IdIOT II: Electric Boogaloo

Motto: "Death will set you free"

Name: Zombieland

AKA: Jack is obsessed with necromancers and raising the dead


High Concept: Necromancer Cult

Origin Story: Once upon a time there was that kid in the back of your class who creeped everyone out and was probably going to shoot up the some day. Somehow that kid became a necromancer, and then moved to India. Rather than finding enlightenment, he founded his own Undeath cult, and now spends his days drowning people in the Ganges to bring them back

Trouble: Living Humans

While many embrace this chance for eternal life, even if they no longer have free will to speak of, there are many who reject it, with hurtful words like "abomination" and "unnatural"

We'll Raise Your Corpse, Your Father's Corpse, and Your Grandfather's Corpse (No we don't care that he's not dead): When you inflict a Moderate or Severe consequence upon an enemy by killing a lot of people, you gain the situation aspect Your Dead Comrades Serve Us Now! (with a free invoke).

Covert: 0 (There's no point in being evil if you don't do it with style)
Charm:-1 ( We just tend to trigger everyone's flight or fight instincts for some reason.)
Cunning:0 (Our strategy boils down to "drown them with numbers" but it works)
Force: 1 (Look, all a zombie is really good for is a suicide bombing run)
Knowledge:2 (When you're a death cult with an infinite supply of subjects, there's really no such thing as "barriers to research" or "unethical experiments")
Thrift: 1 (The undead: Don't need to eat, don't need to be paid, don't need to sleep and don't have pesky desires like vacations)

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People of Note


The man, the myth, the legend, the founder of lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to. Not a maker of music, Chilledcow founded his stream several years ago to instead promote "underground and talented lofi hip hop beatmakers". Buy his merchandise on his website! May or may not be related to Ninjacow1488.

High Concept: Lofi Hip Hop Streamer
Trouble: No Musical Talent
Primary Approach: Thrift
Stunt: Live Youtube Radio - +2 on thrift actions to create advantages when it comes to promoting music


Studying Anime Girl
A virtual icon in the industry, Studying Anime Girl is not but one girl but all anime girls who are doing homework while listening to some sweet tunes for the streams the lofi hip hop promoters put on. Critics of the industry are quick to point out that while cute and endearing, having to do homework 24/7 in front of a live audience takes a mental health toll on these young women and that they should be on the ones profiting from their work.

High Concept: Studying Anime Girl
Trouble: The Exploited Masses
Primary Approach: Knowledge
Stunt: Studying for the Test - When Studying Anime Girl performs a Create an Advantage action for studying, you may choose what she was studying for after the fact.


The Cat
The Studying Anime Girl's cat. Look, it's a cat. There's no special lore behind it. It's there to look cute and it does its job purrfectly.

High Concept: A [tier-3 swear word] Cat
Trouble: On Its Last Life
Primary Approach: Charm
Stunt: Cuddles - +2 when assisting another unit to overcome a Consequence relating to loss of morale.


The Late Seba "nujabes" Jun
Nujabes was a Japanese record produce, DJ, composer, and arranger who produced atmospheric instrumental mixes sampling from hip hop and jazz. Okay look I just quoted his wikipedia page at you but the point is this guy, while probably not being lofi hip hop himself, is a gateway drug to the genre. Everyone loves him and was sad when he died. But now he lives on through his music and the music of others inspired by him.

High Concept: Soulful Hip Hop Producer
Trouble: Is Kinda Dead
Primary Approach: Charm
Stunt: Hip Hop Apostle - Upon succeeding with style on a defend action using Charm, can forego the boost and force the attacker to take the mild consequence, "Blessin' It"
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Draconic Thunder Stats

High Concept: Here Be Dragons

The result of a hilarious typo in a summoning ritual, the Thunder is populated largely by dragons of wildly different sizes and shapes and other reptilian humanoids, such as the Dragonborn from the Forgotten Realms and the Argonians from Tamriel, to name just a few. The dragon's famous lust for gold has made them wealthy as well as giving them a special fusion of industry and arcane magic.

Trouble: My Armor Is Like Tenfold Shields, My Teeth Are Swords, My Claws Spears, The Shock Of My Tail A Thunderbolt, My Wings A Hurricane, And My Breath Death!

