That is debate club, where you're supposed to do your best to argue a point of view you might not necessarily agree with. I've never been a part of such a club, but from my understanding that is what is going on.
Now, sure, those guys are doing a pretty horrid job of arguing the "kill all white people" pov. They fail at it big time, and it's fairly offensive, I mean, all they're doing is throwing out soundbites that don't really mean anything, talking points, without actually doing any debating, but doesn't the same thing happen when people have to argue that the holocaust was justified? People end up saying horrid things, because they are trying to do their best to argue a point of view they might not necessarily agree with? They throw stuff like that at you in these debate clubs, right?
I think it's a pretty stupid way to argue a point, and the moderator should have been all "You are not debating, do you even know what debate club is all about??", but that's on the moderator, not those debating.
I mean, if I was the moderator I would have gotten the black dudes to argue the opposite point, and the white dudes the opposite point.. That would be a lot more interesting in terms of intellectual stimulation, no?
So all in all there is some idiocy there, but not nearly as much as you might think if you viewed this without any sort of context.
Disclaimer: I have never been a part of a debate club, or whatever they're called