[LP] Leader Pass Pack 2: Great Commanders (Dec. 2022) - Patch Notes Discussion

It’s one of the strangest bugs in the game. I have absolutely no idea what causes it but it frequently affects me too, mods or no mods. In fact, I have to use a mod to fix it (Better Great Works Viewer or something like that)
I think it's caused by getting heroic relics for heroes that you didn't recruit. It started happening to me when that game mode was added, anyway, and now I avoid buying heroic relics from the AI and I don't seem to have this problem anymore. It's possible that something else has also changed, though. Maybe a mod or something...

Anyway, there's also a bug with using Cultists to generate artifacts. The game puts them in places that don't have room instead of putting them into empty slots. It just eats your artifacts. :(
Once your artifacts and monument slots are all filled up, you can swap them for heroic epics and artifacts cant you? because I did notice something where you cant switch artifacts with epics that really can mess up theming in artifact museums.
Kupe also happened to be in my game but as usual he is the class clown/ punchline to every joke

I disable him every game now. What's the point of having him? AI sucks with him every single time. Even worse, I was seeing him appear in nearly every game. I take him and Curtin off the AI list.
Disappointed to not see the patch notes include a fix for CPU civs not improving resources when Corporations is used. That's my 2nd favorite New Frontiers game mode, but it's unplayable because the A.I.s just aren't competitive. I really hope that fix shows in the patch for the next batch of leaders.
I don't disagree with you that I would like to see on offical fix arher sooner than later, but at least @Infixo managed to fix it on hiw own (and yes, that fix goes beyond the mod with fix we had so far, which only relied on moving the tech). I haven't tried it out yet myself, but it sounds promising and yet no one had complained about it not doing what promised:

Played a little more with the new leaders which do have quite strong abilities. Seems my dream of winning more games than losing on level immortal has to be buried. According to my observations the AI is incredibly aggressive in the early game, though I am not 100% sure if this is related to the patch. Barbarian men-at-arms around turn 35 seems common now (although I took out Hammurabi, Ambiorix, Seondeok in the game setup). If the AI folks don't kill me, the barbs surely will do it. I will have to go back to level emperor (or maybe even king).
I think it's caused by getting heroic relics for heroes that you didn't recruit.
Ah I never play with that mode on, as has been noted fixes for modes are presumably lower priority than base game.
Happened again today, and it is really annoying because there is no way to predict if it is going to kick in or not, until you produce a great work. The standard text comes up about the hero that walked with your people, the heroic relic is announced, and instead of a picture of it, a blank framed canvas appears on the screen. Then if you click on the "view great works" button, nothing happens. The small button for viewing great works appears in its usual place, but doesn't respond to anything.

At this point you can quit the game; it's unplayable.

I have seen this behaviour before, but a long time ago, and now it is persistent. Maybe it is tied to Heroes mode, but I'm not in the mood for playing games up to the first great work to see if it bugs out or not. I was having no trouble before the patch. The vanishing lava fountains also kicked in today; I don't know if there is a link or not.
I’ve had this bug before, and yes it’s related to heroes mode

It happened to me when using an archeologist to dig up an artifact, and unbeknownst to me, it actually was an hero artifact instead of a standard artifact… that hero artifact would wind up in up in my museum and completely break the great work screen…

I DID manage to fix the problem though… by trading away the problematic hero relic to another CIV in return for a normal artifact 😁
It happened to me when using an archeologist to dig up an artifact, and unbeknownst to me, it actually was an hero artifact instead of a standard artifact… that hero artifact would wind up in up in my museum and completely break the great work screen…

I DID manage to fix the problem though… by trading away the problematic hero relic to another CIV in return for a normal artifact 😁

Thanks for the post, it explains the bug to me, which happened to me exactly as you described it. :D Now I know what to do if this ever crops up again.
I disable him every game now. What's the point of having him? AI sucks with him every single time. Even worse, I was seeing him appear in nearly every game. I take him and Curtin off the AI list.
Same, and it’s such a shame. I’d love to have him in game just to have the music and his character model, but it’s not worth having a guaranteed non-participant.
I see someone else mentioned how barbs seemed more ruthless now. Maybe it's not just me? I don't play with barbs on very often, but I did with my current game because I had one of the A.I. civs using Julius Caesar and I wanted them to be able to get the most out of him, so I kept them on. And even though I was playing on Prince, and even though I was using a mod that made the barbs slightly less aggressive than they are by the game's default, I still really struggled against them in the early game, and so did the A.I. In fact two of other civs were wiped out completely by barbs before I could even reach them (yeah, I had the "Barbarians can raze capitals" mod on).
Finally have time to play some Civ. Playing Tokugawa.

He's AWESOME! And for reasons I had not even realized, but the synergies are top notch. Apart from the self-evident stuff, there's also:

-> You're encouraged to grow your population fast to unlock more/earlier districts;
-> Aqueducts and Dams seem particularly useful for the pop growth (plus easy adjacencies);
-> Harbors/Lighthouses are really important for the Trade Capacity, Housing and Food, also Colossus;
-> Industrial Zones/Electronic Factory will fit perfectly around Aqueducts and Dams.
-> This playstyle also fits naturally with the two most powerful governors in the game, Pingala (pops) and Magnus (pop growth, industry).

Not entirely sure if this much synergy was even intended.

As expected, 100% Loyalty around Capital is not all that useful by itself. It is very map dependent. The one situation in which it's very strong is if you have nearby civilizations, in which case you can forward settle with no problem. That is a pretty strong ability in that specific situation. The ability should read 100% Loyatly +2 Amenities, as amenities are simply more reliable. (I find +4 Amenities a bit excessive tbf).
It seems like Firaxis have specifically avoided mentioning Linux in the patch notes. We did not get this patch. What a shame.
It seems like Firaxis have specifically avoided mentioning Linux in the patch notes. We did not get this patch. What a shame.
I'm not sure that Linux is going to get any LP stuff for now. There aren't any Linux depots for Leader Pass DLCs.
I’ve had this bug before, and yes it’s related to heroes mode

It happened to me when using an archeologist to dig up an artifact, and unbeknownst to me, it actually was an hero artifact instead of a standard artifact… that hero artifact would wind up in up in my museum and completely break the great work screen…

I DID manage to fix the problem though… by trading away the problematic hero relic to another CIV in return for a normal artifact 😁
Not working for me. I tried selling off the hero relic, and I STILL can't see great works (and I do have the mod for improved view of great works).
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