I never said I'm not coming for your property.
They'll be 'effectively' yours, as they'll be owned by the State - cheer up, considering how much mortgaging is backed up by the U.S government via control of the banking system, it's more like a clarityof relationships!
How does this said communist state own my property? They
have to confiscate it, by force if necessary. If my property has been confiscated and owned by the state, it’s really not “effectively mine’s” now is it! Ergo, you are coming after my private property, belongings and all. Even your comrade Crezth admits to outright theft of other people's property.
People are not going to freely and voluntary give up their property to the state and the revolutionary red guard. I don’t know how many times that point has been addressed in this thread.
Settler colonists have been remarkably poor landowners and stewards, interested generally in exploitation. After all, your lot has caused a dustbowl, drained aquifiers, built cities in the worst possible places, etc. Is not even in capitalist landownership the case to be made that a negligent owner has to have their property repossessed until they fix it up?
The same can be said about the USSR and the Communist Chinese environmental records. The draining of the Aral Sea, using nukes to build the Pechora–Kama Canal,
The Chinese Environmental Issues, the list can go on.
You can also shove the wokescolding "Your lot has caused bla bla dustbowl bla bla bla drained aquifers" bullfeathers up where the sun don't shine. I was not alive when when these events you blame on "capitalism" happened and I refuse to partake in your self-flagellating struggle session just because I'm White.
Your vision does not extend past your nose; you do not see past your house. You're more brainwashed than all of the supposedly slavish (ha!) North Koreans.
Cute, but I'm not the one that drank the Commie Koolaid
So there isn't much incentive in your case, no.
It only shows me the incentive for a liberal democracy with a capitalist economic system to be far better than a dictatorial authoritarian communist state.
I mean you can roll your eyes but what incentive did the Pequot have to give you their land in the first place?
You’re asking someone who is not born in the 1600s with the property changing hands throughout the course of time before I was even born! Hell the land would have been occupied by another tribe prior to the Pequot. But sure do go on and on about “Muh colonial settlers are teh bad guys”
I reckon you’ve got the same incentive with respect to the communists.
My incentive is opposing the authoritarianism of communism and opposing the chaotic violent revolution you espouse. No different than Cubans fleeing Communist Cuba, North Koreans fleeing North Korea, and Eastern Bloc citizens making their way to cross the Iron Curtain in the Cold War. As I stated before, I refuse to; own nothing and be happy, live in the pod, eat the bugs, and go through Woke Maoist Struggle Sessions.
Definitely they have an incentive to take your stuff and call you a pig and say nobody cares what you think. Harsh, but communists are known for being harsh after all.
Good to know commies are open about this attitude and belief. I would outline the details of the consequence of that, but that'd would breach the rules of the forum. Let's just say, Try that in a small town and see how that goes.
The workers who have nothing take the stuff from the bourgeoisie who have everything. It’s the most basic incentive there is
So basically just steal from them cause they have what I don’t have, out of envy and jealousy. Good to know.