Dragons have a size and power to them that is dwarfed only by their massive egos. This self-importance has made them difficult to interact with diplomatically, and can sometimes lead to them being equal parts overconfident and stubborn.

Stunt: Winged Terror

Covert: -1 (Okay so a dragon isn't the most subtle creature in the world, and we can't always rely on the Argonians to sneak around. Sue us.)
Charm: 0 (I mean, if you're into that sort of thing...)
Cunning: 1 (All these Dragons from all these different worlds have afforded us a breadth of cunning and plotting minds to use)
Force: 1 (If you haven't caught on already, we have a LOT of dragons.)
Knowledge: 0 (We're smart, but we prefer to take all the cool science instead of making our own. Usually.)
Thrift: 2 (Have you seen what Smaug brought with him? We're freakin' LOADED!)
Name: The Republic of Beach City
High Concept: The Gems run a country.
Trouble: A lot of corrupted gems.

Stunt: Fusion - if two gem units occupy the same space, they can be temporarily combined to create a higher-scaled unit for one turn. Units can also be permafused, but only one every five turns.


Covert: -1. The Crystal Gems ain't subtle.
Charm: +2. Steven, natch.
Cunning: 0.
Force: +1.
Knowledge: +1.
Thrift: 0

Leader: The Council of Crystal Gems (nominally led by Steven Universe, but basically they rule by comittee)
Capital: Beach City (replacing the town of Bateman's Bay)
Other Major Cities: Canberra, Melbourne, Brisbane, Hobart, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Auckland, Wellington.
Also: Sydney, I guess.

Will add Characters in a bit.
Stunt: The Elements of Harmony - Can use one charm to defend against attacks in any other field.

What do you mean by this? If you're meaning that you can defend against all attacks with Charm that would be pretty OP tbh.

A New Holy Crusade
Our world is being invaded. From across the planes of existence armies of unthinkable demons have descended upon us. No less than 6 portals have opened in or outside of our borders and a horde of horrors has spilled forth from them. They say that this is an invasion from Hell - how fortuitous then that it is clear that we are the epicentre of this attack. We will rally our armies to defend our homeland in a way that no other nation could, the purity of our hearts and the sanctity of our deeds make us the best line of defence that the world could hope for.

And be under no illusion because the hope of the whole world rests on us. Portals have opened up across the globe from which the demonic hordes have arrived. Though we may be the epicentre we are not alone in our struggle and with the aid of our brothers and sisters across the world we can repel this threat. I call upon all our cousins throughout the remnant of the old Canterbury empire, put aside our differences until this is over. Right now it is not just the defence of the realm that we must consider but the defence of humanity, the defence of creation and the defence of our very souls.

These demons can be fought back, they can be defeated. Together, through faith and the sword, we will find victory.
Türkışh Repüblıç öf Çanterbüry

Hığh Çönçept: Çanterbüry ış a repüblıçan empıre of Türkışh nation.
Tröüble: Hığh değree öf analphabetışm şınçe the şpellınğ reformş.

Çövert: +1
Çharm: +2
Çünnınğ: ±0
Förçe: ±0
Knöwledğe: -1
Thrıft: +1

Leader: Preşıdent Ğürra
Möttö: "Şürşüm çörda"
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Necromancer High Council

Spoiler :


Valerin is odd ... eccentric one might say. Completely stark raving mad if you don't value your life. Born to a human father and an eldritch abomination mother (Don't ask, you don't want to know. You really really don't want to know) his main goal in life is to find a way to free his mother from the abyss she resides in with other cosmic horrors. He's scarily smart, and might've found a way to accomplish this by now, if he wasn't also flighty and distractable, getting pulled into a thousand other pet research projects, from creating intelligent zombies to making them explode to making urine blue and taste like cheese.

Yuxor the Soul Weaver:
Spoiler :


Yuxor was born Scott Brown. As a kid he sat in the back of the class, was generally an awful human being to the people around him, and had that quiet intensity, and random bursts of violence going from 0 to 60 in seconds that convinced his class mates that he'd shoot up the school one day. He felt misunderstood by society and unfairly rejected by women and found the incels. Early on he found Kaiserreich and through it became an avowed Communist, attracted by the ideas of Mosley and Mussolini. He would later be recommended by an alt right mentor ninjacow 1488 to take a journey of spiritual enlightenment, and head to the savage lands to be reborn as his best self in a crucible of hell. And so Yuxor headed to India where he found his own cult.

