League of Legends: Lissandra and Mulcarn?


Mar 9, 2006
Anyone here play League of Legends? Lissandra, the newest champion coming out, has a back story that makes me think of Mulcarn a lot. I'm not saying there's a secret FfH fan at Riot (though I bet there are a few), I'm just saying it's up for interpretation I guess.

She's being compelled by a mysterious group of ancient beings to take over this frozen region of the world called Freljord. After that she intends to envelope the world in a new ice age. I like to think the mysterious group are a bunch of old disciples of Mulcarn. I know it's irrational of me, I really like Mulcarn though. He's by far my favorite god. And the Doviello/Illians are by far my favorites to play.

Apparently when Lissandra gets released users are going to be able to pick one of three sides of the battle for Freljord. The battle is between Lissandra and these two other champions named Ashe and Sejuani. You know I'm gonna be sporting that winter pride and siding with Lissandra.

It's very different from Civ 4. They don't really have much of any overlap in genre.
Well, I think it's cool that you have an interest in very different types of games :)
As someone who plays both games, I'd never drawn that comparison. An interesting, if somewhat offbeat observation ;)

Of course, the similarities wouldn't stop there. Ashe, leader of the progressive and forward-thinking tundra nomads clearly corresponds to Mahala, while "Might is Right" Sejuani would have to be Charadon.

Heck, I'd wager that the majority of LoL champions have FFH equivalents. I know that this is an exercise in silliness which probably won't be appreciated by most of the board, but just off the top of my head:

Shaco = Perpentach, Malzahar = Tebryn, Blitzcrank = Barnaxus, Fizz's People = The Aifons, Kayle = Basium, Warwick = Duin, Singed = Mary Morbus, Gangplank = Falamar, Heimerdinger = Garrim Gyr, Vladimir = Flauros, Talon = Alazkan, Keelyn = Annie...
I kinda disagree.
for lissandra/auric, the lore seems very close.
for most of the other you cites, there are similarities.. but they are not "identical".

Warwick is not a werewolf, but a wolfman.

Gangplank is not a womanizer; only link with Falamar is that they are pirates.. pretty slim.

Talon is closr to assassin's creed than to alkazan...etc both in lore and in personality.

Annie is not a demon summoner.. but a powerful mage-child.
My thinking was that Warwick and Duin were both once wicked men, cursed by a higher power (Aeron / Soraka's connection with the cosmos) to take the form of a half-wolf.

Gangplank carved out a small empire for himself by more or less uniting Bilgewater; in the FFH scenarios Falamar was less of a mere pirate and more of a high commander in charge of a vast navy (at least by the end). They're both "Pirate Kings", albeit with slightly different personality traits.

I'm not all that familiar with the Assassin's Creed setting, but Talon and Alkazan are both ruthless and amoral killers who serve scheming, manipulative and power-hungry masters (Lord Du Couteau / Faeryl Viconia) in their complex political games.

Annie and Keelyn are both children of a pair of powerful, morally ambiguous magic-users. They both hurt people while maintaining a girlish innocence and remain largely oblivious to the pain they cause. Annie keeps a magically subdued dire hellbear as a stuffed pet; Keelyn keeps a pink bow tied around the horns of Chuckles the Balor.

By the way, the Illians are far-and-away my favorite civ as well, and I always make a point to go top with Volibear or jungle with Sejuani.
Reading this discussion has made me painfully aware of the fact that I have a pretty limited knowledge of FfH lore, despite how much I love it. But Aurelazza, you are making some killer comparisons. I wasn't really thinking about any of the comparisons, the silly scenario that was going through my mind was "What if Runeterra is just the FfH universe rebuild after another destructive age?"

Pretty dumb, but that's where I got the idea of Lissandra serving disciples of Mulcarn.

Note: Mulcarn would have made an awesome champion. So would a lot of other characters from FfH lore.
Haha, thanks :)

Mulcarn is a deity, though, and has no business competing in the League. His long-range AoE nukes would kill your entire team before you could even make it past your Nexus. Then he'd use the "Send Soul to Agares' Vault" ability to steal all the skins you've bought with real-life money, delete your account, then burn out your computer's hard drive for good measure :D

Mulcarn would most definitely NOT make a good LoL champion, but I agree with you that many other FFH characters would. Which other FFH characters would you like to see as champs, and how would their LoL abilities reflect their FFH "feel"?

For example, imagine if Lucian were to start the game at level 3, with 700 or so gold to spend. However, killing minions gives him less gold and experience than any other champion. He'd be forced to play extremely aggressively to get kills early on or else fall off hard in the late-game, just like the Doviello civ. His ultimate ability would have something to do with a pack of hungry wolves.
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