Let's Discuss France and America ... and Iraq and Vietnam and ...

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We owe a lot to Louis XVI, who the French people killed. The way I see it, we don't owe anything to the people who killed the guy who helped us.

Well Louis regretted helping the Americans in the end. This was always against his conscience anyway. He only did it because of his advisers.
The real point is, that whoever made the decisions, the nations still came to each others aid respectively.

This should therefore be a symbol of their unity, not a divisive issue for the plebs to use as sticks to beat each other over the head with 300+ / 70 + years later respectively.

Give people freedom of speech.... and look at how they waste it! ;)
America Rules! France Drools!

No, he felt lucky.

The pre-French even sacked Rome...but then the romans conquered them and turned them into the French...

^^That's what we call a gross oversimplification of history.
As an American, I love France. I like French people. I've met some rude French people, but I've met a whole lot of rude Americans as well. To the french, we got stuff like Ice Cream, the Statue of Liberty, they were early developers of the "moving pictures" as well. They were our first allies, and infact, they were the first nation to emulate the USA, and overthrow their Monarchical oppressors. And while it may irk some French, with me saying this, I think our cultures have a lot in common.
America Rules! France Drools!

That's just ignorant. The Wikipedia entry looks like a troll entry to me. Here are a few French victories: Poitiers 732 (against the Saracens), Detmold 783 (against the Saxons), Hase 783 (against the Saxons), Hastings 1066, Bouvines 1214 (against Germany, Flanders and England), Benevento 1266 (against Manfred of Naples, the bastard son of the HRE ruler Frederick II), Orléans 1429 (against the English), Châtillon 1453 (against the English), Nancy 1477 (against Burgundy), Ravenna 1512 (against Spain), Marignano (against the Swiss, the most feared warriors in Europe at the time), Calais 1558 (against the English), Rocroi 1643 (against Spain), Beachy Head 1690 (against England and the Netherlands), Neerwinden 1693 (against the Netherlands), Fontenoy 1745 (against Britain), Valmy 1792 (against the First Coalition), Jermappes 1792 (against Austria), Toulon 1793 (against Britain and French emigrants), Fleurus 1794 (against the Coalition), Arcole 1796 (against Austria), Marengo 1800 (against Austria), Ulm 1805 (against Austria), Austerlitz 1805 (against Russia and Austria), Jena 1806 (against Prussia), Auerstädt 1806 (against Prussia), Eylau 1807 (against Russia), Wagram 1809 (against Austria), La Coruna 1809 (against Britain), Borodino 1812 (against Russia), Ligny 1815 (against the Prussians), Magenta 1859 (against Austria), Solferino 1859 (against Austria), Inkerman 1854 (against Russia), Sebastopol 1844 (against Russia), Fuzhou 1884 (against the Chinese), Marne 1914 (against Germany), Bir Hakeim 1942 (against the Afrika Korps). This list is of course very incomplete; among other things, I have omitted many of the minor victories during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, as well as most of the victories in France's colonial wars.
Were all going to be under bad leadership at one point or another. I don't see how it benefits anybody to insult a people considered friends.

I always hear people bashing the French/U.S. and vise versa.....

I personally like the French.

When I was in the Army(U.S.) I got the oportunity to train with some French soldiers and they were very cool. Very much like U.S. soldiers. They were very professional and trained hard. We got along great and had a good time. I also visited France and the people were very nice to my family and I.

I will always base my opinion of the French from the soldiers I trained with.

I think it's a bad idea to form an opinion of a people from the kiddies who like to throw insults at each other over the internet.

OK I'm off to play some civ.

Dutchking is referring to that joke mod thread

That entire thread was a JOKE, and had nothing to do with Poland, it was SPAM. Where did that come from?

Calm down man! :D I don't know why you took so much umbrage against it, it was just for fun, it was loosely on the topic of the forum (more so than many threads here)... and it was funny for those involved. You don't need to read it if you don't like it! :goodjob:
Actually thats what use to come up when you typed in french military victories, it stopped a couple months ago. Now when you type it in you get a bunch of links to joke websites and links to the old photo lol

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Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
Actually thats what use to come up when you typed in french military victories, it stopped a couple months ago. Now when you type it in you get a bunch of links to joke websites and links to the old photo lol
Moderator Action: Deleted

Some jokes(or quotes) are really funny, others not really! But where did you get it from? :crazyeye:

I am sure there is thousands of jokes about US in Iraq as well!

EDIT: I finished read all now and I gotta say that while some jokes are funny, others can come to the height of offensiveness.
they were the first nation to emulate the USA, and overthrow their Monarchical oppressors.

Booting out the monarchy was ancient before America was a twinkle in the eye of history- the Romans kicked out their king in 509BC. True, they reverted back with their Emperors over 500 years later, but America hasn't been a republic for 500 years yet... :p Who knows how it'll end up?
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