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This post updated 28th April 18 with the latest findings on fighting multiple Wars
There is a helpful war weariness log in the log directory (My documents/my games/civillization VI/logs)
When does it happen?
War weariness values get updated for a civ based on each combat they partake in against another major civ or when nukes are involved. It includes city combat but not pillaging/raiding nor war declarations. It does not change with difficulty or level unit type but does increase with Era and whether a war is a surprise or not. It also gets reduced by the Casus Belli %
Where does it happen?
War Weariness is calculated in the target location, even for ranged.
How do I get -1 war weariness and in which city?
For every 400 war weariness points (WWP) you currently have you gain -1 war weariness (WW) which is a form of happiness requiring more amenities to combat. This appears to be spread over cities based on proximity to battle, whether you founded the city and the population of the city. I Also have seen some indication there may be a link to the city that created a unit killed in battle but nothing firm in this area.
If your turn finishes with you having less WWP than 400 then the -1 is gone next turn.
How do I accumulate WWP?
For each combat you gain WWP. It does not matter whether you attack or defend. This Is based on the following factors.
Era Base
You get a base WWP per combat for the era you are in and if it is a surprise war or not.
The formula for this is
Formal war
Era Base = 16 + (min(era number -1,4) * 6) * Casus Belli %
Surprise war
Era Base = (16 + (min(era number -1,4) * 6)) + (3 * (min(max(era number -1,1),4)))
You get a multiplier depending on location. The target location is always the location, including for ranged units.
x1 is within your borders, even a newly taken city
x2 if anywhere else including enemy territory
x2 if you are a city giving or recieving an attack
For an example click HERE
Unit Death
You get additional WWP in a combat if your unit dies
This is 3 x Era Base
Formula & Table
So the formula is WWP = (Era Base * Location) + Unit Death
Note: If you fight a Casus Belli with a reduced % the Formal WW will be reduced by this %.
If you are the defender of a war declaration you gain the same WW based on declaration as the attacker (as opposed to the old way of always surprise)
If you fight 2 different civs, you will get different war weariness values, it needs to be tested yet but quite possibly only the most costly war is used.
How do I lose WWP?
When at war you loose 50 WWP per turn
When at peace with everyone you loose 200 WWP per turn
When you make peace you loose 2000 WWP
If you also make peace with a city state you loose an additional 2000 WWP
Make peace with a civ that has 4 CS allies and you loose 10,000 WWP
A visual example of an archer rush
Note WWP degrade 50 per turn so turns of no attack cause loss.
It shows that while at times I had up to 3 WW it did not last long
It also shows that deaths are generally not an issue, it is when there are large number of attacks in a turn WWP ramp up fast.
Rome had already been to war before me so by the end of the battle they were suffering more WWP for city attacks.
Nukes please?
Letting off a Nuke gives a fighting abroad penalty + 10 * base for the nuke so an information age city nuke gives (2 * 52) + (10 * 52) = 624 WWP. The same as 6 combats abroad.
Nuking troops seems to be ignored completely for both sides - no WWP.
The WWP gained from nuking cities seems not to be applied to cities which I would say is a bug. I will test more.
City war weariness
Every 400 points of war weariness gives 1 point of war weariness to a city.
A home city cannot have more war weariness than it’s amenity requirement (pop3-4 = 1, pop 5-6 = 2, pop 7-8 = 3, pop 9-10=4 ... and so on)
A foreign city (not one you founded) can get 4x this amount
WW are allotted fully to the highest priority city until it cannot get more
Priority seems to be foreign city, largest city, city closest to combat.
Initial unit deaths seem to not make a diff but wuill try a better test
Because there is a cap on WW that can be assigned to cities it is possible to accumulate more WW than can be distributed. In this case the extra is not lost it is just ignored which can lead to a situation where it looks like your WW is not decreasing after war or with reduced fighting.
Multiple Wars
When fighting against multiple civilizations War Weariness points are separated. Only the highest War weariness score is applied to your civilization.
Current strange behaviours and uses
There is a helpful war weariness log in the log directory (My documents/my games/civillization VI/logs)
When does it happen?
War weariness values get updated for a civ based on each combat they partake in against another major civ or when nukes are involved. It includes city combat but not pillaging/raiding nor war declarations. It does not change with difficulty or level unit type but does increase with Era and whether a war is a surprise or not. It also gets reduced by the Casus Belli %
Where does it happen?
