[LH] Menes of Egypt

The Navy Seal

Aug 4, 2006
North Carolina
Here's my depiction of Menes The first Pharaoh of Egypt. Here's a little background about him:

Lived: in the 29th Century BC

Menes of Egypt is known for uniting the Upper and Lower tribes that inhabited the Egyptian area by creating the first centralized Monarchy. Menes built the city of Memphis which became the first Egyptian capital. Although little is known about Menes of Egypt, he definitely left his mark in history by founding an Empire that has withstood the test of time.

Screenshot at download page

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Don't forget to give me a rating! :king:
That's really nice! Even though it appears to be a reskin, it looks very original!
Awesome. Now we can add that to Hatshepsut, Ramses II, Amenhotep III, Cleopatra, Nefertiti, and Akhenaten ;)

Egypt is really getting crowded! Excellent quality.
It's not bad, but having the pyramids in the background is kind of anachronistic (Menes/Narmer lived about 5-6 centuries before the age of the pyramids ;) )
Not bad :goodjob: A little light skin for a Pharaoh before the Romans ruled, don't you think? Like, alot? :p

Keep up the good work.
It's not bad, but having the pyramids in the background is kind of anachronistic (Menes/Narmer lived about 5-6 centuries before the age of the pyramids ;) )

Also, there are suggestions there might have been a pharaoh named Aha who united Lower and Upper Egypt. This being said: great LH! :goodjob: (You have been busy lately!)
Interesting concept and implementation. The Darius hat with the snake is an especially original idea. I think the appearance would be much improved by matching some of the colors, however. What I mean is that currently, the robe, the collar, the sash, and the hat seem to have nothing in common. If some cohesion was created between them, I think the final product would be far more striking.
I'm hoping to make another version with maybe a background as the Nile River with boats on it, and change some of the texture cause like you said the snake looks bronze but the hat it self it gold so I gotta get the dds fixed so they are both golden.
I think I'll use this as my first try to add a leader! Could you please lend a hand by telling me what art definition paths you used?
I'm hoping to make another version with maybe a background as the Nile River with boats on it, and change some of the texture cause like you said the snake looks bronze but the hat it self it gold so I gotta get the dds fixed so they are both golden.

I think that would be excellent; I'd be looking to use this leaderhead with those changes as Khamudi of the Hyksos.
Very colorful!
in case anyone was wondering, the pyramid in the background is the civ III pyramid wondersplash. I can tell.
good job tho. I can take menes off of my leaderhead wishlist! :woohoo:
I could still use some help installing it.
Come to think of it, I might not have to do anything, save for listing him as a leader for Egypt. I'll try that.
Does this have a button, if I may ask? None of the .dds files I've tried worked as a proper button.
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