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Israel needs to be "wiped of the map" - Ahmadinejad (Iran president)

Leha said:
Yes, I was already introduced to this point of view on this forum :)
It is not completely, in the mild words, fair. People tend to forget that those refuge camps are product of Israely defencive wars and state of Israel just don't have solution for them because from one hand independant state of Palestine is not formed yet and from the other hand neighbours of Israel refuse to absorb palestinian refugees. Also, they cannot be allowed to freely move into Israely territory because terrorist attacks are inevitable in that case.
Don't take me wrong. I'm all against violence and I agree that our army sometimes (not allways - sometimes) acts brutally causing hurt to innocents. But as long as no palestinian authority takes some action against terrorists, something must be done and unfortunate mistakes happen. Also I really want to be good neighbour to peacefull palestinians and many Israelis do. Also I agree that there are sick bastards on our side too, no better than palestinian terrorists.

But to compare Israel to third reich, I beg your pardon, is at least not correct. :)

But let's forget who "was first" and started the whole mess. Today we start from scratch. Israel made several moves according to infamous "Road Map"
Now we are waiting for palestinian side to make move of good will. So far we are getting only Qassams from Gaza strip.;)

Once again, I don't want to get into this old discussion who is opressor and who is oppressed. I ate this stuff too much on this forum and was even banned twice :D

Just wanted to tell you that I was amazed by such unexpectedly warm post from Iranian, and that reminded me of very good relationship between Iran and Israel before revolution.

if u want to blame the palestinian authority thats fine, but remember that asking them to be responsible is like asking a 1 year old to not **** his pants. what i mean is that the government is young, very young, and its not really well organized like a standard government. the hamas is like the one of the warlords of afghanestan, they have the guns, moeny,and public support (whether the public is duped or not, thats a different discussion). and it didnt help when the israeli gov was destroying infrastucture here and there.....

but oh well, this "WAR" is older than us, much older than we can phathom. arabs and jews are really from the same family (technically a semetic family), and i know some will argue with me about this, and will even get offended (on the both sides). soemone else pointed out education. that is so true,and applies to all who suffer from ignorance be they white, black, muslim, jew, christian,etc. after all according to true islamic views the jews are the people of the book (along with christians) and they must be respected since thats the will of GOD.

and yes before the rovolution [which by the way destroyed my homeland, and took away our dignity and gave us shame to a point that most of us are embaressed to call ourselves Iranians (read the threads!!!)], there was a very good relationship between iran and israel. iran had the largest community of jew in the mid east only second to israel. thre are many holy jewish sites,and mausoleums in iran. and here in LA LA land;) there is a thriving, and successful iranian community who are mostly iranians. infact i was surprised to see so many iranian jews, since i thought they had siezed to exist (thanks to the mullahs). i wish things were better than they are now. i wish there was an israel side by side other arab nations, and they live in peace. i wish there was not cenocide, or hate, hunger, wars, murder, greed, etc. but thats just wishing, and that why i am feeling down lately:(

hey there is always tomorrow, and to quote a persian poet " this shall pass too!!":)
Just found an article that exposes the deliberate mistranslation/propaganda spin on Ahmadinejad's legendary quote 'Isreal shall be wiped of the map/earth'.


In short Ahmadinejad actually said quoting Imam Khomeni ..

"Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad."

"The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time".

Still trust our zionised mass media? :mad:
It's in the Bible too, something about all nations and kingdoms of the earth passing with time, but the kingdom of heaven being eternal.
Still trust our zionised mass media? :mad:


Anyway from the Site you linked to:

linked site from zenspiderz post said:
The inflammatory "wiped off the map" quote was first disseminated not by Iran's enemies, but by Iran itself. The Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran's official propaganda arm, used this phrasing in the English version of some of their news releases covering the World Without Zionism conference. International media including the BBC, Al Jazeera, Time magazine and countless others picked up the IRNA quote and made headlines out of it without verifying its accuracy, and rarely referring to the source. Iran's Foreign Minister soon attempted to clarify the statement, but the quote had a life of its own. Though the IRNA wording was inaccurate and misleading, the media assumed it was true

So you what you are saying is that the Iranian state run newsagency is a zionist cover organisation :lol:
Malaysia forbides Israeli citizens from entering the country, a policy of old Osama bin Mahathir. Knight or Gr3y, has there been any effort to get this repealed?

Honestly, I don't care if this stupid restriction is going to last for another few decades or centuries.

Whatever happens in ME doesn't concern me, unless it has a huge impact on my life, such as oil price.

People in ME can kill themselves over and over again for all I care. Hell, I will even supply both sides with arms if possible as long as there's profit to be made.

