Is it your own bias that makes FOX NEWS seem bias?

Immortal said:
Duddha, the fact you would site that particular website as "proof" against fox is kind of ironic.

If you find incorrect information of that website please feel free to correct. The organization I linked to is set up to correct conservative mis-information in the media, so I think it is a prefect site to bring into this discussion.
My Father watches Fox News every night. It is not very pleasent to be within hearing range during that time. Bill O something makes me want to puke. I have it set my own TV to skip Fox news. :)
Here is an example of bias. P diddy was being interviewed on Fox News. His message was get out, research the candidates, vote. The host towards the end began to get hostile towards him and accused him of supporting Kerry because he was encouraging minorities to vote. He basically blasted her by saying I am telling to research. Then she said, don't you think it is bad Whoopi insulted Bush? He was like, that's what makes this nation so great, the power to speak, if people want to bash Kerry they can bash Kerry. Basically, he seemed very neutral but she seemed to try to label him as Kerry supporting.
I can't believe people like watching such rude idiots like Bill O'Reilly. Perhaps its my bias the magnifies their bias, but they are alreay pretty extreme (compared to other mainsteam new stations).
Yes, it must be my fault.

Watching the "Beltway Boys" last wekend they showed some poll figures showing Kerry about 150 electoral college votes in front. Then one talking head turns to the other and says "Are you worried?"
To a leftie like myself this seems to be an indication of personal bias, but I'm guessing the truth is that they were only concerned for the well being of the entire country ... :lol:
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