Yuxor is a drama queen, always prepared to explode into unholy violence at the slightest provocation. He's never pleased with his subordinates, and complains bitterly about the unfairness of the world. He doesn't understand why people can't see the greatness of the gift he offers and believes himself to be an agent of destiny, with everyone else acting as the NPc's in his story. He also decorates his bodies with dozens of tattoos. No one's been brave enough yet to check if one of them is a swastika.

Zombie Gandhi
Spoiler :


Valerin's first semi-successful attempt at creating a truly intelligent undead, not just a mindless zombie but a free thinking creature. While Gandhi is more intelligent than his predeccessors, he is not quite perfect. Valerian couldn't get the brain chemistry quite right, so now this zombie Gandhi wants to nuke everyone. Since no one really has an objection to this and Valerian didn't have the heart to put him down, the Council keeps him as an honorary member and a mascot of sorts

The Arch Necromancer
Spoiler :


The Arch necromancer is the "sane" one, an easy title to hold in this council. He is the only one who seems actually interested in sometimes using the fact that they are the government to solve problems. A dependable and reliable sort, he's somehow earned the affections of the other two members of the council to the point where some have called it "homoerotic" or "Yaoi bait" but those people are filthy degenerates who need to be put in reeducation camps for perverting the beautiful friendship between men.
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Great, more Invaders. Makind has a lot of ground to take back.

Well, you're not getting a gift basket.

Will edit this post with images later.

The Government of the Republic of Beach City

President Steven Quartz Universe

The head of the Council. Son of Rose Quartz. Chairman and sole member of the Crying Breakfast Friends Club. In actuality, rarely proposes policy himself, choosing to defer as much as possible to the advice of his council.
Fusion Partners: Connie Maheswaran (Stevonnie), Amethyst (Smoky Quartz)

First Minister Connie Maheswaran
Considered by many to be the true power behind the throne, and while this isn't exactly true, she is definitely one of the most important ministers in the Council. Steven's right-hand woman, battle partner and Jam Bud.
Fusion Partner: Steven Universe (Stevonnie)

Secretary for State Garnet
The fusion of Ruby and Sapphire (recently married) and the head of the diplomatic service. Uses her future vision and plain common sense to advice the Council on all foreign affairs, and also handles intelligence.
Fusion Partners: Amethyst (Sugalite), Pearl (Sardonyx)

Secretary for Defence Pearl
Terrifying Renegade Pearl and civilian chief of the defence forces, in which she is very involved in managing. Does not take insults lightly. One of the hawks in the administration (heh hehe get it because she's the bird mom)
Fusion Partners: Amethyst (Opal), Garnet (Sugalite)

Technology Minister Peridot
Small, neurotic engineer, in charge of the nation's science and technology, as well as education.

Industry and Labour Minister Bismuth
Blacksmith and minister in charge of both production and labour management - always comes down on the side of workers, without exception. I mean, every time. She might be socialist.

Culture Minister Greg Universe
Steven's father, Top Bloke and minister in charge of the arts.

Minister Without Portfolio Amethyst
Not usually interested in governance but likes to attend meetings to annoy Pearl.
Fusion Partners: Steven Universe (Smoky Quartz), Pearl (Opal), Garnet (Sugalite)

Minister Without Porfolio Lapis Lazuli
Just attends meetings to hang out with Steven. Also possesses terrifying water powers.

Treasurer Sadie Miller
Not really a banker by nature, but none of the gems have any fiscal sense so it might as well be her.​
Manaketes and Dragons


Tiki transformed into her true draconic form

While humans make up the vast majority of Ylisse today, the history of the country and their old world was perhaps more defined by the presence of the second most numerous: the dragon. Dragons are an ancient race, predating the rise of mankind in Archanea. They once ruled the rule as effectively immortal beings*, far more intelligent and powerful than any other creature in the world. During this time of dragons, they were divided into four main "tribes", based off of their lineage and elemental control. These tribes were the Fire Dragons, the Earth Dragons, the Ice Dragons, the Mage Dragons (also derisively called "Demon Dragons" by humanity) and the Divine Dragons. Out of these dragons, the most powerful were the Earth and Divine Dragons, who competed for superiority among all Dragonkind.