War Weariness is calculated in the target location, even for ranged.
How do I get -1 war weariness and in which city?
For every 400 war weariness points (WWP) you currently have you gain -1 war weariness (WW) which is a form of happiness requiring more amenities to combat. This appears to be spread over cities based on proximity to battle, whether you founded the city and the population of the city. I Also have seen some indication there may be a link to the city that created a unit killed in battle but nothing firm in this area.
If your turn finishes with you having less WWP than 400 then the -1 is gone next turn.
How do I accumulate WWP?
For each combat you gain WWP. It does not matter whether you attack or defend. This Is based on the following factors.
Era Base
You get a base WWP per combat for the era you are in and if it is a surprise war or not.
The formula for this is
Formal war
Era Base = 16 + (min(era number -1,4) * 6) * Casus Belli %
Surprise war
Era Base = (16 + (min(era number -1,4) * 6)) + (3 * (min(max(era number -1,1),4)))
You get a multiplier depending on location. The target location is always the location, including for ranged units.
x1 is within your borders, even a newly taken city
x2 if anywhere else including enemy territory
x2 if you are a city giving or recieving an attack
For an example click HERE
Unit Death
You get additional WWP in a combat if your unit dies
This is 3 x Era Base
Formula & Table
So the formula is WWP = (Era Base * Location) + Unit Death
Note: If you fight a Casus Belli with a reduced % the Formal WW will be reduced by this %.
If you are the defender of a war declaration you gain the same WW based on declaration as the attacker (as opposed to the old way of always surprise)
If you fight 2 different civs, you will get different war weariness values, it needs to be tested yet but quite possibly only the most costly war is used.
How do I lose WWP?
When at war you loose 50 WWP per turn
When at peace with everyone you loose 200 WWP per turn
When you make peace you loose 2000 WWP
If you also make peace with a city state you loose an additional 2000 WWP
Make peace with a civ that has 4 CS allies and you loose 10,000 WWP

A visual example of an archer rush
Note WWP degrade 50 per turn so turns of no attack cause loss.
It shows that while at times I had up to 3 WW it did not last long
It also shows that deaths are generally not an issue, it is when there are large number of attacks in a turn WWP ramp up fast.
Rome had already been to war before me so by the end of the battle they were suffering more WWP for city attacks.
Nukes please?
Letting off a Nuke gives a fighting abroad penalty + 10 * base for the nuke so an information age city nuke gives (2 * 52) + (10 * 52) = 624 WWP. The same as 6 combats abroad.
Nuking troops seems to be ignored completely for both sides - no WWP.
The WWP gained from nuking cities seems not to be applied to cities which I would say is a bug. I will test more.
City war weariness
Every 400 points of war weariness gives 1 point of war weariness to a city.
A home city cannot have more war weariness than it’s amenity requirement (pop3-4 = 1, pop 5-6 = 2, pop 7-8 = 3, pop 9-10=4 ... and so on)
A foreign city (not one you founded) can get 4x this amount
WW are allotted fully to the highest priority city until it cannot get more
Priority seems to be foreign city, largest city, city closest to combat.
Initial unit deaths seem to not make a diff but wuill try a better test
Because there is a cap on WW that can be assigned to cities it is possible to accumulate more WW than can be distributed. In this case the extra is not lost it is just ignored which can lead to a situation where it looks like your WW is not decreasing after war or with reduced fighting.
Multiple Wars
When fighting against multiple civilizations War Weariness points are separated. Only the highest War weariness score is applied to your civilization.
Current strange behaviours and uses
- If I declare war with Civ B and in the same turn then make peace with civ A for that turn I get both war and peace decays for -250 WWP.
- WWP gained from nukes does not seem to be applied to your cities.
- By continuously declaring and making peace with a CS you can reduce your WWP by 4000 every 20 turns. This is also possible with more than one city state. Naturally you gain warmongering points for this unless they were allies of a Civ you declared on.
- If you are currently at war with someone but could benefit from a 10 turn break for the gold, you war weariness loss for making peace for 10 turns will be -4000 WWP with an additional -2000 if not fighting someone else. For just not fighting for 10 turns it is just -500.
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