Well, after a bit of thinking I chosed :
-hunter are fine, it has been demonstrated that warriors are the issue, not hunters.
-rising the cost of warriors is dangerous in the early game, even for the AI (as barbs gets units for free)and you're doomed if Orthus comes nearby : it would induce that more AI civs get destroyed by him.
-no bronze is also dangerous, especially versus lizardmen or skeletons.(saying you don't have the problem only reveals an AI issue, lone barb attacking you instead of grouping before attack)
-make axemen cost less ? it would move the issue to the axes vs champ.
-obsolet unit ? and how do you build your first defender ? + always nice to have cheap defender to calm your population.
I have 4 proposition : (those are a bit late, coming after the poll but.... worth a try.) :
reduce bronze weapons effects.
-make bronze weapons gives +20%str instead of +1str.
for axes and champs or promoted units it would still be better to have iron than bronze. (especially with the bonus against bronze weapons...)
-bronze weapons would still help the warriors but give them a +20% that adds to promotions instead of a flat +33% that is multiplied by promotion.
(issues : change in the way metal weapons works.... ; for phalanx, bronze might be better than iron)=> bad one
nerf the warriors power in attack :
-make them 2

units able to get bronze weapons :
same cost as scout so same power ! (replace the 50% vs animal and 2mvt by a 25% city defense + bronze weapons ability. )
I know that skellies would be overkill in that case : BUT A SKELETON army should rout warriors anytime !==> they are thier II units !
For balance issues maybe give them a compensation :
-homeland type caracteristic : +30% in civ borders (make them 2.6 before bronze and 3.9 with bronze, but only inside the civilization borders. (issue : barbs warriors would become non-entities)
-or +25%vs melee (should help to face skellies)
-or give them back iron ... (the same issue discussed before would appear : iron warrior (4

, 25

) vs iron axes (6

, 60

)... but only really late game, bronze axes being (5

) way better than bronze warriors (3

"bronze working" ups the cost of warriors
make it so bronze working, while giving you bronze weapons makes that warriors costs now 35

instead of 25

bonus : early defense with warriors is still doable but when you transform them into killing machine with bronze, they have a more balanced cost.
how to justify it ? :
"to make warriors, now, you have to build weapons for them instead of just picking a stick in the woods so it is more expensive".
how to do it : "bronze tech" obsolets "warriors (25

)" and replace them by "warriors II(35

issues : have to make 21 more unit_NAMES just for a balance issue.
or just : "bronze tech" adds "-30% building rate of warriors".
issue : is it feasable ?
global issues : it would induce micromanagement, people delaying "bronze working" 1-2 turns to have more cheap warriors.
change the warrior strength distribution :
-either make them 2/3 or 3/2 ....
strange proposition I know but it would make them worse than axes either in attack or in defense.
It would still help you defend against barbs : either by attacking or by defending.
Both options can have logical explanations.
(I'd rather have 3/2...)
I know those are bad compromise, but as said before I was not really convinced by most propositions about warriors.