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How do you cheat via World Builder?

If you run out of room, crush your neighbors! Especially early on, when there's no diplo penalty for declaring on their friend. Axe-Rush them!
Can you add more civs from Worldbuilder? I'd like to play the huge world map and spread the civs out a bit more evenly with regards to how they're likely to progress..
Cheating? Well, if for the third time in the game I am beaten to a World Wonder by a single turn, then I sometimes edit it into my city anyway.

Then when I get all the gold from the unused hammers, I give it to the weakest power in the game.

Besides that, I sometimes want to glance briefly at the land layout of my map, without trying to notice the resources that are around.
I've used it twice - both, I freely admit, to cover my mistakes. (and, sadly, both in the same game! :p Guess I don't learn well!) Had a great city spot, generating most of my gold (and my only source of copper) where I had an axeman in there, meaning to send up some more defensive units, but forgot. Barbarian appears, heads for the copper - but, hey, the axeman has an 85% chance or so to win... ATTACK! Ooops - now, instead of just razing the copper, Mr. Barbarian can waltz into a great (and completely undefended!) City... :(

So, enter WB. Erase Mr. Barbarian, put my axeman back. There, that's fixed. Good thing I won't forget that again!

15 turns later (when I have, indeed, forgotten!!) the scenario repeats! :sigh:
>>So, enter WB. Erase Mr. Barbarian, put my axeman back. There, that's fixed. Good thing I won't forget that again!
Why didn't you whip another unit? I understand you were pissed.
My favorite: put a great spy after the 1st turn in every civ capital and turn his mission on :) funny.
Eh, the copper was RIGHT next to the city, and I had waited to attack until he was there - yeah, yeah, I know, not very bright of me. So had I whipped, the unit would have appeared next turn, but the barb would have razed/captured the city during their turn before my unit appeared.

And, yes, that just emphasises how stupid I was that I let it happen twice... :p
I don't use World Builder. My way of "cheating" is simply reloading the game from a previous autosave and just trying to prevent the situation from happening. Um...is this something everyone does? I find myself having to use it pretty often
Eh, the copper was RIGHT next to the city, and I had waited to attack until he was there - yeah, yeah, I know, not very bright of me. So had I whipped, the unit would have appeared next turn, but the barb would have razed/captured the city during their turn before my unit appeared.

And, yes, that just emphasises how stupid I was that I let it happen twice... :p

If your city has enough hammers to finish building the unit at the end of the current turn, whether those hammers come from whipping or normal production, the unit will appear immediately you end your turn. This is just one of the many reasons why slavery is so good in CIV 4. The only down side is you don't get to give the unit any promotions until your next turn, so it will be fighting as an inexperienced unit.
ah, this I did not know. So, if I whip, it's essentially immedietly available for defense ...

There's my something new learned for today! In this case, yes, I should have just whipped (though, to be honest, I may not have been running slavery at the time. I've been playing the Legends of Revolution mod and slavery makes my people unhappy, and unhappy people set fire to my palace and take to the streets with pitchforks and torches... :) )
usualy one of the following
setting one of my starting techs to mysticism, because not starting with a religion pretty much ruins the game for me, I'm a builder,
swapping resources, especially on premade maps where i want to try a new strategy that isnt viable for certain civilizations,
moving my settler around on a premade map, and often opening up the map to look at the best places to settle, I play premade maps often, so what ends up happening if i don't do this is i'll eventually learn later.
Using it to rectify small mistakes I've made, since doing that is faster than going back into the auto save and replaying 1-3 turns just to fix a small mistake. (often things like moving a unit in the wrong square. )
and sometimes giving myself replaceable parts as i dislike the fact that every improvement somehow clearcuts a whole $%T@ing region.

and i lol at people who think things like that are cheating, its called world builder for a reason, I want to try out more interesting ways of playing the game which doesn't provide the option on its own.

remember rule zero, if they get in the way of fun, screw the rules.
A game without cheating is like a house without foundations.
My uses of worldbuilder...

1. At the start of the game, I have made an uber-continent for my civilization. I haven't done this in a while.

2. On the Earth18 map, I change the mountain near Panama to a hill to allow passage. I also open up some of the mountain passes for the Incan. I do this even if I am playing one of the European civs.

3. At the start of the game on a random map, I will clear the ice from the north and south poles to allow for sailing around the landmasses.

I don't think I have ever opened up the WB after the first round of play.
I'll use WB if a game is going to be lost early and I want to continue it to work on my mid and late game strategies. If I have a good start for a cultural victory say and suddenly Shaka appears out of nowhere with a gigantic stack in 500 BC.

Other than doing something like that, I rarely use it. I was playing a marathon game recently and going for Stonehenge. I seriously got 3 random events destroying my stone quarry while I was building it. The third time I just world-buildered it back.

Of course there was a game where I started off on a continent with the only neighbors being Shaka, Monty and Toku. They all decided they hated me early on. Modern Armor in the BCs is a fun stress reliever.
Of course there was a game where I started off on a continent with the only neighbors being Shaka, Monty and Toku. They all decided they hated me early on. Modern Armor in the BCs is a fun stress reliever.

Now THAT'S the map generator cheating against you (WB in this case would be recommended, IMO).

huh? said:
My uses of worldbuilder...
2. On the Earth18 map, I change the mountain near Panama to a hill to allow passage. I also open up some of the mountain passes for the Incan. I do this even if I am playing one of the European civs.

3. At the start of the game on a random map, I will clear the ice from the north and south poles to allow for sailing around the landmasses.

In that case, you'll like my modified Earth 18 civs map (I'll upload it one of these days, but I still can send it to you via e-mail).
I, like many other people, use WB wwhen things get really out of control and I quit the game, but instead of just giving it up, I delete all enemy army units and I spawn 100 Modern Armors in one tile for me to use freely.

I also use the WB to create some crappy scenarios.
Civ has impressed me with its absence of cheat codes and/or cheat menus. It's been that way since the first release. Granted, there have been exploits but those are usually patched out. The venerable Cheat Engine doesn't even work on any version of Civ (At least to my knowledge). So it's interesting that this version includes a tool that doesn't just give you a dollop of gold or that clears the fog of war, it gifts you with Zeus-like powers to do anything from give you a slight edge up to winning every victory condition, save Space Race, with a size 1 city.
As for using it, I could care less. If it's fun for you to use WB as a part of your gameplay then use it. If it isn't then don't. This is a game. I'd no more look down on someone for using WB than I would for someone not wanting to learn the detail and undertaking the micromanagement necessary to win on Deity level. Whatever floats your boat...

Cheat engine and Tsearch do work with the Civ games you just have to know what to look for. Anyone know of a good debugger that works with civ 4 without crashing also a good disassembler for taking apart CvgamecoreDLL?
Or you can just download the SDK.
When I give up on a game, I go into the WB and see what the map looked like. Aside from that, I don't use it. If I end up going into the WB, I won't play the game afterwards, but sometimes I feel like goofing around and giving myself 50+ great people and a 1000 pop city with 6 trillion people in it.
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