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'Hybrid Mutant' Found Dead in Maine

Paradigne said:
I thought it was part of a terrorist plot.

That would explain the liquids coming out of it.
^^ Oh Noes! Is it oblong, too? :scared:

Phlegmak said:
This is clearly evolution in action!
Curt Sibling said:
Creationists can stick this one in their pipe and smoke it!
You could just as well say it's direct evidence of God creating a new species. :mischief:
Ahhhh it's my Killer Shih Tzu!!! :cry:
They mustnt have coyotes in main I guess, thats looks like the coyotes around here....as in.....nothing wierd about it at all....
Ok, that is the most creepy and disturbing creature I have ever seen in my life.
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