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How many AIs on what map size do you usually play with?


May 27, 2009
I've been getting very into tectonics but have traditionally played continents. For my tectonics games I've been going for 70% water and 12 civs on large which seems about right, I'd find only 7 AI civs to be somewhat empty personally. I've also grown pretty fond of Marathon speed, but it feels like such a different game compared to standard and epic. What does everyone else stick with most often?

Oh, and Darius, Catherine, and Julius all the way. Been a long time civfanatics reader, first time poster.
:beer: Welcome to the CFC Forums.

I play Huge/Marathon, usually against 10 A.I.s and one open slot.

Big and Small with random island settings, but lately I'm playing other types of maps.

Yes, huge/marathon is a different game, but I don't like most smaller sizes, and I feel marathon movement is better balanced for huge.
:beer: Welcome to the CFC Forums.
Hear hear! :beer:

I prefer fractal standard in the play now, so that yould be 7 civs - I think - or at least whatever is the default for standard maps.

I dislike warring because it takes just too much real time in order to get things going and to organise things. Unless your nickname is Turbo of course, then you can wage war in 20 seconds and win. :p Anything over standard is too big for my tastes, but I have begun to play smaller maps even because I feel you can get more games played and practise more aspects of the game in less time.
I'm anal about the map type I play with. It HAS to be an earth-type map (Contients, Terra, Hemispheres), no exceptions. In order to enjoy my game it has to be as earth-type senario, even when it does not generally have Earth's landmass.
The number of players depends on the mod I'm playing. Normally on a Revolutions mod, I wear pear up three leaders in a huge map. That mirrors the RFC mod (which also only starts out with 3 civs). Otherwise, it's the standard number of players.
Lately, I've been dabbling with smaller maps (Large, Standard), but I usually play a huge map.
Thanks for the welcomes.

I've been playing as Darius more than any other civ on the higher difficulties epic speed actually, and I've got to say its somewhat hilarious how much easier it makes things. Financial/Organized is one hell of a combo.
16 AI on Huge map.
Huge, Marathon, (usually Archipelago or similar), 30+ civs for the last few games.

/my games take a while...
For BtS: Large/Huge, standard number or 1+. Non-pangea landtypes usually, and I prefer more varied scripts like Tectonics or Perfectworld to Continents.

Which is ironically the opposite of what I find myself playing FfH - near Pangea is mandatory, often flat just for the flavor, and smaller maps/higher crowding of civs (while huge BtS is perfectly fine I just can't always keep up huge FfH).
I like Epic/Large/10 AIs when playing over my LAN with a friend, otherwise it's got to be Marathon/Huge/11-12 AIs when playing alone :)
Approximately 2.25 times the size of a Huge map? You're adventurous :D
Standard map size and AI count. I would do bigger on occasion if I had a machine that could handle it.

Same. I would love to play Huge maps, especially the earth scenario.
Heh. Even I have lag when playing RoM's 28-civ Huge Earth map, with the Revolutions DCM and Barbarian Civ mods activated. 36 civilisations can really take it out of you, especially when in the Industrial Era!
Standard size
Fractal only (I used to use Hemispheres though)
Low sea level
10 civs

More land tiles lets me squeeze in a few more civs comfortably over the default.
XXL Size map
Tectonics (60% ocean) / Fractal (Low Sea Level)
18 civs
Random Leader

I like building an empire. But there is always a small part of me that is sad when a game is finally over whether I win or not.
Generally 32 on Huge (using a modded .dll to allow that many civs, of course). And with Aggressive AI and Vassal States turned on. They end up welding into 3-4 enormous alliances, resulting in an endgame that I think is really fun.
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