-facto make that region a quasi-demilitarized zone between Russia and China.
Fëanor;5305678 said:
From Russia
To Mohammad Taraghay
Quite the opposite, you being a Russian Protectorate would de-facto make that region a quasi-demilitarized zone between Russia and China.
OOC: A quasi-demilitarized zone controlled by you and which you can move your troops through. Its also attempting to subjegate a people who have resist your rule at every turn by saying they would be part of you.
You're doing a really good job, turcwhatever, hahahaha. I can see negotiations are quickly going to break down with your input. The Chinese and Russians were quite well off without you.
You're doing a really good job, turcwhatever, hahahaha. I can see negotiations are quickly going to break down with your input. The Chinese and Russians were quite well off without you.
turc? where did that come from? There is no way either power could invade and control the people i'm offering to unite for them. There is a reason its still Grey in a world of Color.
I meant timuridwhatever :p.

At any rate... You'd probably even be better off as a protectorate country of Russia, considering how mighty they are :p. Haven't you ever played Victoria? It comes down to Russia, Germany, and the USA in the end! :p

EDIT- It is for this reason that I, too, am thinking of becoming a protectorate of the Russian Empire :p
There is no way either power could invade and control the people i'm offering to unite for them.

I am pretty sure that the Cossacks would have no trouble in taking over and subduing the locals, their superior survavilist skills and horsemanship are were of the main reasons behind their creation, they pretty much subdued everything east of the Urals.

There is a reason its still Grey in a world of Color.

The reason being that those territories are quite useless economically speaking, few trade route run through there at this time and even less valuable goods are produced locally.
Props to harleqin for this NES, really. No idea who you were before I came back, and still don't really know who you are, but I'll probably remember this NES for a while.
Fëanor;5305867 said:
I am pretty sure that the Cossacks would have no trouble in taking over and subduing the locals, their superior survavilist skills and horsemanship are were of the main reasons behind their creation, they pretty much subdued everything east of the Urals.

The reason being that those territories are quite useless economically speaking, few trade route run through there at this time and even less valuable goods are produced locally.
It took them 35 years just to take the non-Caspian part of that land in OTL, and they couldn't even begin occupation until 1865. The Uzbeks are a very proud, independent people.
Having recently captured it from the United Provinces and expecting a counter attack, the Siamese were well dug in and prepared for the Portuguese

What was captured from me?

@ Kal - I DID tell people to send me any diplo/things I should know about. I just joined this update. 2 years = 4 updates, I wasnt really paying attention to britain then.

but we can work it out.
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