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JJ03-Monarch, Just Win

Last time, I could just zip it and it was ok, but now it's to big even after zipping. I tried to split the file, but then CFC says it's an invalid file. Can't I just e-mail it or something like that? (I would need lobsterboys e-mail adress for that).

Tokugawa is no more
Spoiler log :
1643 whip theater in Kyoto
1646 nothing important
1649 moving to Tokyo
1652 attacking kyoto, lost 1 cavalry
1655 Lizzy demands that we cancel deals with Qin, but I don't do it.
Take Tokyo
1658 no more war weariness!
1661 Democracy-> assembly line (placeholder)
berlin starts on jail for future wars
whip temple in essen
revolution to Universal Suffrage, Free Speech and Emancipation
1664 until 1670 Anarchy

Lobsterboy -*UP*-
Jeejeep -on deck
Dutchfire - just played


I got it, and should be able to play tonight. Probably can't post until tomorrow, though.
Preturn check (1670 AD)
Qin is Buddhist and Saladin is Hindu. The easiest way to get them at war with each other would be to become a "brother of the faith" with one of them, and go to war with the other. We can also boost relations with Qin or Saladin by gifting Tokyo to one of them..

Switch our Research to Rifling (7-8 turns @80% Research) to get us Riflemen for defense vs. Cavalry. I don't think we can go to war until we get it.

We are in Free Religion, but most of our cities only have a single religion. We need to spread religions around for the happiness boost.

Switch build in Berlin from Jail to Globe Theater. With the Theater, we won't need a Jail! Looks like we will get an Great Leader in 7 turns. Lets hope it's a GE, so we can build the Statue of Liberty!
Switch build in Edo from Cannon (no Barracks here yet) to Theater.

Regarding other National Wonders, I propose:

Berlin: Ironworks
Munich: Heroic Epic & West Point (when available),
Hamburg: Oxford & Wall Street

OK, let's see what happens...

Turn 1: (1673 AD)
Munich finishes: Cavalry --> Heroic Epic (9)
Frankfurt finishes: Frigate --> Theater (7)
Essen finishes: Hindu Temple --> Harbor (20)

Tokyo subdues the rebellion and joins the German Empire
Tokyo begins: Theater (11)

Turn 2: (1676 AD) :coffee:

Turn 3: (1679 AD) :coffee:

Turn 4: (1682 AD)
Dortmund finishes: Cannon --> Christian Monastery (Dortmund is our only Christian city.)

Turn 5: (1685 AD)
Hamburg finishes: Observatory --> Oxford University (13)
Cologne finishes: Ironclad --> Theater (5)
Kyoto finishes: Hindu Temple --> Library (12)
Edo finishes: Theatre --> Taoist Monastery (5)

Turn 6: (1688 AD) :coffee:

Turn 7: (1691 AD)
Technology discovered: Rifling --> Assembly Line (16)
Jalal al-Din Rumi (Great Artist) born in Berlin
Great. Just what we didn't need. :sad: We can use him to research part of the way to Railroad, or perhaps as a culture bomb in Osaka?
Karachi finishes: Lighthouse --> Courthouse (180)!!!

Turn 8: (1694 AD)
Frankfurt finishes: Theatre --> Rifleman (17)
Satsuma finishes: Observatory --> Market (28)
Buddhism has spread: Osaka
Osaka revolts and joins the Chinese Empire!! Nuts. I had put Elvis on a Galleon and could have bombed the city next turn! :(

Turn 9: (1697 AD)

Turn 10: (1700 AD)
Munich finishes: Heroic Epic --> Rifleman (4)
Cologne finishes: Theatre --> Rifleman (11)
Kagoshima finishes: Ironclad --> Barracks (8)
Edo finishes: Taoist Monastery --> ??? I forgot what i put in the queue! :blush:

Here's the save:

Actually, I can't play until tomorrow. I was forced into a huge housecleaning, as we are going to have people over for dinner. Before I play I need to know three things.

1. What are our short term plans (besides try and get saladin and Qin to go to war)?

2. What are our long term plans? Space? I don't think we can take on Qin or Saladin, and no one likes us enough for diplo vic.

3. What is wrong with our economy? We have lots of cottages, most of which are developed well. However, we can only run 70% research and it takes 16 turns to research Assembly Line. Our economy is 4th out of 6.
I took a look at the save and here are some thoughts:

We are not working many of our cottage tiles. Since we are not running Representation, changing the great people over to working tiles is probably better. This will also help get our population up in cities under the cap.

We are running Free Religion, but have not spread our religions. Spreading some missionaries before we get Scientific Method should help raise our happiness limits.

