Guess the map 16: No need for that latitude!

I have to give that. Absorbsion of CO2 by forests. Green is existing forest, brown is forest regrowth, the columns are decdes.

The enduring world forest carbon sink

I give my win to @amadeus

So longer columns are better especially if they are recent. Australia needs plant more trees and do something about its big desert!

China showing progress; Brazil, not so much.
Is the scale a direction, such that you can say the two beige's are between red and blue, or are they all different?

Are the two different grey's meaningful?
Is it about economics or culture?
Is the scale a direction, such that you can say the two beige's are between red and blue, or are they all different?
It is a scale.

Are the two different grey's meaningful?
No. I didn’t even notice, but those countries are not covered by this map—now not to be misleading, a map could be made for any geographic area and is thus not exclusive to what is shown.

Is it about economics or culture?
Is blue better than red or worse?
Good to know that Malta is free of this scourge!
Good to know that Malta is free of this scourge!
You can thank Joe Don Baker in Final Justice for that one!


(This has nothing to do with the map. The movie takes place in Malta, though I guess it was actually shot in Italy. I just love the poster.)
Disease or health related?
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