However, as the first dragons started to live out their miraculously long lifespans, many dragons started to go under a process known as degeneration. Degenerated dragons lost their fertility and sense of being, eventually becoming nothing more than feral, marauding beasts. The leader of the Divine clan, Naga, proposed a plan to seal their draconic forms into magical crystals known as Dragonstone, which would halt the process of degeneration in return for giving up the power of their true forms. These dragons became known as Manaketes, and became virtually indistinguishable from humans besides long, pointed ears and long, sharp fingernails. The Earth clan refused the process, being prideful in their true forms and also wary of losing their place of dominance over humanity if they took human forms. As more Earth Dragons started degenerating and attacking humans, this eventually caused the Divine Dragons to attack the Earth Dragons, starting a draconic civil war. The other three clans split in the middle, some supporting Naga, and some supporting the Earth Dragons.

Only two non-degenerated Earth Dragons survived. One fled the known world, eventually setting himself up as a tyrant of a continent far away from twin continents of Archanea and Valentina. The other, Medeus, was the sole Earth Dragon to support Naga and accept becoming a Manakete. He was entrusted to look after the surviving, degenerated Earth Dragons, whom Naga sealed away so they would no longer harm humanity. For the next one thousand years, Medeus was forced to watch as Manaketes were now started to be oppressed by humans, taking out their revenge for the mistreatment dragons once afflicted upon them. For a thousand years, Medeus watched, rage building up in his heart.


Medeus, the last Earth Dragon, in human form

Eventually, Medeus snapped. Humanity had to be brought down to its proper place. He founded the nation of Dohlr, a nation built entirely on Manakete nationalism. Medeus was initially successful in taking over the continent, establishing draconic rule over Archanea for the first time in millennium. However, he was defeated by a man named Arni, a warrior who first was blessed with Falchion, a magical dragon-slaying sword forged out of one of the fangs of Naga.

However, Medeus would be revived by his human followers with dark magic, who revered the last Earth Dragon as a god. However, his resurrection bounded him to reside in a castle in Dohlr, his full power unawakened. Instead, he had his agents influence the politics of the continent, convicing kings to swear fealty to him and destroying those who refused. One nation that refused was the new kingdom of Altea, which was founded by Arni and thus represented a sore spot for Medeus. Medeus's agents executed the entire royal family, save for one prince by the name of Marth, who took loyalists to him and fled the kingdom to create an army-in-exile.

Marth would eventually slay Medeus a second time after finding the Falchion once more and assembling the Fire Emblem as a shield. However. Medeus would be revived a third and final time. By this point, Naga's seal on the degenerated Dragons has vanished, and Medeus went to free his brethern to once again release them on humanity. However, he was stopped by Marth once again, and despite his claims to once again return, has been seemingly permanently killed.

However, this was not the last time the world was threatened by Dragons. In the time between Medeus's second death but before his third resurrection, a mad scientist in Valentina by the name of Forneus created an artificial dragon with the blood of a Divine Dragon. This artifical creation, twisted with mavolent magic, would eventually create the world's strongest being, the Fell Dragon Grima.


Grima, in all of his unholy glory

It would take a thousand years for Grima to reach maturity, but by the time he did, he proved to be even more powerful than any dragon to live. Such was the power of Grima, it arguably even eclipsed Naga's own power. Even the Falchion could not slay him, only put him to rest. Much like the degenerated dragons, Grima was sealed away, with his dark powers, including being able to raise the dead as an army, easily turning him into a god amongst humans. His devotees, the Grimleal, would eventually form the nation of Plegia, while those still loyal to Naga and her chosen heros would form Ylisse.

