KotW #9 Pregame Thread

What do you think of the KotW #9 changes?

  • No. Absolutely not.

    Votes: 16 15.7%
  • Eh. I'm not thrilled with it, but you can do it for a one-shot.

    Votes: 30 29.4%
  • Do what you want. It's your game. I'll follow it.

    Votes: 21 20.6%
  • Go for it. Sounds like fun.

    Votes: 28 27.5%
  • I am thrilled with this concept and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

    Votes: 7 6.9%

  • Total voters
Vikings, definitely, it'd be pretty cool to see you just attack various civs on a whim, attack someone when you need the money, then get out. In addition, playing without diplomacy would be kinda interesting if you ask me.

I really think it would be interesting if the Vikings had a Boat UU that allowed them to travel several tiles out into the open ocean; not too far, but good enough to, as in the case of this map, be able to hop from England to Iceland to Greenland to Newfoundland (Vinland), as happened in reality (or so most historians allege) I'm sure that this kind of thing has already been debated in the past.
Nuber 1 Choice: China. I would LOVE to read a china game. I have wanted you to do one about China ever since I've started reading. Defenetly do that.

Number 2 Choice: Vikings, if you do not feel like doing China. Earth 32 maps are fun if you clean up the map and delete a couple of European civs at the start. Although I would like better you be somone like Ethiopia or holy rome for a 32 civ map, a viking game still seems like a fun read.

Number 3 Choice: Rome. A classic civilization that we do not yet have a KotW for. Rank up the difficulty one more and do aggressive AIs to balance the game.
I'm also for Mongolia, followed a close second by China. I'd prefer to stick to Earth 18 civ if possible, and anything with Rome is just...cheesy.
Mongolia, followed by Byzantium for the next game. As long as you don't expand any further into Europe then Greece, it could be a really awesome game. As for Mongolia, you never played that, even when everyone was clamoring for it. You need to appease your fans, Neal. :p
Great to see you continuing the KotW!

I vote for Mongolia. I've been experimenting with them and they can be quite a bit of fun: you have a gold mine and room for 4 cities before rushing china. I would use 34 as Korea and Khmer make it more challenging.

I've tried it before with Always War turned on, that was real hell. At two levels below normal I managed to conquer China without losing Mongolia but it became very tedious after a while.
Mongolia first, viking HE economy second :D

Perhaps with Mongolia you go for the middle east?

Start a new poll with the four possibilities?
I would prefer a game with 34 civs. Either move into immortal level with Rome or play as the Vikings WITHOUT claning up the map, only making the slight twist in South America
Well if you play 34 civ map, you need to delete at least the Sumer/Babylon, Byzantines/Ottomans, Celts(or place them in Ireland), Holy rome, and maybe Spain/Portugual. It is not fun with Europe as cramped as it is.
Mongolia, definitely. Continue to play the civs that never shine with the AI.
When you do play 34 again, put Ottomans as Central Asian Turks (Put them in a decent start position somewhere either east or north of the Caspian sea. They'll keep Russian and Persia in check), Celts as Ireland, HRE as Polynesians, and Sumer as Brazil (Give them bit of cleared jungle, of course. Ideally Sumer will occupy most of northeastern South America, and Incas will settle the western parts and Argentina). Portugal can stay, it's Spain's only hope of not dying in obscurity.
Also whoever suggested of trying Rome at deity, I approve. See how overpowered the praets are then. :p (Though with the AI still starting with warriors it may still be a romp, but regardless it should be interesting.)
I would really quite like a China game, although mongolia would be nice too. But CHINA next. I think you need to cover all the Asian nations lol
I vote the Vikings all the way.
Is there any way that you can have the Vikings put into the 18 civ map?

Perhaps this could be an interesting way to utilize the same 18-civ map a bit differently at times - by adding yourself as the 19th civ...
Earth18. Rome. Deity. Aggressive AI. Turn off all victories except Conquest. Work the magic on Spain and the New World. Try and win!
Just read the Shaka and Huayna kotw threads. Good stuff.

My vote is for Mongolia. Second pref for Vikings.
I vote for the Mongols. A change of scenery, certainly a challenge with the land you got and it just has something to it that makes me go 'yes'.
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