P.S. Sorry, I have replied this before, didn't realize this was a old thread.
That site is nothing but propaganda.
You are right it is - but if look up the speech on www.memri.org (which is an organisation that even though it keeps some distance to "the regime that occupies jerusalem" would still be termed zionist by the iranian government) you will see that in this particular speech he did indeed only talk about the regime that is gonna wiped out - the people supporting said regime are only supposed to leave the middle east... In other speeches the iranian president is much more vocal on the destruction of israel and the fight against the jews.
Just found an article that exposes the deliberate mistranslation/propaganda spin on Ahmadinejad's legendary quote 'Isreal shall be wiped of the map/earth'.


In short Ahmadinejad actually said quoting Imam Khomeni ..

"Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad."

"The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time".

Still trust our zionised mass media? :mad:

How is "vanish[ing] from the page of time" better then being wiped off the map. Now the history i have learn shows that when people wish to erase other people from the pages of history, people A pretty much kill off all of people B then put them some place where no will ever see or know of them again, and lastly go about writing history.
As a persian I can say i'm not suprised that the president would say something like this, but what can you expect from Iran being ruled by the crazy tyrant mullahs, oh how I wish my country wasnt ruled by these people...
As a persian I can say i'm not suprised that the president would say something like this, but what can you expect from Iran being ruled by the crazy tyrant mullahs, oh how I wish my country wasnt ruled by these people...

You could always vote for somebody else.
Where is your evidence of such prisons? Iran is more or less a democratic state (ie, more than America), Ahmadinejad was elected by universal suffrage and secret ballot.

It always amuses me to see Americans go "oh, god damnit, they elected a conservative, they're still gonna be a dictatorship."
Quick, Pasi: the word hidden in the spoiler below is associated closely with one of America's two major parties.

Open the spoiler and say which of those two parties comes to mind first.

Spoiler :

There ya go. :)
Where is your evidence of such prisons? Iran is more or less a democratic state (ie, more than America), Ahmadinejad was elected by universal suffrage and secret ballot.

I think both the Freedom House and UN would disagree with you on that, but what do they know.
Quick, Pasi: the word hidden in the spoiler below is associated closely with one of America's two major parties.

Open the spoiler and say which of those two parties comes to mind first.

Spoiler :

There ya go. :)

Pasi Nurminen said:
I don't know why people are trumping the victory of liberalism and some such or the success of the defeat of consevative corruption; both American parties are conservative relative to the world stage, one just slightly less so. Conditions in America will not change.

also Pasi Nurminen said:
But in 2008 I'll dislike the Democratic Party just as much as I do now, don't you get it? Both the American "mainstream" parties are right of the world's political centre, but only slightly. You Americans polarize yourselves as "liberals" and "conservatives" (which actually pisses me off quite a bit, there's more than two ideologies out there, get a new mantra) but the Democrats and the Republicans are so close to each other ideologically that there's practically no difference. Look at parties in Europe and Canada, who are much further apart from each other than your parties, and we won't even go into the political landscapes in Asia or Latin America. I wasn't here (on CFC) for Clinton's era, but I think Clinton was a kickass president next to Bush, which is easy to do. Standalone, however, Clinton was just as bad as the rest. I tell people to shut up when criticizing Clinton because the only thing's people can come up to criticize him with are things like "Clinton's a skankbanging ho-humper" (you can sig that if you want), but if anyone brought up actual criticisms of Clinton I wouldn't be so harsh.

Until a socialist is in the White House, I won't like anyone you elect, "liberal" or "conservative," because there's no freaking difference.

Just found an article that exposes the deliberate mistranslation/propaganda spin on Ahmadinejad's legendary quote 'Isreal shall be wiped of the map/earth'.


In short Ahmadinejad actually said quoting Imam Khomeni ..

"Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad."

"The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time".

Still trust our zionised mass media? :mad:

Didn't I say that about 8 pages ago, we had a big debate about it, or was that another thread, oh well. Let's just say this mythical piece of mistranslation by the NYT: who still refuse to translate it properly saying their transaltion is justified does not fly and is not real. Anyone who refuses to accept that is living in la la land. The NYT has never had less credibility in my eyes than it does now. Might as well stick it next to trash papers, that claim there's a number 59 bus on the moon. Or that a woman's son turned into a fishfinger.

Nope different thread, I'll try and fish it out, so that people can get a really good idea just how thoroughly debunked this mythical piece of propaganda has been.
Let's just say this mythical piece of mistranslation by the NYT: who still refuse to translate it properly saying their transaltion is justified does not fly and is not real. Anyone who refuses to accept that is living in la la land. The NYT has never had less credibility in my eyes than it does now. Might as well stick it next to trash papers, that claim there's a number 59 bus on the moon. Or that a woman's son turned into a fishfinger.

It really is irrelevant whether the Iranian president said that quote (which he apparently did not) - or the Iranian News Agency (which is run by the government) reported that he did (which is the case). In any case the official Iranian statement issued by the Iranian government was at that time: The president said that Israel is to be wiped out.
Anyone including the NYT is quite justified in reporting that this has been the Iranian presidents view...
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