[LP] Leader Pass Pack 4: Rulers of the Sahara (Feb. 2023) - Patch Notes Discussion

It will not be @Andrew Johnson [FXS] fixing things but he will know who they are :cool:
He would, I am sure. :p Also probably other Firaxians, both registered and not, taking notes. CFC is pretty big and special in the Civ world, after all. Since Apolyton basically died as a competitor, CFC is the premier civ site. And who knows, perhaps their testers are active in reading and reporting too.
Not necessarily. They had to introduce a new type of modifier effect to implement Ramses: EFFECT_GRANT_CITY_YIELD_PERCENT_BUILDING_CREATED_COST.
Oh, that's interesting! I wonder why they didn't do that with the earlier Leader Packs; they could have kept Julius Caesar's original ability that way
He would, I am sure. :p Also probably other Firaxians, both registered and not, taking notes. CFC is pretty big and special in the Civ world, after all. Since Apolyton basically died as a competitor, CFC is the premier civ site. And who knows, perhaps their testers are active in reading and reporting too.
We may never know who those heroic testers are, except by reading the credits at the end of the game. Which I did.
In my current Sundiata game. . . .

I've also got Jesuit Education and am a tech or two away from unlocking Archeologists so after that I'll be drowning in science and tourism! In addition to the filthy, filth lucre!
Enough about Civ7! There is still some greatness left in Civ6 yet!

Sundiata + Mali + Theocracy + Democracy




When your rock band is so awesome it makes people reconsider their faith.
Sundiata is very fun. Just won a culture victory with him. Using the scads of gold generated to buy up many Great Writers is *chefs kiss*.
Sundiata is very fun. Just won a culture victory with him. Using the scads of gold generated to buy up many Great Writers is *chefs kiss*.
I found it easier to buy the great works off the AI and use my gold to buy great people that there wasn't a lot of competition for, like admirals and engineers, in the early game and then save up money to snipe some key great people in the late game.
Great Works of Writing can be self-help books if you try hard enough
That'd certainly be a unique interpretation of Romeo and Juliet or the Tell-Tale Heart.
I found it easier to buy the great works off the AI and use my gold to buy great people that there wasn't a lot of competition for, like admirals and engineers, in the early game and then save up money to snipe some key great people in the late game.
That is probably better and more efficient but I dislike buying great works off the AI so I never do that. 🙃
That'd certainly be a unique interpretation of Romeo and Juliet or the Tell-Tale Heart.
"Don't take teenage romance so seriously that it ends with twelve people dead" is sage advice to live by. :mischief:
oh this is a fantastic name for her, wish i came up with that
speaking of which, i just earlier today booted up my first game as her (after successfully troubleshooting some pretty bad crashing) and i got two large floodplains clusters and a whole half-continent island all to myself and 3 city states, and the floodplains cluster in my capital has two rivers, one with 3 floodplains tiles and a fantastic great bath spot, and the other with 10 floodplains tiles and 2 floods under its belt at turn 35ish. absolutely fantastic start, so much more fun than... "RetroCleo"?
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