HOF V3 game -Kursk

Please, check it again.
There is no airdrop symbol and ability for Russian and Japan Parachute troops.
Whereas it is for German and UK troops.

Did the unit move by land? If so you can't move and airdrop
on the same turn. You may also need a military airfield in your
city, I can't remember if this is true or not.
I hope this unit is not there in Lennigrad in the PBEM game
because that would mean you have violated the pre-turn rules.


  • jap_para.JPG
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HI everyone...now I know there are new folks on board. But when I opened the save I found that the British Task Force in the South China Sea had moved (ok) but was damaged? POW was 2/3 and the DD was 1/3?

Now I also seem to have lost ships with SNLFs in that area? It would seem that the Brits attacked them on their Nov turn or Nature attacked both IJN Ships & the Brits Ships?

Would appreciate an explanation within the next 24 hours before I play the turn.

It is quite possible that a mistake was made. And if so..I think a compromise is possible and I await a response before I play the turn.

I won't hold the game up Eric. But I lost valuable Trans & SNLFs and those are more important than Bonus Points. Look he made a mistake. What I propose is that the British disband like units in the area (my choice) and provide an amount of gold to rebuild a Trans and Marine Div. The gold can be gifted from the CW to Russia on CW's next turn then gifted from Russia to Japan on their turn. I think this is a fair alternative to starting over again.

I should be able to complete my turn later today.

and provide an amount of gold to rebuild a Trans and Marine Div.
I am affraid it is a lot and CW can't pay it in one go. Also it make you stronger and them lot weaker.
Some balance must be done. But I think better ask CW replay his turn. Strange, that he did not produce battle report. We could resolve this problem immediately.
It may seem so Larkin but Japan is never stronger as it is in the beginning. And unlike the other nations just doesn't have the industrial capability to produce units. The Nov and Dec turns are like a game of chess. It is like me starting the game missing a couple of pawns and a knight. I will play the turn and hope Griffin responds!
Griffin logged in today but either didn't check the thread or didn't see this issue. I'm kind of sitting here waiting for a reply. Look this happens in this game when new folks come on board. Its understandable.

But the Nov turn was put in so that the IJN can put forces in position to match the historical setting for Dec 1941. So not only am I now at a disadvantage in the positioning of forces but I also lost the SNLFs that I can't produce and valuable transports.

Now I'm willing to try to overcome these issues if compensated with a disbandment of same number of CW land units and a gold payment to offset the loss of shipping.

But if Griffin doesn't reply today then I will play the turn but insist my terms be met. The gold could be shared by the Allies if CW can't make the payment. I would think 100 gold is reasonable so that I can use it to rush shipping immediately.

And I understand your opinion Larkin but eliminating my starting units and positioning will mean attacks that I should be able to make in December can't be. So yes the terms are hard but certainly fair enough given the situation. Otherwise we have to replay the Nov turn starting with Griffin.

Ah, sorry about that. I logged in but the server was busy and I couldn'y check the thread.
There's a lot of rules in there and I just forgot about a few, plus I am a bit of a warmonger with Civ. I can see it's just normal not to attack on the first turn or two so everything gets set up right.
Unfortunately it's 1:10AM here so I won't be able to replay the turn until about 6/7pm if that's what's been agreed on.
One more time, sorry for being an idiot.
Look as I said...it is understandable and it happens. It appears that rather than accept my idea of compensation that most think the replay is the best way to proceed. So do replay. And you are not an idiot!

But look...my SNLFs are on training cruises to promote peace and understanding during a difficult economic time.....so do let them be!!! :D


PS...I would ask that everyone try to move the replay along in a timely manner in the next couple of days before Thanksgiving Holiday in the US coming up. Thanks all!
Making the same builds, moves as before can speed things up, all will be good when the first turn starts then, just don´t blow up anything, unless of course you don´t see it (sub) and move over it with ships (since the ones at sea can move 4 tiles), in that case you are not breaking the rules i believe :confused:.
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