[LP] Leader Pass Pack 2: Great Commanders Sneak Peak (Confirmed; Release Dec. 15)

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Laurana Kanan

Don’t underestimate who I am.
Super Moderator
Apr 10, 2014
Near the Greatest Snow on Earth
Official announcement from Firaxis (12/8)


Unofficial leaked images via Reddit (11/22)

Allegedly uncovered in the game files (or possibly found on the Civ/2K site). The leader images have now been confirmed, but appear to be earlier renderings so differ somewhat from what Firaxis has released. These leaked images will continue to be hidden for those wishing to be unspoiled as they do have Leader Unique abilities listed, which may or may not be accurate to the public release.

Spoiler Leaked leader images :


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No offense meant to the Great Negotiators, but the Great Commanders seem far more interesting to play, at least for me. While these Leaders are more Cultural than Conquering, they aren't as egregious as the Great Negotiators having no diplomatic bonuses.

And Suleiman is excusable because his base Leader Ability was already extremely Conquest-focused, so having a more Culturally-focused Persona here is perfectly fine for me, not to mention it's pretty good. Can't wait for his onion hat to show in splendorous magnificence.

Tokugawa gets the International Trade Routes malus, as expected, as well as Domestic Trade Routes Buffs. While I would have preferred some Production or Infrastructure Bonuses, the Tourist Buffs are pretty good, even better than Hojo for a Cultural Victory, at least for me. His model is also pretty good, so that's a plus.

Nader Shah's Bonus against Full Health Units is actually pretty good, making sure your Veteran, medium-to-low health Units don't get eviscerated by the Enemies' reinforcements. The Trade Routes Bonuses to Non-Founded Cities are a nice icing to top the cake. But that Leader Model, oh, that's just beautiful. They've done justice to my bo's magnificence and more, especially with that darn hat.

EDit: Also, forgot to mention this, but their Abilities also synergize much better with the rest of the Civilizations than with the Great Negotiators.

Overall, I'm very excited for the Great Conquerors and what they have in store for us, much more than the Great Negotiators. :D
I like the look of those leader models. The abilities are flavourful, I just wish there was something a bit more creative to them.

Tokugawa could have had a complete prohibition on international trade routes in exchange for some heftier benefits.

Nader Shah gets a decent combat boost for his units, but is a fairly small domestic trade boost any sort of incentive?

Suleiman's new ability seems designed to promote a cycle of pursuing war during a normal age and then to hunker down and capitalise on science and culture in the Golden Ages. But the unique Governor was a lot more unique, so it's a weird trade-off.
Tokugawa could have had a complete prohibition on international trade routes in exchange for some heftier benefits.
Which would be even more historically inaccurate than it already is, given that it wasn't even Ieyasu who prohibited foreign trade but his successors, since the Dutch were allowed to trade with Japan because they were more concerned about profits than spreading Christianity. If it prohibited International Trade Routes except for those to and from Allies, then I'd probably agree more.
Which would be even more historically inaccurate than it already is, given that it wasn't even Ieyasu who prohibited foreign trade but his successors, since the Dutch were allowed to trade with Japan because they were more concerned about profits than spreading Christianity. If it prohibited International Trade Routes except for those to and from Allies, then I'd probably agree more.
Sure, but we all know that is what they were going for in choosing Tokugawa to begin with :p
Funny, how Tokimune has (more) militaristic playstyle but he isn't wearing armour, where as Tokugawa has a peaceful playstyle but he looks like he's going to war. :crazyeye:
Japan being a full isolationist civ, I really loved it. I just think that gold from domestic trade routes should be a bit higher.
Japan being a full isolationist civ, I really loved it. I just think that gold from domestic trade routes should be a bit higher.
It scales per Specialty District in the origin city, most average amount of Gold from regular Trade Routes usually gets about 10, so that's 5 districts, which, with Japan, is kinda ideal.
Kind of shocking how much better these leaders are than the negotiator leaders. Hopefully this is more indicative of the quality of the pass going forward. Really, really looking forward to trying these guys out. Nice models as well.
Kind of shocking how much better these leaders are than the negotiator leaders. Hopefully this is more indicative of the quality of the pass going forward. Really, really looking forward to trying these guys out. Nice models as well.
It almost seems like a different, more experienced team made the Commanders than the Negotiators.
These guys are definitely a lot better and planned out than the Great Negotiators (literally cannot believe they actually just slapped Lady Six Sky's ability onto Nzinga and called it a day...). The leader models are great. As others have said, hopefully the same, if not better, quality seen in Great Commanders continues in the later DLCs. As a former Ottomanist, I wish Suleiman's alternate had something like the kulliye as a unique district to really emphasize the culture/science output during peacetime
These abilities are too good to be real. :p

If they're real, I'll absolutely play Japan and Ottomans after the pack releases properly. Not gonna lie, I really want this leak to be genuine. :)
It almost seems like a different, more experienced team made the Commanders than the Negotiators.
Different, yes, but I wouldn't say more experienced. Just look at our Ideas and Suggestions forum. We have plenty of inexperienced people who know how to make better Civs and Leaders than the Great Negotiators.
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Japan being a full isolationist civ, I really loved it. I just think that gold from domestic trade routes should be a bit higher.
Yesss, this is exactly why I want this to be true. The Tokugawa's ability has so much flavour it could be MSG.
I like what I am seeing with Tokugawa, but not much in terms of Nader and Suleiman. Suleiman lost both Ibrahim and the Janissary and earns some passive yields instead...
BTW, how can we trust this post though? What sort of game file that gives you the whole leader screens like these?
I like what I am seeing with Tokugawa, but not much in terms of Nader and Suleiman. Suleiman lost both Ibrahim and the Janissary and earns some passive yields instead...
BTW, how can we trust this post though? What sort of game file that gives you the whole leader screens like these?
In defense of it, I highly doubt somebody was able to create something this elaborate and greatly detailed in such a short span of time between now and the official announcement of the Leader Pass.
In defense of it, I highly doubt somebody was able to create something this elaborate and greatly detailed in such a short span of time between now and the official announcement of the Leader Pass.
The thing is when I clicked on the profile of the OP of that post, he seemed quite suspicious to me. He posted it 3 times, with one post including a modded version of Japan.
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