i said the same
from eng wiki
In 2019, the
American Association of Physical Anthropologists stated: "The belief in 'races' as natural aspects of human biology, and the structures of inequality (racism) that emerge from such beliefs, are among the most damaging elements in the human experience both today and in the past."
After discussing various criteria used in biology to define subspecies or races,
Alan R. Templeton concludes in 2016: "[T]he answer to the question whether races exist in humans is clear and unambiguous: no."
In western wolrd - seem so. I dont know how thing going in Arab or Chines world, allthough UNESCO outdate it finaly in 1978
I'm not a scientist, and there has been no public discussion of racial theories in our country because there is no prejudice in terms of race. Perhaps this term is also outdated in our science and is not used among scientists.
Maybe it just
Maybe (highly lykely) i'm also outdate. But since I'm not a scientist and we have no prejudice against the word race in this country, I'll use it, with your permission.
P.S. I looked up what is written in modern school books on this topic in our country - there are races, but the species is one. division into races arose due to historical reasons. But now there are no textbooks, and given the degradation of education, it is impossible to make an accurate judgment.