A thousand years later, the Grimleal eventually had a vessel, a woman with pure enough blood, to sacrifice to break the seal and resurrect Grima. In the orgional timeline, the ritual was successfully completed, and humanity was all but wiped out. Lucina, the last surviving royal of Ylisse, led the human resistance against Grima, but could not find the last missing piece of the Fire Emblem, and subsequently could not complete the prophesied ritual, the Awakening, that first sealed Grima away. With no hope left for humanity, with the last remaining human of significant note sacked by Grima, Lucina decides to instead travel back into the past and try to prevent Grima's resurrection.

In this altered timeline, Lucina was able to initially delay the ressurection of Grima for two years, which was all humanity needed to have a chance. The vessel for Grima was unknowingly seized by Chrom when they found her lying in the road, unconcious, a spanner that ultimately unraveled Grima. Whiile Ylisse had to deal with unprecedented three wars in that timeframe of two years, the lack of the apocalypse made securing the five gems of the Fire Emblem less hectic overall. However, the resurrection of Grima could not be fully stopped, with Grima sending his own agent from the future to make sure Lucina could not fully muck it up. However, Robin, with Grima's own blood inside her in a concentrated enough form, could use her own magic to truly slay the Fell Dragon once and for all. Although assumed at the cost of her own life, Robin actually survived, and peace was finally restored to Ylisse.


Today in Ylisse, most surviving dragons are of the Divine Dragon clan, with only one known survivor from the Fire clan. Manaketes are no longer repressed like they were in the days of Medeus, if only for the simple fact that so few still even exist, and are heavily tied to Naga. However, they still remain some of the most powerful warriors in Ylisse (when they tap into their true draconic forms), and their long lifespans makes them unusually accomplished in whatever fields they choose to specialize in. A curious quirk is that most surviving dragons have green hair in their Manakete forms. This seems to be more of a result of genetic bottlenecking than anything else, given that even Divine Dragons had more varied hair colors during the days of Arni and Marth.

Finally, much like how humans have chimpanzees, dragons have close genetic ancestors that never reached true sapience. These creatures are known as Wyverns, which resemble minature dragons. Some dragons have given them a poetic name, considering them to be like an unofficial fifth tribe: the Flying Dragon clan. Unlike true dragons, Wyvrens are still numerous within the realm of Archanea (and thus Ylisse in IdIOT 2), and are an unorthodox choice of mount for sky knights (with pegasi being the far more conventional choice). There tends to be a rivalry between Wyvren and Pegasus knights over which mount is superior, as the pegasi more calm, gentle demenour contrasts with the more energetic, restless, and violent Wyvern. Wyvern do possess a breath attack in the wild, but the act of domesticating them generally involves breeding it out so that they don't accidentally burn their rider.


A feral wyvern, agitated and tense, almost ready to burn whatever is bothering it

*There is no stated average lifespan for dragons, but we do know that Tiki took three thousand years to reach adulthood, and that there were adult dragons while Tiki was still a child. Background lore for the first game indicates its possible that dragons in the FE universe could have natural lifespans measured in the tens of thousands of years.
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The Wizard Colleges:
> Haha! Tis finally the day the Pelagic school shall finally proveseth her superiority over the Thalassic school!
When they’re not squabbling upholding ancient rivalries, they’re performing questionable bold and inventive research.


Queen Jane I:
>Handeth me my sword!
Got her first sword on her 8th birthday. Got into her first swordfight the day after her 8th birthday.


Crown Steward:
>Dov'è il bagno per favore?
Talks funny, but good with numbers.


Lord Minister Arthur Hargreve:
>Are’st thou certain that this iseth a good plan?
Worry-wort and fun-spoiler.
Spoiler A magic story :



Nation: Draconic Thunder

Spoiler :

High Concept: Here Be Dragons

The result of a hilarious typo in a summoning ritual, the Thunder is populated largely by dragons of wildly different sizes and shapes and other reptilian humanoids, such as the Dragonborn from the Forgotten Realms and the Argonians from Tamriel, to name just a few. The dragon's famous lust for gold has made them wealthy as well as giving them a special fusion of industry and arcane magic.

Trouble: My Armor Is Like Tenfold Shields, My Teeth Are Swords, My Claws Spears, The Shock Of My Tail A Thunderbolt, My Wings A Hurricane, And My Breath Death!

Dragons have a size and power to them that is dwarfed only by their massive egos. This self-importance has made them difficult to interact with diplomatically, and can sometimes lead to them being equal parts overconfident and stubborn.

