• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Im compiling all tech icons, so if you have any please post them here.

Yoda Power

Sep 24, 2002
Ok i just decided to do this. I will make a big download with all tech icons made.
This is what i have so far:

The icons from the DYP mod
the icons from the MEM mod
the ocons from the Balancer mod
the icons BeBro made for Steph.
the icons from the world of conflict scenario(which is still in progress)
the icons from GIDustins website.

If you have any additional icons please post them, and then when i have some more i´cons i will post a single download for them all in the Graphics Forum.
These are the icons I use. Any one wants to use them is welcome to.

HMM Tech Icons

1st Row: Iron Working, Archery, Map Making, The Renaisance, Rifles.
2nd Row: Submarine Warfare, World War, Monoplanes, Computers, Plastics.
3rd Row: Jet Engines, Modern Warfare, Modern Avionics, Cryogenics, Supreme Court (Small Wonder).


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Here are tech icons from Ukastech.:) Same copyright restrictions with Nemesis Rex!

Edit: I enclose a preview too.

1.row: Sports, Capital Punishment, Senate, Carpentery, Armor
2.row: Naval Warfare, Piracy, Slavery,Fundamentalism,Tourism
3.row: Psycholory,Telegraph, Flight,Fascism,Guerilla Warfare
4.row: Solidarity,Reconnaissance,ModernWarfare,Special Ops,Beam Weaponry.

So, there.
Ukas fixed the link so nothing to see here. :)
This is a very good idea Yoda! I don't have anything to share, for now, so I'll just download your works. :)

PS. Ukas, you forgot the /uploads4/ in your link.

Edit: Damn, Drift beat me to it. It must that he's in the Finnish time zone, he's one hour ahead of me!:D
1st: Great Idea Yoda
2nd: I think we'll let this one pass Ukas. Just don't do it again. :D

And here they are. Some are, well... a bit crude, but that's just my unmistakable artistic touch showing. :D However, all in all I'm pretty happy with them.

Download: DriftTech

1st row: Fascism, Fundamentalism, Global Activism, Global Media & Green Democracy
2nd row: Information Networks, Modern Socialism, National Television, Oceanology & Global Awareness


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Here they are Yoda !!!

Even earlier that I do promise to you ;)

These are the Great Lost Civilization Mod specific Tech Icons, but feel free to use them !

Sorry Guys they are labelled in french :( (and I don't have time to translate them)


BTW: For those who're interested, an early beta will soon be available, just check the GLC Forum

Preview, more inside the Zip file...
Some great stuff here - bet my personal mod will be endless, like "quadruple your pleasure" :lol:

Anyway, made a half-baked translation of LBPB's icons, glad to know he's still working with GLC mod. I bet someone knows better terms, so fill the missing ones or correct/confirm existing ones. Left out the obvious.

arts = arts, decoration
calendrier = calendar
charrue = tools?
cirque = circus
cosmogonie = Astronomy? Star Chart?
cultecorps = idolization of human body
enrolement = drafting, enlisting
ensclavage = slavery
fresque = fresco, relief
magistrature = magistrate's court
navale = navy
ordre bataille = organized battle, organized army
pierretaille = ? Something to do with architecture
Peintures Rupestres = Cave Paintings
Tactiques = Tactics, Military Tactics
Urbanisme = City Planning
Veneration = Veneration of Corpse?
Originally posted by Ukas
Some great stuff here - bet my personal mod will be endless, like "quadruple your pleasure" :lol:

Anyway, made a half-baked translation of LBPB's icons, glad to know he's still working with GLC mod. I bet someone knows better terms, so fill the missing ones or correct/confirm existing ones. Left out the obvious.

Well Ukas ! You're pretty good in French ! Just finishing your translation because labels aren't all the time exhaustive.

arts = arts, decoration
calendrier saisonier = seasons calendar
charrue = plough
cirque = circus
cosmogonie = Star Chart? Not sure I though it is cosmogony
culte du corps = idolization of human body (very good translation)
enrolement forcé = drafting, enlisting
esclavage = slavery
fresque = lower relief
magistrature = magistrate's court (I've no better translation)
bataille navale = naval battle
ordre de bataille = organized battle, organized army (very good)
pierres de taille = ? Something to do with architecture --> I though it is Carved Stones
Peintures Rupestres = Rock Paintings
Tactiques = Tactics, Military Tactics :goodjob:
Urbanisme = City Planning :goodjob:
Veneration des Ancetres = Ancestors Veneration
Thanks guyes, i will post the icons later today, but dont stop posting them:)
LPLB, I don't want to interfere but I think Uka's translation for peintures rupestres = cave paintings was actually clearer.

Veneration des Ancetres (culte des ancetres plutot, non ?) could be ge ancestor's worship.

Otherwise nice ones for ancient times.
Originally posted by LouLong
LBPB, I don't want to interfere but I think Uka's translation for peintures rupestres = cave paintings was actually clearer.
:D No probs take the translation you prefer ! ;)
It was a MS Word XP Translation... :rolleyes:

Veneration des Ancetres (culte des ancetres plutot, non ?) could be ge ancestor's worship.
Exactement ! :) Ta definition est meilleur que la mienne je vais changer ca dans la VF de GLC ! Take Ancestors Worship !!!

Otherwise nice ones for ancient times.
Thanks !:egypt:
Originally posted by LouLong
LPLB, I don't want to interfere but I think Uka's translation for peintures rupestres = cave paintings was actually clearer.

Veneration des Ancetres (culte des ancetres plutot, non ?) could be ge ancestor's worship.

Otherwise nice ones for ancient times.

Actually, "rupestre" means "painted on natural stone walls". Most of the time, it is indeed in a cave, but it's not always the cave.
So, here are mine:

1: Absolutism, Cavalry Tactics, Conscription, Courtly Love, Drama
2: Emancipation, Enlightenment, Explosives, Fascism, Geometry
3: Guilds, Humanism, Imperialism, Invention, Irrigation
4: Libertarianism, Marxism, Mercantilism, Mining, Motion Pictures
5: Photography, Romanticism, Scholasticism, Seafaring, Siege Warfare
6: Mass Slavery, Strategy, Symbols, Tactics, Telegraph
7: Telephone, Theocracy, Trade, Unionization, Writing System


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part deux


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For the quality of the second preview: Sorry, I hate those size restrictions!
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