Is this the end of liberalism?

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Well surely they can be seen as indicative of the fact that the individuals in question are a bunch of racists (if the story is true)? I'm sure if the races were the other way round then nobody would be using "but this is not a reputable academic institution" to avoid criticising the individuals in question.
Where are you getting that I'm trying to avoid criticizing them?:confused: Dude, I just ragged on their school, ragged on their region of the Country, called them the equivalent of some random crazies at a mall food court, and on top of all that:
these guys are about as random as the random white-power salute lady at the Trump rally, and their statements can't really be seen as indicative of anything.
I equated them to the random racist at the Drumpf rally... How is that not criticism? I eviscerated these guys AND I defended Drumpf from comparisons to the random KuKluxers that love him. Your appeal to reverse racism/white mans burden "Oh if it was white guys there would be a double standard" :rolleyes: is way off base. Take off your bias glasses and take another look.
Well, it is irrefutable that if you killed all the white people you'd cut back on global emissions more than probably any other plan.
The liberals are destroying themselves. They've become everything they claim to despise. The liberals we have now aren't liberal. The right doesn't have to do anything because they're more about freedom and liberty than these regressives.

Repeating the same stuff over and over really doesn't make your position more credible.

Where are you getting that I'm trying to avoid criticizing them?:confused: Dude, I just ragged on their school, ragged on their region of the Country, called them the equivalent of some random crazies at a mall food court, and on top of all that:

Is there a 'call Farm Boy, we've got a problem' sign?

Then again, the racial composition isn't his typical case.
Repeating the same stuff over and over really doesn't make your position more credible.

Neither does wilful ignorance on your part.

I'm just letting you know the way things are going. If you and other leftys choose to enable racist lunatics to subvert the entire left then the fallout of that will be on you people. You'll only have yourselves to blame for what happens.
Neither does wilful ignorance on your part.

I'm just letting you know the way things are going. If you and other leftys choose to enable racist lunatics to subvert the entire left then the fallout of that will be on you people. You'll only have yourselves to blame for what happens.

What kind of "fallout" are we talking about/will you be blaming on Sommerswerd?
The left is going to polarize everyone against them and their lunatic behavior.

Wait, so what you're saying is that the rightwing is going to respond in a way that will be horrible, so we should blame the left? Like, the left won't do anything actually bad, they'll just be reacted against and that'll be the fallout?
Wait, so what you're saying is that the rightwing is going to respond in a way that will be horrible, so we should blame the left? Like, the left won't do anything actually bad, they'll just be reacted against and that'll be the fallout?

The far left and anyone else who makes excuses for their insanity will deserve whatever happens to them. They are the most dishonest, hateful, pseudo-intellectual, hypocrites I have ever seen in my lifetime.

Yeah, people are going to respond and rightfully so, and the left will throw fuel on the fire, get violent, polarize, and escalate the situation every step of the way, rather than return to common sense. Heck, rabid leftys say Trump is a fascist. They have no idea what fascism is.

You're actually on here defending a video advocating for genocide, but only because the words are coming out of a leftist's mouth. If it was the other way around SJW's would be hyperventilating. Unbelievable.
civman110 said:
The far left and anyone else who makes excuses for their insanity will deserve whatever happens to them.

So tell me more about how ridiculous it is that I'm worried about fascism.
So tell me more about how ridiculous it is that I'm worried about fascism.

Because you have no idea what it is. You're calling a centrist that has no right/left ideology a fascist because he wants to secure the country's borders as if it's never been done before anywhere.

Things just get to a point where people like yourself are never going to get it until the writing is on the wall, and even then you will probably be clueless to what took us down that road. I don't even know why I waste my time trying to explain it to people who couldn't care less about anyone but themselves.
Because you have no idea what it is. You're calling a centrist that has no right/left ideology a fascist because he wants to secure the country's borders as if it's never been done before anywhere.

Things just get to a point where people like yourself are never going to get it until the writing is on the wall, and even then you will probably be clueless to what took us down that road. I don't even know why I waste my time trying to explain it to people who couldn't care less about anyone but themselves.

Where is he talking to a centrist? Surely you aren't claiming that YOU are a centrist?
Where is he talking to a centrist?

- Since when is securing the border a left right issue? The same for fighting ISIS and Muslim Extremism in the US?

- Trump doesn't want to defund Planned Parenthood, but he doesn't want them to be involved in abortions.

- Trump wants to balance trade deficits. Also not left right.

- Trump wants to audit the Federal Reserve and he dislikes the big banks like Bernie Sanders.

- Trump wants to cut corporate taxes to bring trillions of off shore dollars back to the US (right now it's not being taxed at all because it's off shore), which will allow him to cut taxes for the middle class, which he wants to do.

- Trump doesn't want to make cuts to Social Security.

- He wants to change Obamacare, not completely get rid of it.


Surely you aren't claiming that YOU are a centrist?

I'm right of center, but I'm still a hell of a lot closer to the center than you are. Trump is actually further left than I am.
Moderator Action: This thread is a cesspool, and I think it would be better for all of us if it goes back to the grave.
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