Stunt: A Dragon's Greatest Love
+2 on Force actions specifically targeting the wealth or resources of an enemy.

Covert: -1 (Okay so a dragon isn't the most subtle creature in the world, and we can't always rely on the Argonians to sneak around. Sue us.)
Charm: 0 (I mean, if you're into that sort of thing...)
Cunning: 1 (All these Dragons from all these different worlds have afforded us a breadth of cunning and plotting minds to use)
Force: 1 (If you haven't caught on already, we have a LOT of dragons.)
Knowledge: 0 (We're smart, but we prefer to take all the cool science instead of making our own. Usually.)
Thrift: 2 (What's a dragon without his hoard of treasure? We're freakin' LOADED!)



Smaug the Impenetrable
"I am fire. I am...death."

The scourge of Middle Earth, Dwarvenkind, and satirical conservative pundits, Smaug the Dragon Dread laid claim to the treasure in the Lonely Mountain for nearly two hundred years, only to lose his beloved wealth to a company of dwarven adventurers over the course of a poorly thought out film trilogy. Before his untimely death at the beginning of the third film thanks to a brave human archer and an idiot who thought it was a good idea to start the movie by killing the best character, he was transported to this world by the Lizzarding event, where he quickly threw in his lot with the other dragons.

High Concept: The Last Fire Drake
Trouble: Lust for Gold
Primary Approach: Force
Scale: Huge
Stunt: Scourge of Dale - When a force attack results in a Succeed with Style, can forgo the boost and force the defender to take the mild consequence Desolation


"We were made to dominate. The will to power is in our blood. You feel it in yourself, do you not?"

An odd specimen among the dragons to say the least, the Old One, as he is called, was summoned to this realm from a place called Tamriel, where the dragons did not lust for gold to the degree that most of dragonkind do. While Paarthurnax was at one point a friend of the humans and other small folk, he has since turned against humanity and thrown in his lot with dragonkind, allegedly following an encounter with a legendary hero who neglected his heroic duties, wreaked havoc throughout the north, and repeatedly refused to stop calling the Old One an Italian plumber. He and the dragons from his realm are unusual in that the words they speak are infused with powerful magic, giving them the ability to effectively scream magic at people, or whatever he said they do with it.

High Concept: Master of the Thu'um
Trouble: Ancient and Battle-Scarred
Primary Approach: Cunning
Scale: Large
Stunt: Laas Yah Nir- +2 to cunning when attempting to discover hidden units


Kuax Draqarushk

"There was nothing you could have done against me, really. I'm simply better then you."

A "lizardfolk" from the so-called Forgotten Realms (which he can still remember but that's neither here nor there), Kuax was once the prince of a powerful Kingdom and a warrior of some renown before a jealous rival staged a terrible accident, causing him to lose both legs and effectively disqualifying Kuax from the line of succession. Unable to fight as a warrior, Kuax took up the arcane arts and sought his revenge, pursuing the rival across the seas with the help of a rather dashing pirate before a burst of arcane energy summoned him and his rival to this world, whereupon he gleefully murdered the hell out of him. His desire for blood sated, Kuax has elected to work alongside the powerful dragons in thanks for helping him to end his hated rival, putting his tremendous knowledge of the arcane to use for the Thunder.

High Concept: Lizard Wizard
Trouble: Overwhelming Amounts of Smug
Primary Approach: Knowledge
Scale: Personal
Stunt: Counterspell- Can spend a FATE point to gain +3 defense against magical attacks.



*literally just straight up murders Mario and Megaman, Jesus Christ*

An extraterrestrial space dragon, The Cunning God of Death was once the fearsome leader of the Space Pirates and the arch-nemesis of the legendary bounty hunter Samus Aran, clashing with her over many adventures of rapidly varying quality. While expected to be summoned years ago for the first IdIOT game (cut for being too big, apparently), Ridley's long-awaited arrival was incredibly well-received by the Draconic Thunder, and his leadership and combat prowess is expected to be a valuable asset for the dragon nation until they finally add Waluigi.

