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"Iraq is one family": Baghdad walls come down

Thankfully all the undesirable neighbours were killed or left the country out of fear of being killed.
These Iraqi alliances seem good, but how is this attributed to "the surge"?
The surge did a lot in the rural areas, but that weakened the insurgency over all and did at least a bit to help, even if only indirectly.
Good job though this is just one wall.
Awwwe that it's so nice that they decided to name that neighborhood after their liberators!
Wake me up if/when all the people who were cleansed are allowed to come back without inciting further violence. It's my understanding that a huge amount of people still haven't returned to their homes.

That, would be something.
What a huge success story the surge and awakening have been.

Isn't the Awakening movement getting targeted by the Iraqi government on trumped-up charges of illegal activities? I recently heard an American military man in the region report that he is hearing such complaints and finding that they seem to be true. That is not very encouraging.

Mission accomplished.

I'm fine with us declaring victory and leaving. If the view that the surge established a stable, long-term democracy myth lets us leave sooner then so be it. We shouldn't refight the Iraq war/the Bush era at home over and over again like how we refought the Vietnam war until very recently.
The real important story here is that the Iraqi Sunnis and Shias came together to fight Al Qaeda and to claim control of their own destiny. This is a fight that THEY won, perhaps with the help of the US, but mostly on their own. Nothing short of this kind of unity was going to make Iraq a success.
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