Kingdom in the Closet: Saudi Arabia's Remarkably Vibrant Gay Community

This is exactly what I've heard from expats in Saudi Arabia, they all say homosexuality is very common and even ordinary men just walking around alone can get attention.

Does your experience in the rest of the Muslim world echo this at all? Today I read about a woman who compared her adult life living in Saudi Arabia to her rather conservative upbringing in western Texas.
I'm afraid that I haven't read any of it and so have not given it the attention it may deserve. My question may be answered in there somewhere.

Within the last couple of years there was a Saudi nobleman living in London accused of murdering his manservant. I don't remember if he was let free or if the charge went to court. One aspect of the case that was being discussed in the media was the possibility that he and the manservant had a sexual relationship, and that if the case did go to court this relationship would be brought to light. The media sources I gave fleeting attention to strongly implied that if this happened and if he ever returned to Saudi Arabia he would be executed for this behaviour.

Complete nonsense?
Does your experience in the rest of the Muslim world echo this at all? Today I read about a woman who compared her adult life living in Saudi Arabia to her rather conservative upbringing in western Texas.

In Turkey there are a lot of men who are essentially straight guys but they are just looking for anyone to have sex with and they're not too picky about who they get it from. Saudi Arabia seems even more extreme.
What is there to discuss? Would you like a dissertation on how this is similar to mediaeval Europe?

You spelled medieval wrong. You damn loyalist.
I always imagined Saudi Arabia as being an isolated, closed and oppressive pseudo-country that is only above North Korea and Eritrea. I still think its like that.
I would call it any of those. I would much rather live in Saudi Arabia than either Eriteria or North Korea (especially as a man).
Eritrea conscripts every male for some reason, its dirt poor, you can get randomly thrown into a bottomless pit, and or die in a firefight with better equipped Ethiopian soldiers. North Korea is just uber isolated....I couldn't stand the isolation. Also I must thank Ace on my knowledge of Eritrea.
It also has the lowest press freedom in the world. Below North Korea!

At least in Saudi Arabia you have access to education, healthcare, good infrastructure, internet and so forth. To a lesser extent as a woman but still.
I hate it when people try to defend Saudi Arabia on account of that....aka having good education, healthcare, infrastructure and so on. They executed a women for WITCHCRAFT a few years ago....need I say more? Also considering how much money is earned on oil, their education, healthcare and standard of living isn't as good as it could be. They have no constitution, they have an Absolute Monarch with complete control of the budget (alot of which is used to support his "Royal" Family), and you want to say thats a good place to live?
I'm ready for the next part of the book series, ace. Don't disappoint!
I hate it when people try to defend Saudi Arabia on account of that....aka having good education, healthcare, infrastructure and so on. They executed a women for WITCHCRAFT a few years ago....need I say more? Also considering how much money is earned on oil, their education, healthcare and standard of living isn't as good as it could be. They have no constitution, they have an Absolute Monarch with complete control of the budget (alot of which is used to support his "Royal" Family), and you want to say thats a good place to live?

Are you bipolar?
Why, did I make it seem like that....I am not, but I do have a fever....

EDIT: oh now I see it. By people I wasn't regarding you as defending it, I mean we both still agree that its a hellhole nevertheless, but I just remembered my friend who said Saudi Arabia is heaven on earth, because it has all those stuff, but he disregards the human rights violations. Im sorry for the inconvenience.
don't worry , Uncle Sam will give us -the Muslims and stuff- all of those nice benefits of living under such enlighted leadership .
That is because many homosexuals and bisexuals don't think they are gay if they are pitchers instead of catchers.
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