70% research is not that bad. Assembly Line is a very expensive tech, so do not be too concerned. Our GNP should improve as we work more cottages and they develop under Emancipation.

The Space Race may be the way to go, but we may still be too small to win it. We can consider taking out Elizabeth to expand.
I think that if we take out anyone our economy would not be able to recover in time to win the space race. Captured cities are not immediatly profitable. We don't need to be that big to win space. The other suggestions seem good, though. Any immediate plans? Just build and spread religion?
Played. I think it is possible for us to win space, but it looks like it is not going to be easy, and I have a feeling we might need spies. The other victories are definite no's, however, so we better just keep on trying and hope for a break or two.

0. Get rid of the specialists in every city except Munich. We had either an engineer or a scientist in every possible city! MM a bit more, and in the end we are making about 7 gpt.

1. zzz

2. Use the great artist for a culture bomb in Kyoto. Also could have used him for a cuulture bomb in Tokyo, but it probably wouldn't do much and the city is useless anyway.

3. zzz

4. Start Ironworks in Berlin.

5. Turn research down to zero to rush missionaries before getting Scientific Method from Saladin, on the assumption that Sci Meth obsoletes missionaries and monasteries. In fact, it only obsoletes monasteries, but you can still build missionaries. Still, we got a lot happier really fast.

6. Rush the missionaries.

7. Trade Saladin democracy for scientific method + 50 gold.


8-10. zzz

Worked on increasing our Ccommerce and Beaker production. Also created missionaries to spread our religions. Good catch by Jeejeep on the building missionaries after Scientific Method. We should probably continue more of the same and push for Laboratories and the Space Elevator to win the Space Race. It will be interesting to see if we can pull it off at our current size.

I did some tech trades but ran into the WFYBTA message, otherwise we could have got Physics for Assembly Line.

I have the workers doing automated rail work.

T0. Pig to Capac for 11gpt. Renegotiated Pig deal with Qin from 6gpt to 8gpt. Gifted Tokyo to Saladin since it was only costing us money and was unlikely to expand borders.

T1. Cologne: Rifleman>Bank. Kagoshima: Barracks>Observatory. Edo: Taoist Missionary>Taoist Missionary.

T2. Assembly Line>Physics. Traded Assembly Line to Elizabeth for Railroad. Dortmund>Christian Monetary>Christian Missionary.

T3. zzz.

T4. Edo: Taoist Missionary>Taoist Missionary. Capac demands Democracy from us; I give it to him. Missionary failed to spread Taoism in Libyan.

T5. zzz.

T6. Libyan: University>Jewish Temple. Kyoto: Library>University. Edo: Taoist Missionary>Library. Christianity spread to Libyan.

T7. zzz.

T8. Capac asks for open borders; I agree. Frankfurt: Infantry>Observatory.

T9. Physics>Electricity. Hamburg: Bank>Infantry. Spread Taoism to Kagoshima.

T10. ? Lost count.

played it, I made a doubtful decision when Saladin asked us to join in a war on Qin. I agreed. We've succesfully captured the Chinese city of Osaka, but we're now suffering from a small invasion on our homeland. There are 2 cavalries, a cannon, a grenadier and some catapults in the north west. We've finished electricity, and I set research to Industrialism so we can make battleships and Panzers soon. I fear Huayna might be far ahead, as I've seen him using SAM infantry.

Spoiler Chatlog :

1752 Traded Uranium for Ivory with Saladin
Dortmund makes another missionary
Selling off spices, silk and fish
1754 not much
1756 Munich: bank-> missionary
Taoims in Essen
1758 Satsume Market-> Forbidden Palace
Edo Library->University
1760 Cologne Bank->factory
Dortmund keeps making missionaries
Great Scientist born, sent to Essen to make academy
1762 Saladin asks to help in war on Qin, I agree
Berlin Iron works->factory
Libyan Temple-> missionary
1764 Munich temple
changing some build ques to infantry
1766 electricity->Industrialism
Took Osaka
1768 some fighting
1770 lose a infantry with 73% chance :mad:

Will do. I'll try to play tonight. With Ironworks in Berlin now, we should be able to build some defenders rather quickly, I should think. We have Assembly Line now, so we should be able to draft Riflemen, I think.

I'll see what I can do about sinking the Chinese navy. Since Qin only offloaded two Galleon's worth of troops, it may not be that big.
Well, they've got destroyers, but we should have battleships soon.
btw I didn't make a giant civic change yet, because I didn't know if we wanted to fight this war out, or if we just wanted to hurt him a bit.
Destroyers?? So much for that idea! :sad: I am assuming that we have Oil, right? RIGHT??
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