High Concept: Space Dragon and his Space Pirates
Trouble: Savage and Chaotic
Primary Approach: Force
Scale: Small
Stunt: Consume Biomatter- Gain a free chance to downgrade a consequence upon a successful attack.
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Units of the United Uznahgar Clans

.Assembly of the Hands

High Concept: Clan Representation

Trouble: Limited Executive

Primary Approach: Charm

Scale: Personal (25 Hands including the First Hand)

Consequences: None

Stunt(s): Elect War Chief: Oncer per turn, may elect any Size-0 unit War Chief (leader of the United Uznahgar Clans). They will gain the aspect "War Chief of the United Uznahgar Clans" with one free invoke. Warning: Repeated changing of War Chief will result in widescale political instability.

Background: the democratic warrior assembly model was a system devised long before the creation of UUC by first individual clans, then hordes and confederations. The UUC has adopted a system that focus on representing to a more pure function; clan members have direct ability to command the votes of the Hand. To allow representation each Hand has extra votes depending on population but a veto process can be set if an entire clan is regarded as opposed through the direct democratic process. The Assembly hence serves as both the instrument of governance and the means of diplomacy between the clans.

Name:.Saedmara Ríki:

High Concept: Gifted Facilitator

Trouble: Hesitant Under Pressure

Primary Approach: Thrift

Scale: Deal in Stone: May use Charm instead of Thrift to sign and take advantage of trade deals signed with other nations.

Consequences: None

Background: troll First Hand of the Assembly, hailing from Clan Súge. She is tall, wearing a light brown robe. She has bronze short hair with her silvery stone skin and jade eyes. Having spend her first part of her career in the industrial collecting of beeswax she then took to serving her clan directly as a trade representative before her elected to the clan council, which after a decade followed with her election to becoming Clan Súge’s Hand. A advocatate of strengthed diplomatic relations and expanding further the xenophila ethics of the UUC she could succeed the lizardfolk First Hand Lurhtussuarth Nernesjymmute from Clan Hurthi. Having now take the role of key facilitator of the Assembly the new First Hand has founded herself in a test as both the demonic invasion and the potential rise in other aggressive powers, along with the dangers the Clans natural face, may make her test her diplomatic potentials while witnessing the potential appointment of the Warchief to heelp defend the UUC.

Name:. Dhenez Fetishise

High Concept: Vigilant Warrior Leader

Trouble: Hot Blooded (Metaphorically)

Primary Approach: Cunning

Scale: Personal (0)

Stunt(s): Shield of the Kal May use Charm instead of Cunning to lead armies in defensive actions in a core territory.

Background: lizardfolk Chieffess of Clan Kal and the most popular candidate for Warchief. A tall, buff figure she is known to wear dark plate over her dark violet scales, with her crimson eyes shining through. Dhenez is the third daughter of the priestess Diiv Fothisev. Dhenez took to the ways of the warrior and became a veteren in conflict with pirate raiders, aggressive basilisks and the dark wizard Leon Lóttask. Her valour made her a popular contender to succeed the chief Shunt Vrarral. Her policies have been to both strengthen the defences of Clan Kal and any fellow clans of the UUC in response to growing aggressions, while also serving in infrastructural development and in patronage of the arts. The troubles recently may see the need for a Warchief and Dhenez is perhaps the most popular candidate.


High Concept: Elder Caretakers of Stól

Trouble: Senior Traditionalism

Primary Approach: Charm

Scale: Personal (around 9 arch elders and 30 elders, each with an aid to help them)

Consequences: None

Stunt(s): The Shout of Reason: May spend a Fate Point to gain +3 to a roll Overcoming Consequences and other obstacles related to infighting between the clans.

Background: the Elders have watched over the clans even before the formation of the UUC; they now serve as heralds of the capital and as moral guides. Current Reverent Seer is the orcish Chaddoqqen elder Sudqi Biq vo Chaddoq.

Name:. Heagel von Hisenberg

High Concept: Hedonistic Mad Science

Trouble: Easily Diverted Playboy

Primary Approach: Research

Scale: Personal (0)

Stunt(s): Internationally Extrovert Scientist: May use Charm instead of Knowledge to research when working with foreigners.

