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I have just quit my job! Nyeah Nyeah!


Nov 14, 2001
Bringing enlightenment to you
Whoohoo! I am free at last! How releiving it is to quit your job some of you may know, others may not. I have been waiting for the perfect time to do this, and this IS IT! I am currently looking for a leisurley job, any suggestions? Perhaps not even in the city, but nothing too rural... Some job I want to go to, not one I have to. Perhaps a Fisherman? O don't Think there is much fishing around here... So... I have another reason to move to the US! Yay!

But, any suggestions on a fun, and great job? Maybe not even a good paying one... And nothing I need training for...
So, are you coming back to the States now Mr. Hammer. :)
Originally posted by PaleHorse76
So, are you coming back to the States now Mr. Hammer. :)

It crossed my mind, now that my chains are broken and I have ran from the salt mines I can go wherever I want. But I may not, I may, I might move to Canada, I might move to England, I might move to Japan! I highly anticipate that in the next six months I may very well leave Germany and immigrate elsewere. The US is but one place that I may find residence in. Yes it is a possibility. But right now I want a job, or something fun that gives me money.

I know! A part time criminal! A fun adrenaline rush with big payouts! You chose when you hours are! If you don't want a partner, fine!

:lol: :lol:
Nyeah nyeah indeed. Sometimes it's great to quit your job. Usually more satisfying than an involuntary separation.

You want a new job that isn't too stressful, that you can run from anywhere? Hm, how about running a porn website?
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