With Shaka proving that Africa, despite its crappy terrain, can support thriving culture and blossom into the envy of the world, it's time for us to look into the future.
I've got some controversial ideas for King of the World #9, and so I figured I'd see how much dissent I would stir up before I went ahead and started it up. I think it would be a lot of fun, and it would be a temporary experiment, so anyone not interested would only have one game to sit out of. Here's the ideas:
1) I want to play as Rome. Yes, yes, they're three-cheese pizza with extra mozzarella, but I feel like we're going to need to cover all the bases eventually, and I think now's the time to do it.
2) I want to, with this game at least, return to the Earth18 map. All sorts of weirdness is bound to happen in this game, and I'd like to be a little more familiar with the baseline than I am with the 34 Civs map. I'm even considering backsliding to Monarch difficulty.
3) This is the big one. I want to run this as a Divine Intervention game, with a twist. I'd like to have seven regular Gods, each tied to one of the seven faiths in the game. These Gods would cultivate "their flocks," granting them aid and defending them from their enemies. Within reason, of course.
I feel that tying the Gods to the game's faiths would grant a little more order and stability than allowing a free-for-all of changes after every single round. This would necessitate the selection of seven "mods" willing to check in and play along regularly (though those tied to Islam and Taoism can obviously come in late).
That said, I know that DI games aren't considered "real" games, so I'm going to put it to a vote. What're your thoughts?