Background: Heagel von Hisenberg: a goblin mad scientist prince hailing from Clan Geest. He has greased black hair including a goatee, procession bronze coloured eyes and copper brown skin, with the left side of his face scarred from burns inflicted from a science experiment; he wares a monocle on his left eye. He is often seen in ceremonial plated armour and red cape just for the fashion. Heagel is known for his connections with the researchers of the UUC and the international scientific community, even if that is partly due to his infamous hedonistic (even by goblin standards) playboy reputation, along with Heagel's boasts that he descendant from an ancient imperial Canterbury dynasty. Whatever the case his skills in the science are not to be dismissed and his social connections has granted him political power within the UUC as a 'travelling advisor. '

Name:.The Triad of Hindvah AKA The Bara Trio

High Concept: Sacred Triad of Champions in a Relationship

Trouble: Impractical Battledress

Primary Approach: Force

Scale: Personal (3 of them)

Stunt: Love’s Fury: If the Triad of Hindvah takes a Moderate or Severe Consequence related to one (or more) of the trio being injured, they will enter a frenzy for the next turn causing them to automatically attack. While in a frenzy they will gain +4 to attack but take a -2 penalty to defence.

Background: A set of three champions from different clans that temporally served in the Order of Anfenga, were they bonded then blossom together during a tour in the small settlement of Hindvah in Clan Zajar territory were they helped the village from the rouge warlock Muirvyrth Shigrur. The Triad are now among the most iconic heroes of the UUC and envoys of the power of love. The triad consists of the following:

Vregu Arau: orcish champion from Clan Wícing. He is a skilled magic knight, who uses arcane magics along with his mighty one handed hammer and shield. He a quite a bearish figure, with a mix of fat and muscle with his lime green skin blessed with bushy orange hair, including a short bushy beard that goes with his amber eyes. Is in a open relationship with both Ransar Kavliáris and Iet Minet.

Ransar Kavliáris: minotaur champion from Clan Ancra. He is a fierce brawler and a Greek styled wrestler with skills with javelins. He is a hunkish figure, muscles covered his dark brown hide. He has dark blue eyes. Process a pair of magnificent horns. Is in a open relationship with both Vregu Arau and Iet Minet.

Iet Minet: goblin champion from Clan Lutin. He is a sneaky sharpshooter and fan of machines. A twinkish, cyan skinned figure with lean dark short hair. Has light reddish eyes. His body is decorated in dark blue tattooed astronomical symbols. Is in aopen relation with Vregu Arau and Ransar Kavliáris.

Name:. The Order of Anfenga

High Concept: Special Force Warrior Lodge

Trouble: Legendary Ironman

Primary Approach: Force

Small: tend to keep to a limited force of elites.

Stunt: Geopolitical Overwatch: If the United Uznahgar Clans are attacked in a surprise attack during peace time, Anfenga will automatically be redeployed to defend against the attack. If they in the general area where the surprise attack takes place, they gain +2 to defending along with any other defensive bonuses.(edited)

Background: based in Bermuda the order were pirates reformed into a marine order of warriors. Bermuda itself is under an elective representative but the prime power is the Order. The Order is essentially a warrior lodge which has came to be a means of bonding between the different clans via their warriors and the Order is also renewed for the sagas about their exploits. Currently the Grand Commander is the gorgon warrior princess Xede Sfýrigma.
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Okay so we're getting closer and closer to the pointy end friendos! I've got draft stats for everyone's nations located here. If you see anything obviously wrong, please let me know.

I'm going to set a 24 hour deadline for signups and signup alterations/additions. Any changes after this period I can't guarantee will get in. Please get your signups finished before then!

Anyway, now to work on the map and chase up a few people about things.

EDIT: Deadline extended indefinitely.
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Map. Made some changes to claims for aesthetic and balance reasons. If I've made what looks like a mistake please contact me.

@Terran Empress Reduced the number of hell portals for game balance reasons.

@Ailedhoo I just realised I borked your claims, they'll be fixed in the final version.
If I've made what looks like a mistake please contact me.

unless Hirohito owns the Sea of Azov :think:

Also it's Sturm, unless you're RPing as CG. :mischief:

*looks at Talon*

*looks at me*

*looks at Papua New Guniea*

This is going to go well.
Would you like some "corn", tavarysh?
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